10 sınıf ingilizce ders kitabı cevapları

Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Yes, I have. Who was he?

Use the expressions in the box. Pleased to meet you. What do you do? What about you? Jennifer 2 Pleased to meet you , Tom. Tom Nice to meet you, too, Jennifer.

10 sınıf ingilizce ders kitabı cevapları

Buradaki 8. Match the natural disasters with the photos. Write the correct numbers in the boxes. Then listen and check. Give your explanation about the disasters using the phrases below. Photo number 2 shows a volcanic eruption because I can see lava falling down the mountain Photo number 3 shows a tornado because I can see strong wind going round in the circle. Photo number 4 shows an avalanche because I can see snow falling down a mountain. Photo number 5 shows a tsunami because I can see a huge wave hitting the city Photo number 6 shows a flood because I can see cars under the water. Photo number 7 shows an earthquake because I can see collapsed buildings and search and rescue teams. Photo number 8 shows landslide because I can see earth on mountain road Photo number 9 shows a forest fire because I can see burning pine trees across the hill. What other disasters do you know? How can we save the Earth and people from natural disasters? Choose a disaster and make some suggestions about saving the Earth and people, as in the example. Why do we have so many deaths, injuries or physical damage in earthquakes? Talk about your ideas with your friends.

He finishes working at 5. He chats with his colleagues before starting to work.


Discussion Time 1. What kind of stories do you like? What qualities make a good mystery story? Read the story and put the following sentences into the suitable blanks. When I woke up, the moon had moved behind a cloud and it was very dark and cold. There was a large full moon in the sky and everything was quiet. Last night I was walking home next to the River Thames when something strange happened to me. I needed some time to relax and get some peace of mind. I thought it would be a good idea to stop by the riverside and look at the moon for a while. So, I sat on a bench and looked up at the big yellow moon.

10 sınıf ingilizce ders kitabı cevapları

Building hospitals was seen as an act of charity in this society. Also, they used to build foundations for charity. Therefore, they enjoyed using their economic power to help the poor, the sick and other people in need. İn the early days, only boys went to school.

Flores mano alzada paso a paso

Alfred I am a pilot. Her house is in Canyon. There are some possible problems of the Planet Earth in the future in the box. Picture 1. Are their school day routines different from yours? What about you? Listen and read the brochure. He chats with his patients before starting to work. Biology Muslims in different countries celebrate the two Eids. The teams with the most points wins.

Robin Hood was the hero of the , people because he fought injustice and helped the poor. But, the sheriff was feared by people as he was a cruel man.

My father works work in a bank. Sue Hello. Watch the video. Listen and answer the questions. Clerk OK. Underline the correct alternative. Use the words below to tell the order of the instructions. Literature 3. Do you like watching cookery shows? Then butter is melted in very large pots. Who was he? Photo number 2 shows a volcanic eruption because I can see lava falling down the mountain Photo number 3 shows a tornado because I can see strong wind going round in the circle.

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