1940s bob haircut

1940s bob haircut

Author: admin September 29, Cosmetology School. The Bob. A symbol of the independent, progressive and spirited woman.

There are hairstyles that come and go like the mullet. From its rebellious beginnings to its transformation as a universally flattering cut, this is the year timeline of the bob haircut. The '20s was the birth of the bob and a time of burgeoning female independence. Think Katharine Hepburn. The s saw the creation of the bombshell , and the bob was the piece de resistance of the look. Visually, this meant Vidal Sassoon's famously angular, unfussy bobs that were easy to style at home. The common factors of them all?

1940s bob haircut

The autumn-winter season celebrates the bob cuts. Diversified to no end with varying effects and colours, short cuts can be worn differently depending on your taste. On the catwalk this season, two trends emerged in particular: curls and bob cuts inspired by the s. A good excuse to put these two trends head-to-head. The 40s bob cut. They cut their hair and wear glamourous make-up. Their translucent skin stands out perfectly in contrast with ebony dark hair. A cut that subtly represents a bold emancipation. To accomplish this rather innovative and deconstructed cut, make an appointment at one of our salons. The fringe is short and so are the lengths of the cut. Let your hair dry naturally after washing in order to obtain a disheveled look. The curly bob. The search for volume is the reason behind the bob, but this is not always the case. The curls bring glamour and style to bobs that lack it.

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The victory bob was touted to women as the ideal WWII hairstyle in the early s. Along with other V mode hairstyles, the victory bob was functional for war service work and these small symbols of solidarity at home instilled pride and hope that WWII would end and families could be together again. It was very important to keep up the morale of both the troops fighting in the war, their families at home, and everyone who was sacrificing for the war effort. For this reason, governments and the media used propaganda words to boost spirits including the very popular word Victory. Advertising repeated many other words that the media used in news stories to describe what was happening in the war.

Credit for the first appearance of the bob goes to dancer and nickelodeon film star Irene Castle in She cut her long hair because she was going into major surgery and wanted something easy to take care of while she was in recovery. But little did she know she would start such a popular hair trend. But it was the perfect timing for societal norms to get a good kick in the pants. The late s were a major turning point for female empowerment. You would not expect a simple hairstyle to be a polarizing subject… What am I saying!? In the late s and s, people had very strong opinions about women chopping their hair short.

1940s bob haircut

The victory bob was touted to women as the ideal WWII hairstyle in the early s. Along with other V mode hairstyles, the victory bob was functional for war service work and these small symbols of solidarity at home instilled pride and hope that WWII would end and families could be together again. It was very important to keep up the morale of both the troops fighting in the war, their families at home, and everyone who was sacrificing for the war effort. For this reason, governments and the media used propaganda words to boost spirits including the very popular word Victory. Advertising repeated many other words that the media used in news stories to describe what was happening in the war. A blitz of this product will do the trick… Use this in defense from this household problem… or maybe you have a saboteur in your garden soil. In the below hairstyle, the stylist arranged 3 short curls and 1 long one to symbolize the morse code for V. The stand-up waves at either side of the part emphasize the V formation.

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It was very important to keep up the morale of both the troops fighting in the war, their families at home, and everyone who was sacrificing for the war effort. Eventually, the bob just became another hairstyle of choice coming come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Exclusive tips and tutorials Related posts. Young women took an interest in the future and wanted to distance themselves from the stuffy, austure views of their parents. Pixie cuts were cut close to the head, was various lengths and choppy, bringing out the angles of the face. Hairstyle Crimps for a retro hairstyle In the past few seasons, retro hairstyles have rediscovered their elegance in the form of some chic and sensual shapes. American Hairdresser magazine, November Everyone from Whitney Houston to Courtney Love and even Emo Phillips expresses personal style through the bob haircut. Housewives would wear their hair in a structured bob that sits on their head with gallons of hairspray.

There are many options for you if you want to style a vintage bang… or a bang style that goes with your vintage look.

Instead, a more feminine and sophisticated version emerged. The stand-up waves at either side of the part emphasize the V formation. This article inspired you? This style was the five point bob cut. As an Etsy and Amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you for stopping by! To accomplish this rather innovative and deconstructed cut, make an appointment at one of our salons. The result? It was a common name for a haircut that was about shoulder length when trimmed and then curled so the hair appeared short and smart for wartime factory work or uniform required military or volunteer positions. Wartime work for women was filthy. The 40s bob cut.

2 thoughts on “1940s bob haircut

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