1960 playboy magazine covers

1960 playboy magazine covers

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1960 playboy magazine covers


John Lindsay. Connie Cooper. Heather Hewitt.


By , the magazine had gold-plated contributors like Vladimir Nabokov, James Baldwin and Ray Bradbury; a booming circulation of 4 million; and, to a remarkable degree, mainstream acceptance. A decade later, when contributing editor Edwin G. Warner checked in with Hefner, Playboy Enterprises was a full-on publishing force:. Even despite that power, the idea that a mainstream publication—compared to Playboy at least—saw fit to put Hefner on the cover was surprisingly affecting, at least to one person: Hefner himself. Decades later, he recalls that the story meant something on a personal level. Playboy really took off like a rocket. The TIME story, which clocks in at nearly 5, words, is delightful.

1960 playboy magazine covers

The premier issue of Playboy. The first time Playboy featured a bikini on its cover, the swimsuit was more the star than the model was. The composition was surprisingly artful and made expert use of tanlines. Donna Michelle, the Playmate of the Year, contorts herself into the Playboy bunny logo.

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Jayne Mansfield. Roberta Lane. Awards and Honors Playboy Playmate of the Year. Carol Eden. Terre Tucker. Angela Dorian. Sally Duberson. Ann Davis. More lists from Dark Warrior. Lannie Balcom. Shay Knuth. Playboy: Playmate Pajama Party Playboy Magazine March by Playboy 1 copy.

The following is a list of Playboy Playmates of Playboy magazine names its Playmate of the Month each month throughout the year. Stella Stevens born Estelle Caro Eggleston ; October 1, — February 17, [1] was an American film, television and stage actress, who began her acting career in

Gillian Tanner. Jean Genet. Karla Conway. Miles Davis. Michelangelo Antonioni. Roberta Lane. Federico Fellini. Sheralee Conners. Anita Ekberg. Sharon Kristie. Shay Knuth. Paul Getty. Nancy Nielsen. Janet Pilgrim.

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