1972 plymouth satellite 4 door

1972 plymouth satellite 4 door

Search automobile-catalog:. About the author Pawel Zal Home. New Additions.

Most enthusiasts dream about the day they open a barn or garage door to find a low-mileage classic lurking in the gloom. That is the story behind this Plymouth Satellite Sebring that recently emerged after twenty years in storage. It presents as impressively as you might expect from a vehicle with a mere 39, original miles on the clock and is set to be driven off into the sunset by a new owner. This gem is listed here on Facebook in Levittown, New York. It had spent around two decades in storage, limiting its exposure to weather extremes and harmful UV rays. The storage environment must have been almost ideal because the Gold paint shines beautifully, with no evidence of patchiness. It coats laser straight panels, but the lack of corrosion across every aspect of the classic suggests it is a rust-free survivor.

1972 plymouth satellite 4 door

When you find a great car, the question to consider is, how do I present this? Sure, I could tie it to some goofy or bizarre story line—and every one that involves my family is quite accurate— but it may not be the right vehicle. Do I want to wax eloquent, or tear it to shreds? Then there is this Satellite. At first, it truly excited me, but then I started to over analyze it. Taking a long drive after finding a car can do that. Still, I kept thinking about this Satellite, and its qualities and demerits. To borrow from Sergio Leone, this nearly immaculate, baby-blue Satellite is at once good, bad, and ugly. The Good: There is actually quite a bit of good in this particular Satellite. The road to finding this Satellite was a circuitous one. Road construction necessitated a detour, and thus did the car gods guide me to this 34,mile Satellite. Plymouth restyled the Satellite for , and the new two-door and four-door Satellites were rather dissimilar in appearance, and rode different wheelbases. Sales of the inch wheelbase, four-door Satellite, including both base and upscale Custom models, increased to 47, in Exterior styling is a highly subjective matter, but to my eye the Satellite is the most attractive of the three.

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Automotive oddballs have a certain charm. We're not talking about a Otto or a one of one McSmitherson built from some guy's rusty farm equipment. We're referring to non two-door cruisers that a significant portion of the buying public walks past with little regard: four-door sedans and broughams and their variants in name only--such as Super Custom Luxury sedan. The kind of car that conjures visions of two bellbottom-clad kids in the back seat and a whole lot of polyester apparel up front. Some odd years later, the family man wants his pre-family fun car once again--it makes perfectly good sense--allowing asking prices for several four-door anythings from the Seventies to hover above scrap metal value for well-kept examples. Anyone who lived through this period of automotive history can tell you that the decade was a bastion for brown, and this four-door wore it all over, even the interior.

Search automobile-catalog:. About the author Pawel Zal Home. New Additions. About Us. Detailed Search Interface on the Home Page. All Makes in automobile-catalog. The most efficient way to navigate through our huge database and compare cars side by side is the interface located on the. Car Specs Homepage.

1972 plymouth satellite 4 door

Search automobile-catalog:. About the author Pawel Zal Home. New Additions. About Us. Detailed Search Interface on the Home Page. All Makes in automobile-catalog. The most efficient way to navigate through our huge database and compare cars side by side is the interface located on the. Car Specs Homepage. Quick access to automobile-catalog website - type in a browser: a-c. Search automobile-catalog: this database is huge, use the search field below to find here data you are looking for:.

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Like all B body Chryslers you will have fun stunt driving with the happy rear end, and it is light enough — with a small block 3, or so. So tell me again whats not to love about that Satellite? Body style:. Note that the Dodge Coronet sedan sold better than its Satellite sister. Visit us on Facebook! I think many are being unnecessarily harsh on the Satellite. The problem with these was that they seemed so cheap. Comments Cattoo Member. All Makes in automobile-catalog. Chrysler Australia. I must own this! The one they had was a bright red with a black vinyl top and interior.

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But is my apprehension about this Plymouth similar to what people tend to feel about things unfamiliar, like public speaking? You only have to look at the Australian Chrysler Valiant VH model to see what it probably would have looked like, similar to this but with a sleeker front and more curve to the line over the rear wheel. Dodge Brazil. Very functional and hidden in plain sight. Search automobile-catalog: this database is huge, use the search field below to find here data you are looking for:. The Satellite was obviously…what? Also the trans was maintain. Disclosure: This site may receive compensation when you click on some links and make purchases. Look at that inner door panel. You stated nice car, but picked it apart from front to back, top to bottom. I bought it to drive it—not daily, but frequently.

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