2.6 clash royale

2.6 clash royale

You will have to figure out your playstyle for yourself, but in this article I will try to line out some of the general tips and tricks as well as some input from professional players! Individually, none of the cards is strong, 2.6 clash royale, but together, you can win many matchups with ease once you have mastered it. To put it simply, this is 2.6 clash royale chip deck, where you defend as much as possible while playing hog riders with minimal support for damage.

Musketeer: This is another vital card in this deck. Costing only 4 elixirs, able to hit air and ground, this card is your main support and defense. At tourney standards, Musketeer deals damage and has hit points. Meaning it can 1 shot Goblins and Spear Goblins of the same level. Remember me mentioning hit points?

2.6 clash royale

In todays latest hog cycle deck LucasXGamer is back bringing us some insane gameplay of him using this deck on high ladder. For example with only 5 cards cycled at max level you can do damage which could be important in sudden death. Ice golem is a good glass tank that can kite units away or act as a meat shield for your hog or musketeer. His frost nova can slow units down helping aid your defence too. Skeletons are great for stopping charging units like prince or bandit. This card is your main win condition. Use him to apply pressure when your opponent plays their win condition. He can also be played behind units on a counter push of even in the opposite lane to force them to split their elixir. You can play him at the bridge to kite units away from your towers, for example if a pekka is closing in on your tower he can kite it away. Later game you can use your spells to help support him especially if you know what units they have in cycle you can make prediction spell placements. Canon is a key defensive tool on this deck to help you defeat many archetypes in the game.

Ice golem is a good glass tank that can kite units away or act as a meat shield for your hog or musketeer.


Average elixir 2. This is one of the most timeless decks and can be played against most decks! It does require some level of skill and also figuring out what cards your opponent has in hand. It has great defensive capabilities with the ice golem pulling their troops away. This is your main win condition, bait out your opponents counter cards for the hog rider and watch him cause havoc on their towers!

2.6 clash royale

If your up against Lava Loon then cycling musketeers will be key to the victory while also pressuring the opposite lane. Canon can be use to pull cards like giant, golem and loom to allow you extra time to shut down their push. Go check out my video where Hazard is pushing live on ladder and we talk about the decisions he makes while pushing high on ladder with this deck. This guy is great and extremely versatile, he is primarily a tank tank but you can use him to slow down minion hordes or to tank for your hog in a push. You need to know when to play him to get the most value possible. This is your big spell in this deck. Try to always get chip damage when possible on the opponents towers with this card. Early game you want to figure out what your opponent is playing and try to keep track of their cycle.

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As the game progresses, do some slightly larger pushes 9 elixirs and see if you can finish a tower or 2. His frost nova can slow units down helping aid your defence too. Is it the classic with inferno tower and knight or is it one of the newer variations running rascals and prince? Note that the timing and placement is critical for each of these interactions to work out. Contact me once you have more than 5 articles posted! Pressure, pressure, pressure with hogs. Still, try not to let them build up, keeping their pushes split almost always results in a win. If they do run lightning, you have to space out your troops and be very cautious when it comes to stacking musketeers on defense. In order of prioritization, you need to protect your Musketeer and your Cannon and in some cases, your Skeletons. Hope you never lose. Generally used against big tanks placed at the bridge that have lightning, or royal hogs that has earthquake. If you still have the elixir advantage immediately start a medium to large push spend elixir and then wait.

You will have to figure out your playstyle for yourself, but in this article I will try to line out some of the general tips and tricks as well as some input from professional players! Individually, none of the cards is strong, but together, you can win many matchups with ease once you have mastered it.

Use him to apply pressure when your opponent plays their win condition. When thinking back to what went wrong, you try to come up with a better defensive strategy, better card placements and better timing, but the mistake happened way earlier, when you allowed them to build up all these units in the first place. Pekka: I added this since Pekka is problematic at first. So be wary of those medium-large pushes if you lost the advantage. Remember me mentioning hit points? A cheap and all around great defensive building. Due to the fast cycle, you should keep in mind not only the tower damage of one round of spells, but two. This skill mostly applies to defense but there are some situations where you can use this on offense to your advantage. He can also be played behind units on a counter push of even in the opposite lane to force them to split their elixir. If they rush at the bridge you ideally want to shut their push down for a positive elixir trading, meanwhile not allowing them to deal more damage than you did.

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