A very madden 08 christmas

Scott's love for Madden 08 can be lethal, especially during the holidays. Scott Wozniak : So is this like a convention, or a cult or meeting? Terry Lesler : Alright, so we got a little bit of column A, little bit of column three, and a whole lot in the cult column.

Scott Wozniak : So is this like a convention, or a cult or meeting? Terry Lesler : Alright, so we got a little bit of column A, little bit of column three, and a whole lot in the cult column. You see, this time of year there sure is a lot of dairy in the air, so we really just got to come together this Christmas season. Jeb Jab : It's hell. Terry Lesler : Want to join the resistance? Scott Wozniak : Well, anything to beef up my resumes Cult section! Scott Wozniak : [Jeb Jab walks over to Scott Wozniak while drinking vegan coffee, and pulls down the zipper on his shirt, revealing he had a bottle of milk taped to his chest, and the vegans are now outraged] Listen, I just don't wanna walk outta the house without this thing and constantly ask myself "what if?

A very madden 08 christmas

It is also the 9th Game-Specific Episode. Scott's love for Madden 08 can be lethal, especially during the holidays. Thank you all for an amazing ! The video begins with Scott mentioning his disdain for the National Calendar Society, noting how months should be considered opinions, not statements. Scott then introduces a new month he made up called Bluth , out of a desire to have more holidays that eventually lead up to Christmas. Bluth has a total of 17 new holidays from December 1st through 17th, with the last 6 days before Christmas Eve being solely dedicated to empathy. Scott decides to kill time until Christmas by reading some mail, and the first letter he opens is an invitation to an event known as " V. Scott, presumably thinking it's an event related to video games, gets excited. After the intro sequence, the video cuts to Scott finding the house belonging to the V. Lesler introduces himself and Jab, and informs Scott about the Vegans Anonymous Gathering, with Scott's hand conveniently covering the full name of the gathering on the letter.

Terry Lesler: Alright, so we got a little bit of column A, little bit of column three, and a whole lot in the cult column. Scott Wozniak: Huh, really should have put a notice on the box before I bought the console.


Scott's love for Madden 08 can be lethal, especially during the holidays. Scott Wozniak : So is this like a convention, or a cult or meeting? Terry Lesler : Alright, so we got a little bit of column A, little bit of column three, and a whole lot in the cult column. You see, this time of year there sure is a lot of dairy in the air, so we really just got to come together this Christmas season. Jeb Jab : It's hell. Terry Lesler : Want to join the resistance?

A very madden 08 christmas

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Shared with you. It's just a phase however, don't worry. I'll be able to understand the differences between each version of Madden 08, and what makes it better than all Maddens in no time. But to aid me in my recovery, I've always feared this would happen, so I have my "Just in case Madden 08 loses its edge" emergency bag on standby.

No 7 intense advanced serum

Not as fully featured as its Xbox counterpart, but if you can smell competency right now, surely you're getting a whiff of Madden 08 on the GameCube. The Madden series was based off of the hit book, later adapted into a head coach and finally turned into video game franchise extraordinaire. Jeb Jab : Holy shit. Scott Wozniak : Well, anything to beef up my resumes Cult section! Scott Wozniak: Woah! The price of Madden 18 has dropped tenfold. We can feel every Madden, every 08, this is truly a milestone. Cancel Save. Welcome to the third annual Vegan's Anonymous meeting. Scott Wozniak Lesler points out how Madden NFL 09 should be considered the sequel to Madden 08, but Scott disregards him, as he is not fond of Madden We play as the titular character Madden 08 on his trek to get from here

Starring a virgin who talks about stupid Nintendo games! Scott The Woz real name: Scott Daniel Wozniak is a YouTube personality who primarily makes content focused on, in his own words, "stupid Nintendo games". Scott's videos vary between comedy skits, straight game reviews, and retrospectives on video game-related topics that are usually under-discussed in the industry.

Terry Lesler : Sure as hell's a lot of pigskin for this to be vegan. Scott Wozniak: It sure is. Scott apologizes to Lesler and Jeb for his actions and acknowledges that it's ok for people to like Madden games outside of Madden Scott decides to kill time until Christmas by reading some mail, and the first letter he opens is an invitation to an event known as " V. Jeb Jab : Way too smooth, not for me at all. Scott Wozniak: Huh, really should have put a notice on the box before I bought the console. Welcome to the Third annual Vegans Anonymous Gathering meeting! Top cast Edit. Scott Wozniak : Hey all, Scott here! And do I ever have a beef with the National Calendar Society, months are opinions, not statements, so welcome to the month of Bluth! Edit page. Doesn't make it any less magical, there's so much room for creativity tucked in this game. Scott Wozniak : So is this like a convention, or a cult or meeting?

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