Aatrox combos

Deathbringer Aatrox combos cooldown is reduced by 3 seconds when Aatrox hits a Champion or large monster with an attack or ability. Enemies hit on the sweetspot will be knockd airborne for 0.

You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Probably our worst melee matchup. She has all the tools in her kit to avoid our damage and stat-checks us with autos.

Aatrox combos

Aatrox loves extended fights and thhe extra healing that Conqueror provides. Resolve secondary is perfect for the added durability. Todos los derechos reservados. PhoenixKola Actualizada Jan 11, Mira el canal de Twitch de phoenixkola. Aatrox the Darkin Blade. Items Starting Items. Full build. Win Conditions Try and play around your Passive and trade when its up. You can use your E to reposition your Q sweet spots. This includes using your E forwards, backwards and even left or right. Play safe at level 1, and then look to play aggressive from levels 2 to 6.

One of the best Secondary Runes to take is Bone Plating. Hexdrinker rush is a must in order to survive if he all-ins us with ult, aatrox combos.

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You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. To win against Irelia in the laning phase, you should focus on the following: Avoid fighting. Irelia when she has stacks of her passive as it gives her a significant amount of attack speed and bonus damage.

Aatrox combos

Our Season 11 Top Lane Aatrox guide features recommendations on rune choices, itemisation, tips and tricks, and more. Be advised that these guidelines are not rigid, and that nothing is set in stone as in-game circumstances i. Standard spell choice for top laners, opens room for Teleport ganks and the option to join teammates during team fights mid-split push. Aatrox is a melee duelist with a dangerous skill combo that he can use from relatively far.

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Feel free to rush Plated Steelcaps to negate his damage further and run him down. Aatrox has one of the best 1v1 ultimates in the game. Extreme Threats. Our champion can punish Jayce super hard for making small mistakes, but a good Jayce can send us home crying just as easily. You will outscale this guy, just be mindful not to disrespect him too much or else you'll get run over. Mid Game: Aatrox's strength lies in his skirmishing ability, allowing him to engage in fights and make picks. However, once this is down we can start trading even as early as level 2. This means that a short dash can also be used as an auto attack cancel, allowing your champion to hit twice in quick succession if done correctly. Join or Log In. He has poor mobility, and cancelling his Q charge up or even dodging it is super easy for us as long as we didn't waste our cooldowns poorly. He should prioritize pushing side lanes, providing vision, and assisting in taking objectives like towers and dragons.

Learn more about Aatrox's abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community! If you're looking for the best rune build for Aatrox we've got you covered.

Game Strategy Early Game: Aatrox needs to farm safely, utilizing his abilities to poke and harass his opponent, while warding to avoid ganks. Our level 1 is stronger than his if we land our Qs and he forces a trade. She has all the tools in her kit to avoid our damage and stat-checks us with autos. Akshan without his E is incredibly vulnerable in lane and is prone to solo kills or ganks by your jungler. I have played a ton of Aatrox, especially post rework, and I think he is one of the strongest top laners in the game. Did this guide help you? Be aware that a good Vayne will give us a run for our money and will not make the lane playable. If she goes Grasp the lane is much easier, but if she goes Conqueror the lane is more difficult. World Ender. Dodge his Qs by backing away from the outer radius or pressing E into him. Singed is annoying due to the fact that he can just flip you and run away from you if you try to initiate a trade. Comment Would you like to add a comment to your vote? Synergizes nicely with all of the healing we have in our kit! However, Nasus using E in-lane will force the minion wave to push towards you.

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