

Being one of the many clans that make up the Hidden Leaf Village, aburame, the Aburame Clan has been sidelined for most of the Naruto series, aburame, despite possessing a ninjutsu that is unlike aburame other. Even with the distinctive insect-based fighting style, the Aburame Clan has only been shown a handful of times throughout the aburame, with their unique powers being highly underutilized. Even though his plan to use the jutsu was foiled by Shino and Naruto, the destructive nature of the technique is clearly depicted. Moreover, the horrid nature of the technique further makes the jutsu quite aburame, as the prerequisite to using the technique is gathering a large number aburame corpses, aburame.

Shino Aburame is the leader of his clan and one of Konoha's 11 in Naruto. Like other members of the Aburame Clan, Shino was offered as a host to Konoha's parasitic insects in exchange for utilizing their bug-based jutsu. Shino's reserved nature and quiet disposition hide his battle prowess quite well. As one of Konoha's 11, Shino mastered many of his clan's most powerful techniques before becoming a Chunin. He's used his chakra-eating beetles to defeat enemies considered much stronger than him and boasts one of the deadliest jutsu repertoires of anyone in Konohagakure. It's the Aburame clan's tradition to offer up newborn children as a nest for special breeds of insects. In return, that child gains a symbiotic relationship which allows them to use the Parasitic Insect Jutsu against their enemies.


These insects will then live in symbiosis with their host from that point on. Because of this, its members are characterised by their use of insects as weapons. The clan members may also carry additional insects in jars or gourds with them on missions. The insects can leave and enter their host's body through various pores. They feed on chakra as a food source, making them quite deadly. The relationship between the shinobi and the insects is mutually beneficial. The host grants the insects shelter and allows them to feed off their chakra, their body becoming a living hive of tens of thousands of these insects, and in return the insects do the user's bidding, allowing the shinobi to perform ninjutsu-like techniques without the use of hand seals or chakra conversion. A major defining trait of the Aburame clan is that all of its known members' eyes are obscured usually by glasses, as well as they wear clothing that usually cover up most of their body. A female insect can be left on a target, which then can be tracked by smell by the male insect, or scout insects can be sent out and return to tell the host information about the area. For this reason, Aburame clan members are experts in espionage; they can communicate with the insects, and the insects specialise in stealth because they make no noise or motion during combat. In addition to utilising insects in battle, the Aburame clan also studies insects. In the anime, it was shown that they were rivals of the Kamizuru , a clan of bee users, until they defeated them in battle. To date, only Shikuro and Torune are known to possess it.

As tension grew between everyone over the recent event, aburame, an all-out brawl began. Shino used the Manipulated Shuriken Jutsu in order aburame keep several opponents distracted while his beetles latched onto them unseen. Part I:

Quiet, and at times off-putting to some, Shino puts his clan's insect-based techniques to use on Team Kurenai. In later years, Shino became an Academy teacher. Shino at one time grew up alongside Torune Aburame as his family took him in under guardianship after Torune's father, Shikuro Aburame , passed away. Despite their different views about friendship, Shino grew close to Torune, viewing him as an older brother. Torune even revealed to Shino his unique breed of microscopic insects. Knowing that he would probably never see Torune again but wanting to remain close to his brother-figure in some way, Shino harvested some of Torune's insects and spent years refining his bug breeding technique to produce new beetles that inherited traces of Torune's insects.

Tatsuma is regularly seen sporting the same style as the rest of his clan, consisting of dark sunglasses. His most distinguishing feature is the blue marking on his right cheek. He also wears the standard Konohagakure forehead protector on his forehead and a black hooded cloak. Tatsuma's skills in infiltration techniques were well reputed. He set a high standard for successive generations of Root. While his abilities were never displayed in the series, as a member of the Aburame clan it stands to reason that he uses insect-based ninjutsu as part of his fighting style. Narutopedia Explore. Series Info.


The Aburame clan Aburame Ichizoku; Literally meaning "Aburame family" is a clan characterized by their use of insects as weapons. They are most noticeable because most of the family members wear shades or sunglasses. At birth, the babies of that clan are given to the kikai, or Destruction Bugs. The kikai are the parasites and the body of the newborn is the host. However, it is symbiotic. They both benefit; the kikai get Chakra and the host body gets a powerful weapon and resource. The Aburame, like all the storied clans of the world, are a group of shinobi rich with history.

Hardheaded veterans

Meanwhile, the real Shino would strike his unwary opponents from the shadows to secure yet another victory for Konohagakure. Sign in to edit. Shino and his comrades who had reverted to their Version 1 states later aided Naruto is his attempt the extract the tailed beasts' chakra from within Obito in order to stop the tree form of the Ten-Tails from blooming. Unlike the Shino that Naruto and Sakura know, is a huge plant lover and hates bugs and tries to kill as many as possible. Team 8 encountered the White Zetsu clones but an explosion occurred and everyone had scattered. By the time they arrived however, Urashiki was already defeated. It's the Aburame clan's tradition to offer up newborn children as a nest for special breeds of insects. He is seen eating ramen with Kiba amongst Naruto's fan girls at Ichiraku. He was pleased that some of the students were talking about him, even in the context of confusing him with a ghost. A female insect can be left on a target, which then can be tracked by smell by the male insect, or scout insects can be sent out and return to tell the host information about the area. Its authenticity regularly bewildered Shino's attackers when they realized the clone wasn't him. During Part II, his appearance became even more mysterious, with his jacket hanging down to his knees and the addition of a hood that obstructs his face even more and a satchel on his back. Shino was then assigned to Team One in an effort to keep the enemies from stopping Team Three to seal the beast. Part I: It also has an incredible sense of smell, stronger than even that of a dog.

Quiet, and at times off-putting to some, Shino puts his clan's insect-based techniques to use on Team Kurenai. In later years, Shino became an Academy teacher.

In return, that child gains a symbiotic relationship which allows them to use the Parasitic Insect Jutsu against their enemies. In the anime, it was shown that they were rivals of the Kamizuru , a clan of bee users, until they defeated them in battle. Later, he went back to celebrate Naruto's victory over Pain with the other villagers. Narutopedia Explore. As he stood with his teammates, Shino noted that it appeared that they had been teleported. He, Kakashi and his teammates returned to the village while Team Yamato went to fulfil their new mission given by Katsuyu from the Fifth Hokage. Meanwhile, Sakura comes to rescue Naruto from the cell that Shikamaru put him in, then they leave the village to rescue Kakashi. This caused concern to the Hokage, deciding to start an investigation. Before joining clone-Naruto to help their allies, Shino thanks Torune for all his help. When confronting the students about it, after Boruto tried to get out of trouble with a longwinded story, Iruka had the three students repaint a classroom as punishment, which Shino oversaw.

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