accidental women porn game

Accidental women porn game

Sometimes I review games that are so painfully unique; I feel like I have to roll out a red carpet for them. Accidental Woman is one of those porn games that gets under your skin and stays there without having to use any actual nudity to rope you in, accidental women porn game. Now, you know that if I, Mr.

Accidental Woman v1. In the game, you take the role of a recently single and unemployed man who takes the offer of a longtime friend to move to the secluded town of Appletree. Due to an unfortunate accident, you find yourself completely transformed into a woman, and will have to deal with far more than just transitioning to small-town life! Exploring the institute involves happening upon a tentacle monster, a hot sex scene with some unique elements, cumflation, and an after scene that happens once the cumflation is done. Bug Fixes So many. This feature takes data and stores it on the HD instead of keeping it in memory when a tab goes inactive or browser loses focus.

Accidental women porn game

Developer: ThaumX Consider supporting the dev if you like the game and want them to do what they love. Click on dev's link for more info. Accidental Woman is an interactive fiction life sim game for adults. In the game, you take the role of a recently single and unemployed man who takes the offer of a longtime friend to move to the secluded town of Appletree. Due to an unfortunate accident, you find yourself completely transformed into a woman, and will have to deal with far more than just transitioning to small-town life! Exploring the institute involves happening upon a tentacle monster, a hot sex scene with some unique elements, cumflation, and an after scene that happens once the cumflation is done. Bug Fixes So many. The forum is open! The first signups will get an exclusive Founder badge and future perks. Sign Up now! Accidental Woman [Ongoing] - Version: 1. Release Date: 17 January, Game Size: Please co-operate with us by reporting dead links, bugs, wrong info, new games updates and any idea in comment section. Post your problem in our Discord server for faster response.

Usually from ejaculating in that general direction, or from getting cum on the pubic mound and having some run down into the vulva. Udders: accidental women porn game that the player has the structurally different breasts, used for milk capacity and tie-ins.

I have played a lot of erotic games. While there were many good games out there, none provided the kind of experience I was looking for. Most felt shallow or incomplete. Eventually, I realized that if I wanted a game of the quality I was looking for, I'd have to make it myself. AW is the result. An erotic fictional world to explore. Woven story with the story thread system.

I have played a lot of erotic games. While there were many good games out there, none provided the kind of experience I was looking for. Most felt shallow or incomplete. Eventually, I realized that if I wanted a game of the quality I was looking for, I'd have to make it myself. AW is the result. An erotic fictional world to explore. Woven story with the story thread system. Highly detailed non-player character generation. Rich life simulation without the repetitiveness of many recurring tasks. A relatively new town nestled in a small valley and surrounded by old-wood forests, Appletree is a planned community that was build to give employees of the Institute a place to live.

Accidental women porn game

Accidental Woman is still in development, but the main game is complete. Technically, Accidental Woman is a complete game where you can live a complete simulated life, work, fall in love, get married, have lots of sex and sexy encounters, and resolve the story of how your character became the Accidental Woman in a new city. Even though you can play a complete experience with over 3. We're in a continuing cycle of scope expansions, where we work to add major features voted on by our supporters. We've already added the ability to play a futanari character, with support throughout the game. Currently we're working on a unique complete-experience of living your character's life as a hucow, and we're adding a new optional card-based sex system. What comes next is up to you, but it could be a major transformation expansion. Thanks to the support of generous patrons, Accidental Woman keeps getting better and better!


Players will struggle with employment and managing their character's life from fashion and home decor to friendship and mental health. Just me Report Crash Free Porn Games. Capture of initial character data for genetic purposes at end of prolog. John Report. Causes a very large increase to ejaculation volume and refractory rate for 24 hours. IQ is a hidden stat, so cannot be seen directly. Bug Fixing. Lyndaria: Lust Adventure [v0. Mostly to help catch issues if they occur, and maybe track down Chrome memory saver issue. The information now includes which jobs are futa compatible. Popup contains low-spoiler information about the difference between the two stories and that they fit together as part of one whole. Effectiveness of birth control mirrors existing PC items like patch, pill, and implant.

See the AW website for more information about the game. If you can, support development on Patreon or SubscribeStar! This is the public Git repository for Accidental Woman.

The information now includes which jobs are futa compatible. Sponsored Ninja Maiden Nutaku. A lot of work on the sex act and orgasm libraries. Porn Clicker Games. Bug Fixes So many. Did you ever complete any computer degrees in college before you build that game? Sex system now removes any used condoms gross Condom break check is now fully implemented, preventing insemination if the condom survives, along with appropriate text. The story threads are composed of several elements that are randomly combined into unique stories. New nightly check to make sure all npcs in data are valid, deletes property if not. New drugs and transformatives for futas!

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