adhd song tik tok

Adhd song tik tok

Trendy apps, social media influencers and private clinics are contributing to a huge surge of ADHD in middle-aged women, an expert fears. World-renowned University College London psychiatrist Professor Joanna Moncrieff fears the mental disorder is being over diagnosed. As a result, thousands are needlessly getting adhd song tik tok drugs designed to calm them down, she said.

Growing up I had always had a nagging feeling that everyone else in the world was coping better than I was. I just felt like there were 10 TVs constantly switched on in my head, and with so much going on, all the small things would fall through the cracks. And that profile is scarily accurate sometimes. It genuinely knew me better than I knew myself. So, like the dystopian capitalism machine it is, the app showed me more and more of these videos desperate to keep me on the app and extract every possible advertising cent my eyeballs could buy. But, as a side effect, all of a sudden I was seeing ADHD content made by women and for women, for the very first time. It was like someone putting everything that always felt weird in my brain into words.

Adhd song tik tok


A damning BBC investigation earlier this year found patients could adhd song tik tok diagnosed with ADHD and offered powerful drugs through unreliable video call assessments with private clinics. One seen by this website, a TikTok account run by American Katie Sue who says she was diagnosed with ADHD at 29, lists signs of the condition as including 'mystery bruises', 'coming across as a flirt', 'having low esteem' or 'forgetting about food until it goes bad'.


Creators who've taken the hashtag to more than 20 billion views say they've helped to spread awareness and normalise the condition. But some worry that the flood of content on our feeds and For You pages is also perpetuating stereotypes and encouraging potentially inaccurate self-diagnosis. ADHD, or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a complex condition thought to start in childhood that can affect people in different ways. These can include things like trouble concentrating, constant fidgeting and excessive talking. To formally diagnose ADHD, a specialist will assess you against a strict checklist of symptoms and the length of time you've had them. So having one or two traits doesn't necessarily mean you have it. But many content creators use their platform to share their experiences, and believe they're helping others by doing so. Humz, 24, from Manchester, says he started his TikTok channel because he "wanted to educate people on ADHD because it usually goes undiagnosed, especially in girls". Humz now shares self-care advice which he feels works for him, such as meditation, visualisation, and cold water therapy with his , followers.

Adhd song tik tok

When she released her drawing into the Twittersphere in December , she figured that few people would see it. Just over a year later, she quit her corporate graphic design job to make ADHD comics full-time. ADHD, or attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, is having a moment. Most of the creators are twenty- and thirtysomethings who identify as having the executive function disorder, whose symptoms commonly include difficulties in concentrating and regulating emotions. Some are practicing clinicians who use their platforms to correct misconceptions and discourage self-diagnosis. Altogether, they post to ever-expanding audiences. The trend nods at a surge in adult ADHD diagnoses more than a decade in the making. The steady climb of juvenile ADHD was already a source of concern and eye-rolls.

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ADHD apps like this example, Effecto, could be driving people to seek drugs for their potential condition, experts warn. It usually makes patients restless and causes them trouble concentrating and act on impulse. I did the right thing. The year-old, who shot to fame on The Royle Family as Antony 's girlfriend Emma, told Vogue that it has helped her 'make sense of a lot of things' in her life and better understand her 'brain's background noise'. Some accounts on the platform, with thousands of followers and millions of views, list common problems such as 'not wanting to do dishes', 'procrastinating' or being 'messy' as potential ADHD signs. But one of the consequences was a number of these patients then sought out NHS care for their newly diagnosed condition. Source: NHS Choices. TikTok is committed to the mental health and wellbeing of its users. TV personality Katie Price has also discussed how her adult ADHD diagnosis explains why she has never felt there would be 'consequences' for her actions. Here's where the tradition comes from How a protein shake could fight the side effects of Ozempic and Wegovy Britain's baby bust laid bare: Fertility rate plunges to all-time low as expert warns 'slow-burn' crisis Privacy Policy Feedback. Effecto claims it allows users a 'revolutionary way' to manage their ADHD and doing so will 'improve focus, manage disorganization and create your ultimate routine'. She said private clinics, where people pay hundreds for an ADHD assessment, likely had a role.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to "how" ADHD sounds, but some TikTokers are really hitting the nail on the head and helping people who don't have ADHD understand a little better. And millions of others carry on getting misdiagnosed or never getting diagnosed at all.

I have a superbug infection that leaves me in pain every day and can't be cured - but the NHS won't take me Cancer-stricken woman, 68, has months to live after NHS doctors missed a 3cm tumour clearly visible on scan - and failed to check her properly for two years 'Everyday problems of being young' are now being branded 'mental health issues', critics claim: somethings are getting signed off with 'relationship breakdowns' - meaning Gen Z are now more likely to be 'too ill to work' than adults in their 40s DR MAX: This is why ultra-processed foods are addictive in the same way as cocaine Both my toenails fell off. Reuse this content. That algorithm has profoundly changed my life, undoubtedly for the better. Symptoms typically appear at an early age and become more noticeable as a child grows. Professor Moncrieff said apps like this can act as a potential 'gateway' for people seeking more formal, and medicalised, help for their supposed ADHD diagnosis. I did the right thing. From burnt toast, to sweeteners and mobile phones But Dr Shah warns that these habits cannot be used to diagnose ADHD and they may instead be a sign of another condition — or just a bad habit. Read more. ADHD drugs take the form of various stimulants which, like any medical intervention, carry risks of side effects that vary in intensity. World-renowned University College London psychiatrist Professor Joanna Moncrieff fears the mental disorder is being over diagnosed. In fact, she said it was her opinion ADHD in adults was very rare and clinical signs requiring treatment were when aspects like inattentiveness and impulsiveness were having a massive impact on a patient's life.

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