ailin perez nude

Ailin perez nude

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Stephanie Egger grabs impressive submission victory over Ailin Perez Sep 3, - Stephanie Egger uses a rear-naked choke to take home the win over Ailin Perez. BYU vs. Latest Clips See All. Anthony Edwards soars for massive poster dunk over Collins. Jalen Johnson leaps over Austin Reaves for electric dunk.

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When and why did you start training for fighting? I was 12 when I started combat sports. I started doing Kung Fu and Sanda. The reason I started martial arts was because I had multiple brothers who played Rugby, so I wanted to do a contact sport like them. What ranks and titles have you held? Do you have any heroes? My dad because he always took care of me when I needed him. He believed in me before anyone else ever did. What does it mean for you to fight in the UFC?

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