aj pritchard nude

Aj pritchard nude

I'M A Celebrity's new shower has been christened - by AJ Pritchard - and he got completely naked for it, stunning fans.

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Aj pritchard nude

Viewers were left collecting their jaws from the floor after ex-Strictly pro dancer AJ Pritchard went au-natural for his first shower on I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! We have more newsletters. I'm A Celebrity Ex-Strictly star AJ Pritchard became the first celebrity to use the new camp shower facing the blistering cold weather of North Wales. The Nantwich-born star, 26, was forced to endure the stained metal bath after opting to clean himself in front of millions of viewers. While I'm A Celeb has swapped Australia for North Wales, there is no getting away from showering in front of everybody as this year's bath has to be pumped by another campmate. AJ bravely flaunted his impressive gym-body as he went commando for a freezing soak, leaving viewers at home flustered by the scenes on their TV. ImACeleb," penned one shocked fan. While a second added: "AJ shower scenes in episode 1? I can tell I'm going to like this series ImACeleb. A fourth confessed: "I won't lie. Before entering the castle, AJ predicted that viewers will get to see his full personality that wasn't shown on Strictly Come Dancing. During a chat with Mirror Online and other publications, he said: "I think what is nice for me, I get to be myself.

Mirror Choice. He was accompanied by fellow contestant Shane Richie, who pumped the shower for the Strictly star. Tvcelebjoe said:.

Former Strictly Come Dancing professional AJ Pritchard decided to sleep naked after he enjoyed a hot roast lamb with some of his fellow campmates. AJ warmed up during the night but he appeared to have forgotten his decision to sleep naked as he almost stepped straight out of bed. Everyone in tshirts.. That castle's got central heating! We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you.

Viewers were left collecting their jaws from the floor after ex-Strictly pro dancer AJ Pritchard went au-natural for his first shower on I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! We have more newsletters. I'm A Celebrity Ex-Strictly star AJ Pritchard became the first celebrity to use the new camp shower facing the blistering cold weather of North Wales. The Nantwich-born star, 26, was forced to endure the stained metal bath after opting to clean himself in front of millions of viewers. While I'm A Celeb has swapped Australia for North Wales, there is no getting away from showering in front of everybody as this year's bath has to be pumped by another campmate. AJ bravely flaunted his impressive gym-body as he went commando for a freezing soak, leaving viewers at home flustered by the scenes on their TV. ImACeleb," penned one shocked fan. While a second added: "AJ shower scenes in episode 1?

Aj pritchard nude

I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! The former Strictly Come Dancing star, 26, left viewers swooning as he got half-naked for a shower on live TV.


The theory was born after Vernon Kay went up to a camera during Saturday's show, which moved back from the telly star. Canary Islands travel warning issued for tourists over Calima weather phenomenon. AJ said to his brother that he didn't think the heat lamps were actually necessary, and without them the camp would have been more 'exciting'. This city has become 'unliveable' as temperatures reach 52C and the streets have air con. Media: I'm A Celebrity star AJ Pritchard has revealed that the campmates actually did sleep under heat lamps for a few hours every night. Everyone in tshirts.. US Celebrity News. Being jealous that Shane Richie got to see AJ Pritchard naked was not something I banked on happening when I woke up this morning, but here we are More Newsletters. Follow Irish Mirror.

AJ Pritchard, 26, stunned fans as he showcased his hard rock abs in a saucy selfie on Instagram. The ex-Strictly Come Dancing star sent his fans into a meltdown as he appeared to go commando only sporting a towel.

Vanderpump Rules. In tonight's launch episode AJ bravely opted to go first and showed off his dance-honed body in the process. Top Bottom. You are using an out of date browser. He was accompanied by fellow contestant Shane Richie, who pumped the shower for the Strictly star. ImACeleb imacelebrity. Video Loading Video Unavailable. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. JavaScript is disabled. Replies 4 Views 1K. More info. As usual, if they fail, they'll be eating rice and beans! Story Saved.

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