Almaty international school цена

We are very pleased to welcome you to our school website. Miras has existed for 20 years. MIS has authorisation for three International Baccalaureate programmes.

Visit School's fees webpage. School Info. IB and Kazakh. School Fees International School of Almaty. School Fee How much does it cost for a 5 year old to attend one year at International School of Almaty?

Almaty international school цена

According to the law on foreign currency regulation, Kazakhstan citizens can pay fees only in Tenge using the coefficient based on GBP, USD exchange rate published by the National Bank of Kazakhstan as of the day of payment. The chosen currency of payment is stated in each parental agreement and the relevant price list is published in the section of this website for clients subject to application of the respective coefficient in the respective agreements. The chosen currency of payment is stated in each parental agreement and the relevant price list is published in the section of this website for existing clients. The school fees are paid in three payments: First payment until June 06, 1 st term ; Second payment until November 20, 2 nd term ; Last payment until March 07, 3 rd term. You will be among the first to hear about any exciting news at Haileybury Almaty, receive regular updates about upcoming events, and learn about scholarship opportunities. You can unsubscribe anytime if you no longer wish to receive our newsletter. We've sent you an email to confirm your subscription. Please check your inbox. We are excited to invite you to explore a new feature here on the website that will help you achieve a better understanding of our school and all that we have to offer. You can take a virtual tour of our campus, explore our classrooms and facilities and take a closer look at our admissions process. You'll be able to see firsthand what sets our school apart and why we could well be the perfect fit for your child's education.

Equipment requirements Admissions Policy. School Fee How much does it cost for a 5 year old to attend one year at International School of Almaty? You can unsubscribe anytime almaty international school цена you no longer wish to receive our newsletter.


Your school? Claim it. Almaty International School has been a fixture in the international community of Almaty for the past 25 years. Our families expect a rigorous, high quality educational program to prepare for the challenges of an ever-changing global environment. Our students have achieved tremendous success over the years and have been accepted to the top colleges and universities around the world. Almaty International School maintains its accreditation with MSA through a continual process of identifying areas for growth and implementing a community supported action plan to push the boundaries of success and achievement in those areas. Read More on School Website Just click the heart and any time you like, visit My Shortlist via the button at the bottom of the screen. Your International School Advisor profile page could help increase your school's visibility and reputation.

Almaty international school цена

The school offers an American-based Pre-K and K programs. School facilities include: an elementary building, secondary building, annex music building , small gym, big gym, library, cafeteria, birch room, birch tree area, field with an Olympic size track, 3 playgrounds, and the teachers apartments. The school is operated with the authorization of the Kazakhstani Government. They move up when they can go to the appropriate program of their age. The school has 6 Success Orientations to follow:. The school is funded partially by the U. Department of State. The QSI education system differs from the traditional American system in several aspects. The naming of the key stages in the QSI curricular system diverges from typical naming. Additionally, the different stages cover different age groups.

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At Haileybury Almaty, we take immense pride in nurturing young minds and fostering a culture of academic excellence. This website use cookies. Read full article. I kindly welcome you on our school website. We are very pleased to welcome you to our school website. Children ages:. Curriculums IB and Kazakh. Contact us. Is this school a perfect match for you? You can take a virtual tour of our campus, explore our classrooms and facilities and take a closer look at our admissions process. You'll be able to see firsthand what sets our school apart and why we could well be the perfect fit for your child's education. Contact Page: Visit contact page. Website: Visit website.

See all the details about this school. Choir, world of design, cooking, basketball, school newspaper, guitar, theatre, soft toys design, sports ballroom dance, choreography, visual arts studio, coding and game design, volleyball, debates. International School of Almaty creates excellent conditions for self-development and realization of a personal potential of its students.

Language of instruction English. We are excited to invite you to explore a new feature here on the website that will help you achieve a better understanding of our school and all that we have to offer. Social Media:. Is this school a perfect match for you? Primary School. Subscribe to our Newsletter You will be among the first to hear about any exciting news at Haileybury Almaty, receive regular updates about upcoming events, and learn about scholarship opportunities. City Almaty. Schools may or may not raise their prices for future academic years. You can unsubscribe anytime if you no longer wish to receive our newsletter. Children ages:. You'll be able to see firsthand what sets our school apart and why we could well be the perfect fit for your child's education.

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