amanda young

Amanda young

Amanda Young was an inspiring young woman possessing many skills and passions, and a much loved daughter to Barry and Lorraine. Amanda was talented and hard working in sports, academics and music. Throughout her life Amanda excelled in competitive sport and she had a amanda young to pursue her dream of a future in Environmental Science, amanda young. She began her sporting career early, representing the State in Calisthenics in

Amanda Young , also known as Mandy , is a fictional character from the Saw franchise. Overall, Amanda is the tertiary antagonist of the franchise. Amanda Young was once an average woman until she got involved in a drug crime investigated by Eric Matthews , a corrupt detective who worked for the Metropolitan Police Department. Although she was innocent, Eric wrongfully incriminated her by faking the evidence in the case, and she was sentenced for drug possession. During her time in jail, she became addicted to heroin. Saw II. When Amanda was finally released, she became a patient of the Homeward Bound Clinic , a recovery clinic for drug addicts ran by Jill Tuck under the motto "Cherish your life.

Amanda young

Amanda Young returns in Saw X , and the character has a long history in the Saw franchise. However, like Jigsaw himself, the Saw movies like to play games. Saw X takes place before the events of Saw III, giving Amanda the chance to return and offer up one of her most memorable performances yet. While John Kramer Tobin Bell sees his torture devices and the games he sets up as mechanisms to change the lives of his subjects, Kramer's younger apprentice Amanda Young has long held conflicted feelings about their activities. In Saw X , Amanda and Jigsaw trap some particularly sinister individuals for their new game, enabling the Saw franchise to show both Kramer and Amanda in a whole new light. Amanda Young is first introduced in the original Saw as a drug addict who is one of John Kramer's early subjects. Amanda is affixed with the original Reverse Bear Trap device and forced to dig through a man's intestines in order to retrieve the key to free herself. Amanda manages to do so just in the nick of time, which makes her the only survivor of Jigsaw's games at this early stage. This experience affects Amanda deeply, and she tearfully tells Detective Tapp Danny Glover that Jigsaw " helped " her. Amanda becomes a changed woman from that point onward. Amanda returns in a much more significant role in 's Saw II , during which she is seemingly placed in a new game alongside several other people. She and her companions face a house full of slow-acting poison, and she even finds herself tossed into a pit of dirty hypodermic needles. However, Saw II 's big twist is the reveal that Amanda has become John Kramer's devoted apprentice, who is tasked with carrying on his work after he eventually succumbs to his terminal cancer. Amanda continues as Jigsaw's loyal follower throughout the Saw franchise, while Saw X shows one of their previously unseen games. To John's shock and anger, he later learns that the team is actually a group of con artists who faked his entire surgery — and have done the same to dozens of other terminally ill people for the last eight years.

Tobin Bell while using Billy the Puppet.

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This article contains spoilers for Saw X. Alongside the notorious Jigsaw killer John Kramer , the Saw franchise has also featured many wicked and deeply unnerving apprentices, but none are quite as popular or polarizing as Amanda Young. Young has an extensive history with Jigsaw , one fans have been passionate about from the first installment to the recently released Saw X. As confusing as the timeline can be, Young joined Kramer long before rubbing elbows with Adam Stanheight, whom she helped kidnap and prepare for the Adam vs. Gordon test. In , Saw introduced Young as a self-destructive drug addict whom Kramer targeted to undergo a rigorous test to improve her life.

Amanda young

Over the weekend, Lionsgate finally unveiled the official trailer for Saw X , the 10th installment of its Saw franchise. The trailer offered an exciting look at Tobin Bell back in the titular role of John Kramer aka Jigsaw. However, it also confirmed that another former cast member is back in the saddle: Shawnee Smith as Amanda Young. Now that the cat's out of the bag, Lionsgate shared a new photo of Smith as Amanda, unmasked this time. The latest photo of Amanda features her as she dons the familiar pig mask and robe combo present throughout the series — the perfect outfit for abducting Jigsaw victims. She stands in some sort of large warehouse, likely the same one where Kramer will run his latest games.

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What seems to be consistent thematically through the Saw films is that 'Jigsaw' is a part for various players, an identity composed of pieces and despite John's preparations and Amanda's willingness it is a puzzle into which Amanda is, simply, unable to fit. Member Thornlie Swimming Club. Despite this, she uses a scalpel to stab him to death and search his stomach for the key. Hoffman answered that this wasn't necessary as he, unlike Amanda, had always valued his life, thereby pointing to the self-inflicted scars on her wrists. As the remaining group members were too afraid of Xavier, they stood back and watched how he ruthlessly threw her in the pit. Jonas was shocked when he saw the trap which had killed Gus. As she saw the blood on her skirt, she slumped down and started to cry. Amanda was also capable of acting, during Eric Matthews' test, she pretended to be another victim of the Jigsaw Killer and her performance was skilled enough to make everyone believe her until she revealed herself as an apprentice of John Kramer. The only way to get herself out of the device was to get a key—a key that was in the stomach of man, who despite being overdosed on opium, was still alive. Throughout her life Amanda excelled in competitive sport and she had a desire to pursue her dream of a future in Environmental Science.

Amanda Young , also known as Mandy , is a fictional character from the Saw franchise.

Saw X takes place before Saw III , giving Amanda the chance to return and show a different side to her character and relationship with Jigsaw. As Lynn was about to leave and realized she was trapped, she tried to call for help with her mobile. The tape told Jeff that his daughter only had a limited air supply, and if he wanted to find her, he had to play another game. Retrieved 25 October Amanda is reduced to nothing or, as Matthews accurately and devastatingly phrases it, "not Jigsaw. When she was about to go upstairs, she was surprised by Jonas, who informed them that they had found a door that caught their suspicion due to being the only one without a lock. After talking to Corbett, Amanda returned to John's room and told him that Jeff had finished his third test. Amanda desperately tried to free herself from her restraints but stopped when a TV turned on next to her. It's been nearly 20 years since Saws 1 and 2, which is when this movie takes place. Later that night, the police eventually found the corpses and took them to the morgue, where Dr. As Jeff finished his test, Jigsaw ordered Amanda to let Lynn go. After a brief struggle, Adam eventually lost consciousness. Amanda's loyalty to Jigsaw is tested in Saw X , and seeds of dissent are shown that foreshadow her future conflicts in the Saw franchise. They were informed that they all possessed the combination as the numbers were "in the back of their mind.

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