amber lynn photography

Amber lynn photography

Virginia Beach, VA. Main menu. Find a couple.

Thank you so much for stopping by I am so glad that you are here! I'm Amber! I am a Montana photographer based 15 miles from Glacier National Park. I love to travel, have fun and meet new people, I am a ball of energy so if you are looking for a fun, upbeat, adventurous experience, Im your gal and I cant wait to meet ya! I don't strive for perfection, I aim for a good overall experience. I want your session or wedding to be laid back and fun! I bring lots of energy to the table and basically make you do silly stuff the whole time.

Amber lynn photography


Contact Info for Amber Lynn Photography.


She has four brothers and an older sister who died at the age of two from an undetected heart defect. When Lynn was three, her parents divorced after it was discovered her father had a family with another woman. Shortly after, Lynn's mother suffered a nervous breakdown, and Lynn was placed in foster care, where she was physically abused. She was reunited with her mother when she was seven. Shortly after, the two of them were involved in a car accident on the interstate; Lynn was thrown clear of the car and her mother died at the scene. Lynn and her brothers were placed with her father and his new family; in total there were eight boys and Lynn in the house. When Lynn was eleven, her father died of alcoholism and heart failure.

Amber lynn photography

Thank you so much for stopping by I am so glad that you are here! I'm Amber! I am a Montana photographer based 15 miles from Glacier National Park. I love to travel, have fun and meet new people, I am a ball of energy so if you are looking for a fun, upbeat, adventurous experience, Im your gal and I cant wait to meet ya! I don't strive for perfection, I aim for a good overall experience. I want your session or wedding to be laid back and fun!

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