american pie imdb

American pie imdb

Kevin : [] Were we just as obnoxious as these kids back in the day? Finch : Not us, our generation, we were more mature.

Sign In. Jennifer Coolidge Stifler's Mom. Shannon Elizabeth Nadia. Alyson Hannigan Michelle. Clyde Kusatsu English Teacher. Eugene Levy Jim's Dad. Natasha Lyonne Jessica.

American pie imdb

Four teenage boys enter a pact to lose their virginity by prom night. Michelle : Oh, and this one time, at band camp, I stuck a flute in my pussy. Jim : [spits out drink] Excuse me? Michelle : What? You don't think I know how to get myself off? Hell, that's what half of band camp is. Sex Ed. So, are we gonna screw soon? Cause I'm getting kinda antsy. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. American Pie R 1h 35m.

Lacrosse Player Garret Kellenberger After sabotaging the school band, he gets sent to band camp where he really doesn't like it at first but then learns how to deal with the bandeez, american pie imdb. Lacrosse Player Sami Atayan

R 95 min Comedy. R min Comedy. Jim and his friends are now in college, and they decide to meet up at the beach house for some fun. Director: J. R 96 min Comedy.

American Pie is a American coming-of-age teen sex comedy film directed and co-produced by Paul Weitz and written by Adam Herz. The film's story centers on a group of five classmates who attend the fictional East Great Falls High School. The youths make a pact to lose their virginity before their high school graduation. The film's title refers to a scene in which the protagonist is caught masturbating with a pie after being told that third base feels like "warm apple pie ". Herz has stated that the title also refers to the quest of losing one's virginity in high school, which is as "American as apple pie.

American pie imdb

R 95 min Comedy. R min Comedy. Jim and his friends are now in college, and they decide to meet up at the beach house for some fun.

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Some of her moaning had to be cut. Andrews Jr. Alternate versions An unrated version was released for home video. Garret Kellenberger Lacrosse Player. Michael Baxter Featured review. A Piece of American Pie. Cruise Maria De La Torre Trailer Vocal Jazz Girl Fletcher Sheridan But that's what drives raunch comedies - the testosterone of single-minded males. Lacrosse Player Garret Kellenberger Enthusiastic Guy Amber Phillips Top Gap. See detailed box office info on IMDbPro.

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Lacrosse Player uncredited Crystal the Monkey Aaron Stuart Mr. Kashika's 5 Picks for February. Thanks for the nice comments on American Pie. Jim and his friends are now in college, and they decide to meet up at the beach house for some fun. See all related lists ». Some of her moaning had to be cut. By what name was American Pie officially released in Canada in English? Country of origin United States. Random Cute Girl Eric Lively

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