angel radio havant

Angel radio havant

The music we play is recorded angel radio havant the years to Our speech output includes documentaries of famous stars from the past, health advice for older people and friendly chat. Angel Radio.

Install the free Online Radio Box app for your smartphone and listen to your favorite radio stations online - wherever you are! Reception: Studio: Time in Havant : , Install the free Online Radio Box application for your smartphone and listen to your favorite radio stations online - wherever you are! Show more authorization ways. No, thanks. Listen on Apple Music.

Angel radio havant


Reception: Studio: My brother, Ray Andrews was featured as an Angel Angel. Physical stimulation is provided angel radio havant daily coffee-time exercise programmes, as well as encouraging listeners to get out and about by publicising events of interest.


Install the free Online Radio Box app for your smartphone and listen to your favorite radio stations online - wherever you are! Reception: Studio: Time in Havant : , Install the free Online Radio Box application for your smartphone and listen to your favorite radio stations online - wherever you are! Show more authorization ways. No, thanks. Listen on Apple Music. Save it to your favorites.

Angel radio havant

The music we play is recorded in the years to Our speech output includes documentaries of famous stars from the past, health advice for older people and friendly chat. Angel Radio. This unique station, Angel Radio, was launched in to bring music and memories into the homes of older people at a time when most other radio stations were concentrating on much younger listeners. Tony himself is 67 and visually impaired as a result of several strokes. He has demonstrated that despite some of the effects of ageing, it is still possible to learn new skills and enjoy being part of a friendly community, whether in person or through the airwaves. Angel Radio began as a temporary broadcaster in Portsmouth with a licence of just a few days. The first broadcast proved so popular that several further short-term licences enabled the station to become more established.

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At one point the youngest regular phone caller was aged 4 listening with grandparents and the oldest was … a year age gap. Play jigsaw puzzles for free! Show more authorization ways. Angel Radio regularly provides secondary school students with work experience placements. Fantastic show Mark, I know it's a repeat tonight Mark, but love the records, great warm up for a nights dancing, keep up the good work, more Jackie Wilson if possible. Have just listened to Sandra Butler and her choice of music is just so good, has set me up for the day just right. You can leave your e-mail and we will let you know when the broadcast of the station will be online again: Or listen to the other United Kingdom stations. FM is often still the radio of choice of many older people. Angel Radio began as a temporary broadcaster in Portsmouth with a licence of just a few days. Great station im in my late 50s however thid station plays the best and greatest music lovely quality truly great music.


Listen on Apple Music. Some programmes carry a theme, which encourages listeners to think of songs on that topic or guess the theme of the show. In Angel Radio received, from Ofcom, a further expansion of its FM coverage with a power increase of its FM transmitter from 80 watts to watts. The radio waves were primarily under the ownership of the BBC or large commercial stations. FM is often still the radio of choice of many older people. However, in the Radio Authority now part of Ofcom invited Angel to run on a full-time licence, as an experiment to test the feasibility and viability of a small group of volunteers running their own community radio service. A number of the students remain with the radio station after their work experience is complete and have continued to volunteer for many years. Although it is not a religious station, it does provide an old-fashioned Sunday morning church service for those listeners who can no longer get to the church of their choice. The music we play is recorded in the years to Play the best Mahjong games online!

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