anime girls

Anime girls

The Summer anime lineup overwhelmed the fans with new and ongoing stories supported by memorable characters, anime girls. When it comes anime girls anime characters, the female anime girls are always in the limelight as to who is charming enough to steal the spotlight. Thankfully, the summer lineup featured several extraordinary ladies who won the viewers' hearts not just with their looks but also with their strong-headedness, good brains, pivotal roles in their respective stories, and appealing personalities. These female characters will be remembered far beyond the summer of

List of the best female anime characters. These are some of the most powerful anime characters who are attractive, intelligent, or simply formidable. Feminists will love these strong anime characters. Along with all of the anime girl names, you'll see which TV show or film they appeared in, their powers and abilities and the illustrator who created them. You'll find plenty of anime girls with red hair , blonde anime girls , raven-haired , and even blue-haired anime girls. Did you know that anime is a relatively old medium? Some, including C.

Anime girls

One thing fans particularly love about anime is the wide variety available at their disposal. It could be quite overwhelming for new anime lovers, but that should not dissuade viewers. There are various anime types for different ages and genders, and even though each type of anime has a specific target audience, other anime fans can still watch it. Anime with only female characters are often stereotyped as feminine; however, they tend to appeal to most anime watchers, more to some than others. Although they consist of only female characters, they are in no way limited to any genre, as they could take the form of an isekai, comedy, drama, slice-of-life, and much more. As members of the Brave Hero Club, Yuna, and her four friends have taken it upon themselves to help others who are in need. Unknowingly to them, they were actual heroes with the task of saving the world from invaders. This slice-of-life anime is fused with action as these girls embark on a heroic journey to save the world. With the help of a special cellphone given to them by Fuu, the president of the Brave Hero Club, these five girls, Yuna, Fuu, Mimori, Karin, and Itsuki, have the ability to transform into magical heroes with special powers to fight against invaders in a pseudo-physical world that prevents the real world from being in the middle of their fights. With very likable characters, Comic Girls tells viewers the story of Kaoruko as she strives to become a better manga artist. In desperation to become better and find inspiration, Kaoruko moves to a dormitory for manga artists, where she meets Tsubasa, Ruki, and Koyume. These four girls become a source of inspiration and support for each other as they find their way to becoming the best artists. The characters of this anime are well acknowledged because of their different manga art styles and how, regardless, they were still able to help develop each other by finding inspiration and honing their art.

Oshi no Ko was a massive success inand much of it was down to the quality of the characters.

The anime industry has improved by leaps and bounds when it comes to creating new female anime characters. Originally, the female anime characters were just used for romantic purposes. But nowadays, they are treated in the same manner as their male counterparts. They have solid designs, unique abilities, and interesting personalities. In , the audience was put in a daze by the stunning female characters. They were able to win over the viewers with their traits and secure a place in their hearts forever.

If you buy something using our links, we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support! Who are the most popular female anime characters and why do viewers like them so much? That's a great question! Most anime series—especially those in the shonen genre—feature female characters who are designed to win the hearts of viewers via their physical appearance, body features, and outfits. And while many female anime characters that rank highly do exhibit a certain level of sexiness and charm, physical appeal alone usually isn't enough for a female character to top the charts. Let's look at some of the most popular female anime characters of all time and explore what makes them so beloved. Though not as deadly as her clan, not as strong as her cousin Neji, and not as fierce as Sakura or Tsunade, Hinata Hyuga still made herself known in the ninja world as a hardworking kunoichi. With her unconditional and undying support of the series' main character Naruto, and with her role in the sequel series Boruto , Hinata solidified herself as a popular female anime character.

Anime girls

It's no understatement to say that women are the backbone of anime, naturally making fans try to rank the greatest female anime characters. While male anime protagonists are still generally the norm, anime still offers a wealth of interesting female characters that can't help but steal the show. From strong leading ladies to heart-wrenching love interests, no matter the plot or genre of the anime, female anime characters have captured the hearts of fans. Though stereotypes might reduce women in anime to one-dimensional love interests, the truth is that women in anime are just as diverse as their male counterparts.


Canaan is the rare anime where the strong female protagonist, the damsel in distress, and the antagonist are all layered and complicated women who ally and come into conflict with one another repeatedly. Yumeko isn't looking for love or even friendship at Hyakkou Academy. An elite and aloof schoolgirl is in fact severely withdrawn and anxious about communicating with others. Shinobu Kocho. Anime girls are immensely popular as waifus, female warriors, and sometimes the most beautiful fictional ladies fans have ever seen. Watch On Funimation. Nejire Hado. Kiruko was tasked with the protection of Maru and ensuring that he reached his destination. This anime's comedic tone could be a selling point that draws fans in. Gakkou Gurashi is a well-designed journey that takes viewers into the world of four female high schoolers living in school. An ordinary schoolboy befriends her and helps her to open up and talk with people.

From focused and powerful warriors to brave young girls, from princesses to fascinating space aliens, there are a ton of female anime protagonists that we can all look up to—or, at the very least, we can be intrigued by their stories and captivated by their character development. It is important to note that "best" does not exclusively imply physical strength, intelligence, or incredible aptitude. These ladies are the best because of their engaging stories, interesting personalities, powerful character arcs, and overall theft of fans' hearts.

With very likable characters, Comic Girls tells viewers the story of Kaoruko as she strives to become a better manga artist. These girls are among the most disturbing examples of the archetype. In , the audience was put in a daze by the stunning female characters. Nami is also one of One Piece 's most attractive characters as a Straw Hat heroine, and she's not afraid to show off with fancy outfits. In fact, she is considered bold, eccentric, and creepy. Thankfully, the summer lineup featured several extraordinary ladies who won the viewers' hearts not just with their looks but also with their strong-headedness, good brains, pivotal roles in their respective stories, and appealing personalities. This list includes the best female anime characters in history. After a traumatic experience during a Sensha-do tank combat tournament, Miho decides to transfer to a school where Sensha-do is not practiced in order to heal and take an indefinite break from the sport. Along with all of the anime girl names, you'll see which TV show or film they appeared in, their powers and abilities and the illustrator who created them. Tohru is one of the prettiest anime girls out there in any genre, but she would humbly deny it if anyone, even her best friends, told her so. Based on a novel series that began a decade earlier, aspects of The Twelve Kingdoms are definitely dated, but watching Youko grow from a whiny teen into a full-blown strong female protagonist is worth it. Lucy is equally impressive and vain anytime she uses her good looks to charm others, though she's not shallow enough to rely entirely on that. Release Date April 9, She's here to upend that conservative school's delicate social system and prove that raw instinct and unrestrained pleasure in gambling are far more important than family connections or wealth. Maomao is far from a normal person.

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