anon pelicula reparto

Anon pelicula reparto

In a world without anonymity or crime, a detective meets a woman who threatens their security. The Girl : It's not that I have something to hide.

Young computer hacker Lisbeth Salander and journalist Mikael Blomkvist find themselves caught in a web of spies, cybercriminals and corrupt government officials. Lisbeth Salander : You can't blame me for leaving that day. Camilla Salander : That day? This is not about a day. This is about a lifetime. Are you not Lisbeth Salander, the righter of wrongs? The girl who hurts men who hurt women?

Anon pelicula reparto

Clive Owen Sal Frieland. Amanda Seyfried The Girl. Colm Feore Charles Gattis. Mark O'Brien Cyrus Frear. Sonya Walger Kristen. Joe Pingue Lester Goodman. Iddo Goldberg Joseph Kenik. Afiya Bennett Ima Aug. Morgan Allen Iri Aug. Jeffrey Men Chen Sheng Lu. James Tam Wei Han Xu. Jonathan Potts Dominic Ray. Rachel Roberts Alysa Egorian.

Sascha R.


Esta protagonizada por Clive Owen y Amanda Seyfried. El gobierno requiere que todos reciban un implante ocular que registre todo lo que ven. En otra escena del crimen, Sal persigue al aparente asesino solo para casi morir cuando piratean su implante y cambian lo que ve en tiempo real. Sal se infiltra, creando una historia falsa como un corredor de bolsa que se involucra en una breve aventura con una prostituta. Usando esto como pretexto para sus servicios, se pone en contacto con la mujer, que usa el nombre de usuario "Anon", y le pide que elimine su encuentro con la prostituta. Durante un segundo intento de picadura, descubre la verdadera identidad de Sal y huye, aparentemente matando a uno de los colegas de Sal en el proceso. Creyendo que Sal se ha involucrado demasiado personalmente, sus superiores lo suspenden del servicio activo. Shepherd, Jack 25 de enero de

Anon pelicula reparto

Sign In. Edit Anon I Sal Frieland Afiya Bennett Ima Aug Morgan Allen Iri Aug Jeffrey Men Chen Sheng Lu James Tam Wei Han Xu Amanda Seyfried The Girl Jonathan Potts Dominic Ray Rachel Roberts Alysa Egorian Toyin Ishola

Guillermo jimmy kimmel

Watch International Trailer. Rufus Crawford Herbert uncredited. See detailed box office info on IMDbPro. Stephanie Christian Anna Pieters. Clip Ethan Tavares Salvador Jr. Given the imdb summary, how does this film differ from other films about eliminating crime through prediction, such as 'Minority Report'? Mark Gingras Supervising Sound Editor. Oliver Simon Producer. Powered by Alexa. Watch International Trailer. Jordan Claire Robbins Elaine Selak. Carlotta von Falkenhayn Young Camilla Salander.

In a world without anonymity or crime, a detective meets a woman who threatens their security.

Daniel Stolfi Jordan Neese. Details Edit. Fede Alvarez. Stephanie Christian Anna Pieters. Jason Harris Production Accountant. This film is based on the novel of the same name, the fourth book in the series and the first one not to be written by Stieg Larsson as he had died before he could write anymore entries. Daniel Bekerman Executive Producer. Julia Valente Makeup Department Head. Cristina Matracia Visual Effects Producer. Goofs The villains kill Balder and kidnap his son August along with the program they are after. Top cast Edit.

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