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Anthea turner nude

You are currently viewing our forum as a guest which gives you limited access. All members please note: Imagetwist will no longer be allowed in any section of this forum effective Friday, anthea turner nude, anthea turner nude Attention: There is a prevalent email scam happening everywhere where the sender claims to have a password to a site and demands money in some form. Ignore it, do not respond and at most change passwords on any sites you frequent.

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Anthea turner nude


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By Natasha Hooper For Mailonline. She was slammed for hosting a 'pamper party' at her flat earlier this year. And Anthea Turner appears to have learnt her lesson as she indulged in some solo pampering on Sunday evening. The TV presenter, 60, displayed her radiant beauty as she reclined in a bubble bath at her London home and sipped on a glass of Pinot Noir. Stunning: Anthea Turner, 60, displayed her radiant beauty on Sunday evening as she reclined in a bubble bath at her London home and sipped on a glass of Pinot Noir. She enhanced her age-defying looks with soft make-up while tucking her blonde tresses beneath a white scarf turban. Anthea captured her stunning marble walls and bath board which held her glass, mobile phone and scented candle. The former Blue Peter presenter also made sure to snap her burgundy manicure which perfectly matched her alcohol-of-choice.

Anthea turner nude

The veteran TV presenter looked in great spirits as she frolicked in the sea in Greece - despite having her wedding cancelled. Anthea Turner looked incredible as she slipped into a revealing yellow bikini on her sun-soaked Greek getaway. The TV presenter, who turned 60 this year, was all smiles as she splashed about in the ocean in her plunging swimwear. Showing off her taut tum and athletic figure, body confident Anthea appeared in great spirits - despite having come to terms with the fact her upcoming wedding has been cancelled. Anthea and her business tycoon beau Mark Armstrong decided to get over their disappointment by island hopping around Greece. Sharing with fans her destination list, Anthea posted clips of herself on social media and wrote: "Back from my beautiful Greek Odyssey to Santorini, Naxos and Crete. This was the last shot taken while saying goodbye to the Aegean Sea the second shot taken this morning!!

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Anthea Turner shared some stunning bikini throwback snaps on Wednesday, as she prepares for an operation on her fibroids.

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