antique dolls ebay

Antique dolls ebay

Her name is Mary.

Discussion in ' Antique Discussion ' started by Lucille. Log in or Sign up. Antiques Board. Featured Cool find, but will I be able to sell it on Ebay? Got this last weekend at a sale, digging through a box with otherwise uninteresting items. Late in the day, too

Antique dolls ebay


The phrase "el diablo" got thrown around a lot. Show Ignored Content. Buddy is a 4 year old little boy that is anchored to this nice clown doll… If you are afraid of the paranormal, please do not bid on him, antique dolls ebay.


Collectible dolls are among the most beloved and recognizable collectibles of all. Whether you've owned or played with one, most can describe the most famous dolls, such as Barbie, Cabbage Patch Dolls, or Raggedy Ann and Andy. Like other collectibles, collectible dolls generally fall into three categories: antique, vintage, and modern. Explore the collectible doll brands and their characteristics. Antique dolls, like most other antiques, date back to prehistoric times. However, when discussing antique dolls, those produced before are considered antique. According to antiques emporium Ruby Lane , a doll can be 80 years old and still be considered antique.

Antique dolls ebay

The value of antique dolls can vary depending on what type of doll you have in your possession. As mentioned earlier, the type of doll will also determine its material and the level of craftsmanship required for its manufacture. These are the factors that affect the value of antique dolls:. Doll collecting is one of the oldest forms of hobby. This is a passion for people from all over the world and across all ages. If you are interested in collecting or have a collection of antique dolls to sell, it is important to know every aspect of doll collecting so you can sell yours for the highest value possible. It is an ancient art and one that has evolved through time. Therefore, there are a lot of challenges with identifying and valuing dolls from across various eras.

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The phrase "el diablo" got thrown around a lot. Discussion in ' Antique Discussion ' started by Lucille. On the day she arrived, my co-workers looked on with skepticism as I unboxed my new haunted doll. One co-worker who threatened to quit when Mary first came out of the box recently hugged her even though she still smells musty as hell and said, "We love and respect Mary. In the time that has passed since Mary's first day in the offices, attitudes toward her have shifted. Fearful people tend to not make good homes for spirit children. Obviously, my co-workers and I wanted to buy it immediately, but it was too pricey. The listing stated that if you bought the doll, she would come to you in your dreams too. My co-workers were largely not thrilled to have a haunted doll in the office. It should still be available to them today too, or anyone else who likes it.


For what it's worth found a site on Etsy that's selling 'black memorabilia' and I didn't have to look hard! This one would make me nervous. The first time I felt scared of Mary was when the ghost app detected the word "incubus" in her presence. Googling it, I learned that she came in a set of the whole family but I think this one would be of particular interest because she has such a sweet look and is holding a cat. One of the easiest to find comes in the form of the classically terrifying haunted doll: eBay has dozens of creepy haunted dolls for sale — many at reasonable price points! Coolest Find! Sdcookie2 , May 3, So I put up a sign to make sure everyone knew that this was a haunted doll and not just some regular, non-haunted doll. Late in the day, too I was sold. My warning was promptly disregarded. Thank you. I can't sing the Ghostbusters theme song without lying. Plus an added benefit of having a ghost app on your phone is you can pull it out during awkward silences at a bar when you've run out of things to talk about and just start hunting ghosts until people decide to stop talking to you completely because you're being too weird. Featured Cool find, but will I be able to sell it on Ebay?

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