antonyms of liable

Antonyms of liable

Some common synonyms of liable are exposedopenpronesensitivesubjectand susceptible. While all these antonyms of liable mean "being by nature or through circumstances likely to experience something adverse," liable implies a possibility or probability of incurring something because of position, nature, or particular situation. The words exposed and liable are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, exposed suggests lack of protection or powers of resistance against something actually present or threatening, antonyms of liable.

Apt implies a natural fitness or tendency; an impetuous person is apt to speak hastily. Liable refers to a contingency regarded as unfavorable; as, the ship was liable to founder at any moment. Likely refers to a contingent event regarded as very probable, and usually, tho not always, favorable; as, an industrious worker is likely to succeed. Credible signifies readily to be believed; as, a credible narrative; likely in such connection is used ironically to signify the reverse; as, a likely story! A thing is conceivable of which the mind can entertain the possibility; a thing is conjectural which is conjectured as possible or probable without other support than a conjecture, or tentative judgment; a thing is presumable which, from what is antecedently known, may betaken for granted in advance of proof. Reasonable in this connection signifies such as the reason can be satisfied with, independently of external grounds for belief or disbelief; as, that seems a reasonable supposition.

Antonyms of liable

Words related to liable are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word liable. Browse related words to learn more about word associations. Then, in July, Faber issued a second ruling that found Bluestone liable for the selenium violations. If the employee did so, the agency would have terminated a full-time contract with the employee and worked on a contract basis instead leaving the employee liable for paying for their own healthcare and other benefits can. Yesterday a California appeals court ruled Amazon is liable for products sold by third parties on its site. Clients who are wary of online transactions are liable to see escorts with print ads as less likely to cheat or scam them. And while eBay makes a direct profit from sales, it is generally not liable unless it had knowledge of a suspicious seller. In fact, the suit tries to somehow find MLB liable for a still picture of Rector posted on a website called NotSportcenter. A principal is liable for the statements and representations of his agent that have been expressly authorized. By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Dictionary.

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Infinitive or -ing verb? Avoiding common mistakes with verb patterns 1. Synonyms and antonyms of liability in English. These are words and phrases related to liability. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of liability.

Directly to word page Vague search google. Liability in a sentence up 6 down 1. Antonym: asset. Similar words: reliability , ability , stability , capability , disability , availability , accountability , credibility. Random good picture Not show. That would be less controversial, since liability could then be explained in terms of aiding and abetting the breach.

Antonyms of liable

Apt implies a natural fitness or tendency; an impetuous person is apt to speak hastily. Liable refers to a contingency regarded as unfavorable; as, the ship was liable to founder at any moment. Likely refers to a contingent event regarded as very probable, and usually, tho not always, favorable; as, an industrious worker is likely to succeed. Credible signifies readily to be believed; as, a credible narrative; likely in such connection is used ironically to signify the reverse; as, a likely story! A thing is conceivable of which the mind can entertain the possibility; a thing is conjectural which is conjectured as possible or probable without other support than a conjecture, or tentative judgment; a thing is presumable which, from what is antecedently known, may betaken for granted in advance of proof. Reasonable in this connection signifies such as the reason can be satisfied with, independently of external grounds for belief or disbelief; as, that seems a reasonable supposition. Antonyms: doubtful , dubious , improbable , incredible , questionable , unlikely , unreasonable.

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Get instant synonyms for any word that hits you anywhere on the web! From Digiday. English—Italian Italian—English. Essential American English. Synonyms: nonresistant , unresistant , liable p , apt p , nonimmune. Your feedback will be reviewed. To top. English—Spanish Spanish—English. This was the first time an oil refinery had been held criminally liable under the Act. Quordle Can you solve 4 words at once? Word Lists. Word Lists. Free word lists and quizzes from Cambridge. See Definitions and Examples ». Sign up now or Log in.

Some common synonyms of liable are exposed , open , prone , sensitive , subject , and susceptible. While all these words mean "being by nature or through circumstances likely to experience something adverse," liable implies a possibility or probability of incurring something because of position, nature, or particular situation. The words exposed and liable are synonyms, but do differ in nuance.

Play Play. Synonyms debt. How to say liable in sign language? Add it Here! Pamela Chisanga : There was very small print on the bottom of the forms that these communities were signing, that this was all the company was liable to provide to them as compensation. Bilingual Dictionaries. Antonyms: insusceptible , irresponsible , unlikely , exempt , unsusceptible. Blog Infinitive or -ing verb? Avoiding common mistakes with verb patterns 1 February 21, My word lists. Antonym asset. A principal is liable for the statements and representations of his agent that have been expressly authorized. Benjamin Netanyahu : In coming weeks, the powers are liable to reach a framework agreement with Iran, an agreement liable to leave Iran as a nuclear threshold state, something that would chiefly imperil the existence of the State of Israel, as prime minister of Israel, I am obligated to make every effort to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weaponry that will be aimed at the State of Israel. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe. English—Indonesian Indonesian—English.

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