aocs boobs

Aocs boobs

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has spoken out after video emerged appearing aocs boobs show House Republican Lauren Boebert engaging in what the New York congresswoman described as "sexually lewd acts" in a Colorado theater on September Boebert and a male companion were thrown out of the Buell Theatre in Denver after repeatedly vaping, using a cell phone and "causing a disturbance" during a performance of musical Beetlejuice, aocs boobs. Surveillance footage from inside the theater appeared to show Boebert's male accomplice groping her breastsand then being groped in turn by the Republican firebrand. In a statement, Boebert apologized for her behavior, aocs boobs, which she claimed "fell short of my values," but made no reference to the alleged sexual acts.

The White House finally denounced the trans person who flashed his implanted boobs across the South Lawn. Wednesday, Fox News Digital asked several lawmakers from both sides of the aisle for reactions to the incident. Perhaps AOC and Jayapal need more time to decide if a man who calls himself a woman exposing breasts in front of the White House is kosher. Republicans were less hesitant. Indiana Rep. Jim Banks said he's "rarely seen anything as unbecoming or inappropriate" as that. Next, Florida Rep.

Aocs boobs

New research on image-generating algorithms has raised alarming evidence of bias. W ant to see a half-naked woman? The internet is full of pictures of scantily clad women. That is my stripped-down summary of the results of a new research study on image-generation algorithms anyway. For some reason, the researchers gave the algorithm a picture of the Democratic congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and found that it also automatically generated an image of her in a bikini. After ethical concerns were raised on Twitter, the researchers had the computer-generated image of AOC in a swimsuit removed from the research paper. Why was the algorithm so fond of bikini pics? The study is yet another reminder that AI often comes with baked-in biases. And this is not an academic issue: as algorithms control increasingly large parts of our lives, it is a problem with devastating real-world consequences. As for those image-generation algorithms that reckon women belong in bikinis? They are used in everything from digital job interview platforms to photograph editing. And they are also used to create huge amounts of deepfake porn. A computer-generated AOC in a bikini is just the tip of the iceberg: unless we start talking about algorithmic bias, the internet is going to become an unbearable place to be a woman.

Republicans were less hesitant.


It's so low-key, in fact, that you might not have known they were a couple. Or even that she had a boyfriend ahem, me, I didn't know. So: Who is Riley Roberts, the private and fiercely supportive husband-to-be to one of the most up-and-coming politicians in the United States? A Vogue profile on Ocasio-Cortez described Roberts as an "easygoing redhead" and explains that he's been supportive of her for a long time:. He later moved from Arizona to be with her. When I first met him backstage at The Daily Show, he was casually citing tax rates in the s. A college friend told the publication that she would often end the meetings "with thoughtful conclusions that included 'her own twist' on the subject. On the other hand, Roberts liked to keep quiet.

Aocs boobs

New research on image-generating algorithms has raised alarming evidence of bias. W ant to see a half-naked woman? The internet is full of pictures of scantily clad women.

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Next, Florida Rep. My Turn. Boebert's male companion at the musical was later identified as year-old Quinn Gallagher , co-owner of the Hooch Craft Cocktail Bar, which has previously hosted drag shows. Reuse this content. You can unsubscribe at any time. This article is more than 3 years old. Boebert and a male companion were thrown out of the Buell Theatre in Denver after repeatedly vaping, using a cell phone and "causing a disturbance" during a performance of musical Beetlejuice. They should not be held up as heroes because they view gender as an on-demand feature. Wednesday, Fox News Digital asked several lawmakers from both sides of the aisle for reactions to the incident. In January , video emerged of Ocasio-Cortez dancing along to "Lisztomania" by pop band Phoenix in , while a student at Boston University. Donald Trump.

Video of a comedian heckling Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and saying she was a "big booty Latina" who "wants to kill babies" has gone viral on Twitter after the Democrat shared the footage.

Wait till they find out Congresswomen dance too! Had a biological woman flashed her boobs at the event, the White House would have condemned the action immediately. And this is the same administration that celebrated Bowe Bergdahl as a hero, who was an absolute deserter. Pawsitively Mondays to Fridays. Surveillance footage from inside the theater appeared to show Boebert's male accomplice groping her breasts , and then being groped in turn by the Republican firebrand. But putting on a whole show of their own at Beetlejuice and there's nothing? Better Planet. The Gist of It Daily. The Frontlines Thursdays See Sample. Editions: U. Read more. By signing up you are agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

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