apex launcher old version

Apex launcher old version

Step back in time with Apex Launcher's old Android version 3. Explore the early features and interface that captured the attention of users during the app's nascent stages, providing a unique glimpse into its formative apex launcher old version. Experience in the timeless allure of Apex Launcher's classic user interface by opting for the old version. This choice is perfect for users who cherish the simplicity and familiarity of earlier releases, serving as a nostalgic gateway that transports them to the app's original appeal.

Apex Launcher helps you create a customized, fast, and stylish home screen experience on your Android device. This app unlocks premium features in Apex Launcher. You must have the latest version of Apex Launcher free installed on your device. This app just acts as a license key to unlock the pro features. This app only works with official Apex Launcher releases. If you have trouble activating the pro version, please email us your Google order information for support.

Apex launcher old version

Apex Launcher 4. About Permissions. Description Apex Launcher helps you create a customized homescreen experience on your Android 4. I highly recommend it. Android 4. Love Apex Launcher? Rate us on Google Play. If you have questions or suggestions, please share them with us! Permissions list Read contacts Allows to read the user's contacts data. Set wallpaper Allows to set the wallpaper. Set wallpaper hints Allows to set the wallpaper hints. Vibrate Allows access to the vibrator. Access wifi state Allows to access information about Wi-Fi networks. Internet Allows to access internet network. Access network state Allows to access information about networks.

About Permissions.

Apex Launcher helps you create a customized, fast, and stylish home screen experience on your Android device. This app unlocks premium features in Apex Launcher. You must have the latest version of Apex Launcher free installed on your device. This app just acts as a license key to unlock the pro features. This app only works with official Apex Launcher releases.

The app comes with the option to customize the homescreen grid size and up to 9 types of layouts that you can pick from. It also has a scrollable dock with 7 icons per page and various transition effects that you can check out. In addition, it has tools for hiding elements, like the search bar or status bar. You can also use different folder preview styles and background, as well as drawer styles like transparent, opaque, vertical and many more. Apps can also be hidden from the drawer and you can lock the homescreen or use different gestures to access various sections. The app also comes with the option to backup and restore settings or data. It also has a tool for creating shortcuts to various apps and system settings. Apex Launcher APK. Apex Launcher is a highly customizable launcher app that contains lots of tools for personalizing your smartphone.

Apex launcher old version

Android Does Team Free. User rating User Rating 8. Apex Launcher is a free alternative application for the stock launcher of Android devices. It comes with new options for customisation and additional features for your smartphone. The program enables further modification of your device screen and app organisation within it. One of the highlights of the Android Operating System is its customisation options. Thanks to launchers, these options are made accessible by users. These non-stock launchers are great tools that let you customise your app list and home screen. Third-party application launchers come in handy when the device's default launcher becomes limited to the user.

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Write external storage Allows to write to external storage such as SD card. Version 1. Modify or delete the contents of your shared storage Allows Apex Launcher to write the contents of your shared storage. Android Does Team More Programs 8. Total number of five star reviews received Download free You must have the latest version of Apex Launcher free installed on your device. Read the contents of your shared storage Allows Apex Launcher to read the contents of your shared storage. Versions of Apex Launcher Pro apk available on our site: 4. Set wallpaper Allows Apex Launcher to set the system wallpaper. Zooper Widget 4. QR code. Apex Launcher is a great choice for Android users who want to customize their home screen.

Such old. Very ancient. Highly Customizable Personalize your device with powerful customization options.

Request an application Your Email:. This app has been rated like bad by number of users. QR code. Apk file Apex Launcher has several variants, please select one. This version seamlessly blends the charm of the past with practical functionality, making it a compelling option for those who appreciate the enduring appeal of Apex Launcher's original design. Apex Launcher also offers a wide range of themes and wallpapers to choose from. Explore the early features and interface that captured the attention of users during the app's nascent stages, providing a unique glimpse into its formative years. You could also download apk of Apex Launcher Pro and run it on android emulators like bluestacks or koplayer. App specs License Free Version 4. This app only works with official Apex Launcher releases.

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