Ar 600-8-19

Army Ar 600-8-19 Guard to supplement annual promotion lists by conducting quarterly or semiannual boards para a. Army Marksmenship Unit competitive marksmen para Guard of the United States, and the U, ar 600-8-19. This regulation does not contain manage- Army Reserve, unless otherwise stated.

The purpose of this regulation is to establish policies and procedures for enlisted promotions and demotions in the U. How does the Army determine promotions? Promotions are determined based on a soldier's performance, qualifications, and seniority within their military occupational specialty MOS. What are the different types of promotions in the Army? There are two types of promotions: permanent promotions, which are given for exceptional performance, and temporary promotions, which are given to fill vacant positions temporarily. What criteria are considered for a permanent promotion? Criteria such as time in service, time in grade, completion of required training, demonstrated performance, and recommendation from the soldier's chain of command are considered for a permanent promotion.

Ar 600-8-19

The purpose of AR is to establish policies and procedures for enlisted promotions and demotions within the United States Army. Who does AR apply to? What is the objective of the enlisted promotion system? The objective of the enlisted promotion system is to ensure that soldiers are selected for promotion based on their demonstrated ability, potential, and performance. How are ranking lists for promotion determined? Ranking lists for promotion are determined through a systematic process that takes into account a soldier's eligibility, time in service, time in grade, and performance criteria. Can a soldier be promoted without completing required professional military education PME? No, completion of required PME is a prerequisite for promotion to certain enlisted grades as outlined in AR Are there any exceptions to the maximum time in the grade requirement for promotions? Yes, there are exceptions to the maximum time in grade requirement for certain circumstances such as serving in a combat zone, recovering from combat-related injuries, or under other exceptional conditions specified in the regulation.

Retain a copy in Soldiers file for reference and give a copy to the Soldier. Per the provisions of 10 USCSoldiers on a promotion list at the time of retirement for disability will be retired for disability at the promotion list grade, ar 600-8-19. Ar 600-8-19 are effective immediately.


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Ar 600-8-19

The purpose of AR is to establish policies and procedures for enlisted promotions and demotions within the United States Army. Who does AR apply to? What is the objective of the enlisted promotion system? The objective of the enlisted promotion system is to ensure that soldiers are selected for promotion based on their demonstrated ability, potential, and performance. How are ranking lists for promotion determined? Ranking lists for promotion are determined through a systematic process that takes into account a soldier's eligibility, time in service, time in grade, and performance criteria. Can a soldier be promoted without completing required professional military education PME? No, completion of required PME is a prerequisite for promotion to certain enlisted grades as outlined in AR Are there any exceptions to the maximum time in the grade requirement for promotions?

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Promotion scores achieved through the reevaluation process are effective for promotion on the first day of the second month following the date the new score is entered into the automated system. Selection boards will be composed of at least five members. This affects general eligibility for Soldiers advanced per paragraphs 7—21 and 7— Steps The steps for processing promotion packet at in-processing are shown in table 3— Promotion system a. Louis for USAR by forwarding appropriate document s for nonpromotable Soldiers or Soldiers returning to promotable status. However, if the board member is not recommend- ing the Soldier for promotion, he or she will cite the reason s in the remarks section. No Soldier may appear in person before a DA selection board on his or her own behalf, or in the interest of anyone being considered. A written recommendation has been sent to the promotion authority to reclassify a Soldier for inefficiency or disciplinary reasons. The NCO must be considered for progressive assignments, if available, within reasonable commuting distance of his or her home of residence. For example, if the president votes on all Soldiers, the total voting members to include the president must be odd in number. The new sequence number will be identified by a decimal point for example, The president of the board will ensure that enough testimony is presented to enable the board members to— 1 Fully and impartially evaluate each case and arrive at a recommendation.


The promotion authority will then publish the promotion orders. Figure 3—5. The new sequence number will be identified by a decimal point for example, The posthumous promotion will be effected on DD Form Report of Casualty when items 50 and 51 are completed on the casualty report message issued according to AR —8—1. The Commandant, Adjutant General School, will be responsible for branch implementation of this regulation. DA Form and promotion board documents of those who did not attain recommended list status will be filed at the BN HR for 2 years and then destroyed. The semicentralized promotion system depends on the sequential execution of the key events listed in this chapter. Soldiers selected for promotion will be promoted on the last day of the month before being placed on the retired list if their sequence number has not been reached and they are in one of the following categories: 1 Will complete 30 years of active Federal service. Waivers will be used only on the first day of the promotion month. The president of the board will ensure that enough testimony is presented to enable the board members to— 1 Fully and impartially evaluate each case and arrive at a recommendation. Each panel will be composed of at least three voting members, including commissioned officers and senior NCOs. A self-referral who is later command-referred to ASAP based on evidence not protected by the limited-use policy becomes nonpromotable upon command referral to ASAP. Eligibility criteria for promotion are listed in table 3—4. The effective date of administrative reduction is the date of the action that caused the Soldier to be ineligible to retain the promotion. Substance Abuse Program AR

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