are hamsters illegal in australia

Are hamsters illegal in australia

Most of us are familiar with the little creatures called hamsters, are hamsters illegal in australia, but if you live in a country where hamsters are not very popular, you may wonder why that is and whether you are allowed to own one where you live. Although hamsters are seen as very gentle and lovable animals, they are illegal in some countries. Throughout history, many imported animals wreaked havoc inside the country.

Many exotic animals are illegal to keep as pets. Pet hamsters are included on this list. Before importing or owning any pet in another country, there are many things to consider. The good news is that the Internet makes learning more about this topic easy. So, is it illegal to have hamster in Australia?

Are hamsters illegal in australia

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When I first moved to Australia, I was surprised to learn that many Australians think that hamsters are guinea pigs. Growing up, I had a lot of them. One can rarely ever have just a few hamsters because — and this becomes important later — they breed like Catholics. A few years ago I packed my bags in my home country to start a new life here in Australia. The shop assistant, with spiky red hair and colourful tattoos, was busy feeding some fish. We had a bit of a back and forth.

There is no doubt that hamsters are cute pets. These tiny furry rodents are not only cute but also harmless, which makes them the perfect pet. But do you know hamsters are illegal in Australia? Yes, hamsters are banned in Australia because the government considers hamsters to be pests. It is illegal for anyone in Australia to own a hamster or bring one to the country. This prohibition is implemented in all the states of Australia.

Are hamsters illegal in australia

Home » Hamsters. Hamsters are quite the cute rodent. They seem completely harmless. But I recently stumbled upon a question as to whether they were illegal in Australia.

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It's illegal to have pet hamsters and gerbils in Australia.

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