Armslist com ohio

Six men have been convicted in federal court in Columbus for illegally trafficking guns in a conspiracy that involved straw purchases at multiple Ohio stores and reselling more than guns, often in Cleveland and Rochester, New York, where many of the firearms were used in shootings and other crimes, armslist com ohio.

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Armslist com ohio


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By Colin Lecher and Sean Campbell. Illustration by Alex Castro and Grayson Blackmon. Data analysis by Daniel Nass. Thomas Caldwell was a veteran in his 60s with a soft physique, oval glasses, no income, and a history of mental illness. In , according to prosecutors, police found a Glock in a Milwaukee drug house and quickly linked it to him. According to the ATF, he said he had been purchasing guns from a licensed dealer, then reselling many of them through Armslist.

Armslist com ohio


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The men then listed the guns for sale online on websites like armslist. Insert Quotes Quotes Post Reply. Log in. The four other men — Redmond, Lorenzi, Jackson and Bedell — made multiple trips from Cleveland to Columbus to purchase firearms from Cunningham and Rathburn. Redmond, 59, and Martino D. I've put stuff for sale and people give me a time and date they're coming to pick it up and either don't come at all or text when they're supposed to be here and say something happened. Wouldn't answer calls, text, or email, I am sure not everyone on there is like that. Lorenzi, 35, both of Cleveland, and Charles L. For subscribers: Glock switches on Columbus streets: Here's how the tiny devices pose an outsized threat. Well, thanks for making a time for me to meet. Six men have been convicted in federal court in Columbus for illegally trafficking guns in a conspiracy that involved straw purchases at multiple Ohio stores and reselling more than guns, often in Cleveland and Rochester, New York, where many of the firearms were used in shootings and other crimes.


Moo Juice Replies. Please consider creating a new thread. Top Contributors this Month View All. AVS Forum. Upland Replies. Log in. Wife said I should be grateful he sent me an email saying it was gone instead of letting me sit at the meeting place for ever. Oh well. Between January and May , the men sold firearms without a federal license, according to court records. Jackson and Redmond could not legally own firearms given Jackson's indictment on a felony case in New York and Redmon's felony conviction in Cuyahoga County, according to federal court records. I won't hold things for anyone unless I personally know them, because I've passed people up in the past because somebody was getting their jollies by screwing with me. This is an older thread, you may not receive a response, and could be reviving an old thread. Parker's office said many of the guns have been recovered in connection with other crimes and shootings.

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