arrest reuzegom

Arrest reuzegom

The Antwerp Court of Appeal today issued its ruling in the case against eighteen former members of the Reuzegom fraternity, who subjected arrest reuzegom Sanda Dia to a brutal hazing.

Acid seemed nervous ahead of the hearing in which he would learn the judge's verdict. A possible jail sentence, fine and damages were on the cards. Acid was on trial after a controversial YouTube video in which he had mentioned the names of former members of the Reuzegom fraternity and faced charges of electronic stalking, slander and defamation and violations of the laws on sharing personal data online. At the end of the day, he was convicted only of electronic stalking. The judge handed down a suspended prison sentence of 3 months suspended for 3 years.

Arrest reuzegom

All students involved in the death have therefore avoided prison. Antwerp's Court of Appeals handed out the ruling on Friday to bring those responsible for Dia's death to justice. The year-old died of hypothermia and organ failure in after being forced to drink copious amounts of alcohol and fish oil. His death occurred during his initiation at KU Leuven's Reuzegom student club, which has also come under fire after its members were found to have worn robes similar to those of the Ku Klux Klan. Reuzegom members also reportedly compared Dia to a monkey. However, Antwerp's Court of Appeals not ruled that the students were not culpable of negligence or manslaughter. If any of them fail to carry out their community service, they will receive an alternative day prison sentence. Deadly hazing trial: All 18 Reuzegom members avoid prison over Sanda Dia death. By Lukas Taylor. One of the accused arrives for a session of the case before the Antwerp appeal court. Student hazing: Sanda Dia trial resumes, 18 face charges 'I just want justice': Last day of fatal student hazing trial However, Antwerp's Court of Appeals not ruled that the students were not culpable of negligence or manslaughter.

The Guardian. Deadly hazing trial: All 18 Reuzegom members avoid prison over Sanda Dia death.

Sanda Dia was a Belgian student who died in the Antwerp University Hospital in as a result of a Reuzegom fraternity hazing ritual in Vorselaar when he was aged On 4 and 5 December , Dia was obliged to drink fish oil, alcoholic drinks and stand outdoors in freezing water, amongst being subject to other humiliating and degrading acts. After collapsing, he was driven to hospital where he died of multiple organ failure two days later. His death was attributed to the salt content in the fish oil he ingested. The medical doctor and forensic pathologist expert Werner Jacobs told in the Hasselt Court that Dia had several injuries caused by violent acts. Dia was an engineering student from Edegem [4] He was 20 years old at the time of his death.

Sanda Dia, een jarige student uit Edegem, zat in zijn derde jaar burgerlijk ingenieur aan de KU Leuven, toen hij lid wilde worden van de studentenclub Reuzegom. Daarvoor moest hij deelnemen aan een extreem doopritueel, op 3, 4 en 5 december Een doopritueel dat uiteindelijk zijn dood zou worden. Op de derde dag moest Dia samen met twee andere schachten een put graven in Vorselaar, waar ze vervolgens moesten gaan inzitten. Daar kregen ze emmers ijskoud water over zich heen, moesten ze allerlei vieze dingen eten en moesten ze heel wat vissaus drinken. Uiteindelijk werd hij in de loop van de avond naar het ziekenhuis gebracht. Maar daar kon geen hulp meer baten, twee dagen na de doop overleed hij. Wat er die dagen precies gebeurde, kan je hier herlezen.

Arrest reuzegom

Eighteen former members of an elite university fraternity have been found guilty for their role in the death of a student during a brutal and degrading initiation ritual in Sanda Dia was 20 when he died in hospital in December after he and two other first-year students endured two days of vicious hazing to enter the student fraternity, Reuzegom. Dia was forced to drink excessive amounts of alcohol and fish oil, and made to sit in freezing water before he collapsed. The students were found guilty for their role in the involuntary death of Dia and degrading treatment, but were acquitted of intentionally administering harmful substances resulting in death and wilful neglect, the court spokesperson, judge Els De Brauwer, said. The prosecution had sought sentences of up to 50 months in prison for some of them.

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He was in good health prior to his death. Retrieved 25 June He was also forced to sit in a pit of ice-cold water for several hours. Retrieved 17 June The trial over the death of student Sanda Dia in a KU Leuven hazing ritual resumed on Monday after having been put on hold in May Retrieved 3 June Acid: "Money always wins" "I don't have to go to jail, but it's still a jail sentence," said a stricken Vandergunst in an initial reaction after the verdict. Student hazing: Sanda Dia trial resumes, 18 face charges Monday, 13 March According to the ruling, the fraternity members did not realise how serious the situation was, assuming that Dia was merely hypothermic. The fraternity, which was founded more than seventy years ago, was disbanded a few days after the deadly hazing. Retrieved 2 June

Wie het arrest graag zelf eens naleest, dat kan hier. Alle 18 Reuzegommers zijn verantwoordelijk voor de dood van Sanda Dia, nu 4,5 jaar geleden. Maar aan wat zijn ze precies allemaal schuldig?

The Reuzegom members failed to take Dia to a hospital quickly enough when things went badly wrong. He showed pictures and shared their occupation. Welingelichte Kringen in Dutch. They own a restaurant in Antwerp and experienced fake reservations and numerous negative reviews after the video was posted. Archived from the original on 3 June The other two students who survived the ritual after being treated for hypothermia are civil parties to the case. Messages were found in which he asked to make the hazing "really brutal. They have now been sentenced to merely to hours of community service. The coroner attributed his death to salt toxicity, attributable to the consumption of the fish oil. Dia was the son of a Senegalese father and a Belgian mother. Final damages could be even higher. Article Talk.

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