asami avatar

Asami avatar

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Sin embargo, el hecho de que su padre siempre hubiera guardado rencor contra todos los Maestros desde su muerte fue desconocido por la joven Asami. Mako y Asami se besaron apasionadamente cuando se reunieron. Asami miraba con ojos tristes y llenos de dolor, mientras Mako dejaba a Korra en la montura de Oogi y suavemente le apartaba el pelo de la cara. Al decir esto, Asami estaba tomando su primer bocado. Ella estaba presente cuando el General Iroh hizo que Gommu enviara un telegrama al Comandante Bumi para detener su avance hacia la capital. Ella al sentirse abrumada le besa y comienzan a salir de nuevo, aunque durando muy poco tiempo esta vez.

Asami avatar

This is a partial character sheet for The Legend of Korra. Subjective trope and audience reactions should go on the YMMV page. People usually assume that I'm daddy's helpless little girl, but I can handle myself. A young non-bender and the pampered daughter of wealthy industrial mogul Hiroshi Sato. Despite being a delicate looking beauty, she can look after herself. She was trained in self-defense since she was little, is an avid fan of pro-bending and an excellent automobile driver. She quickly catches the eye of Mako and develops a relationship with him. When her father is revealed to be a high-ranking member of the Equalists, Asami decides to join the New Team Avatar instead of helping him. A-F The Ace : Asami is a Head-Turning Beauty , rich, owns her own company, an expert martial artist, a highly skilled engineer, and can drive anything. Ace Pilot : Her father did invent the things, after all.

December 19, Because of her father's actions, in Book 2 onward she and her family become pariahs in the eyes of Republic City and her company is nearly asami avatar because no one will do business with them. Asami loses her temper, asami avatar, recalling Kuem's shady dealings with her own father, and orders him to leave.

Asami Sato is a businesswoman, industrialist, engineer, and the only child of the former wealthy industrialist Hiroshi Sato [6] and his wife, Yasuko Sato , an architect. Two weeks after Harmonic Convergence , she joined her friends in the search for the new airbenders. However, their search stopped when the Red Lotus attempted to kidnap Avatar Korra in Zaofu and they worked to bring the organization down instead. Three years later, in AG , Asami assisted in defeating Kuvira and began a romantic relationship with her best friend, Korra. Asami and her mother, Yasuko Sato.

Hiroshi Sato was a nonbending industrialist and the founder of Future Industries , whose family lineage extends back to the first Fire Nation colonists. During a police search of his secret factory , he revealed himself to be an Equalist , creating high-tech weaponry to fight against benders , [6] and later became one of their most recognizable leaders. He was imprisoned for his crimes after the Anti-bending Revolution was put down. By AG , Hiroshi grew remorseful over his actions and tried to reconcile with his daughter, Asami. He ultimately sacrificed his life to give Team Avatar the opportunity to take down the Colossus and its spirit energy cannon by cutting through its platinum armor and giving them an entry.

Asami avatar

In the Avatar universe, one of the biggest and most talked-about couples is easily Korra and Asami from The Legend of Korra. Despite being an animated series about action, drama, and fantasy, Avatar fans have become truly connected to their favorite fan couples, and it's fascinating to watch them debate the best romances. Throughout The Legend of Korra , the series seemed to be setting up Avatar Korra with her on-gain-off again boyfriend, Mako. Though he had communication issues and could be a little stoic, he had a protective and gentle heart. However, over time their relationship only became more and more strained. After several break-ups and even more hurt feelings, the pair finally called it quits for good. They loved each other, but it just wasn't working out.

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Another fan noticed how she has the same color scheme as Vaatu , yet she's still a good guy, with Korra's colors being compared to Raava. Fan Feed 1 Avatar 2 Zuko 3 Aang. After losing their supplies, they decided to head home, but not before sharing their first kiss. When she walks away alone, her true face shows her worry over the matter. The major exception to this theme is the resentment Asami carries against her father, Hiroshi, for both his emotional betrayal and physical attempt on her life. Retrieved 23 December You need to login to do this. She and her father mutually disown each other. Retrieved January 4, Averted in the following seasons, when the writers once more made her much more of a typical Action Girl -type strong female character who beat up many Mook villains. Unwitting Pawn : Thoroughly played by Varrick, which costs her the controlling interest to Future Industries. Obviously Evil : She's the rival to the hero's love interest, daughter of a villain, has a dark color scheme, and is overall drawn as a very "too pretty to be not evil" kind of beautiful she especially bears resemblance to Lust of Fullmetal Alchemist During the battle with Kuvira's Colossus, she witnessed her father, whom she'd just found it in her to forgive, perform a Heroic Sacrifice to help destroy the Colossus, and even sees him crushed to death. As the pair of engineers had trouble stabilizing the suits, Lin freed Hiroshi from prison and enlisted his help in the fight against Kuvira. Control de autoridades Proyectos Wikimedia Datos: Q

This is a partial character sheet for The Legend of Korra. Subjective trope and audience reactions should go on the YMMV page. People usually assume that I'm daddy's helpless little girl, but I can handle myself.

Episodes Characters Cast Production crew. Avatar: The Last Airbender. Category Traitor : Despite not being a bender, Asami sides with Mako and Korra against the Equalists when her father invites her to join the latter in their struggle for the common people. Wu can't stop hitting on her. However, the relationship thaws as Hiroshi apologies, acknowledges his crimes, and expresses his pride in Asami, stating that Asami was the "greatest thing he ever created". Romantic False Lead : To Mako. Hiroshi's hatred of benders drives him to hate anyone who associates with them, even his own daughter. Also on a meta-level, she was going to be an untrustworthy Equalist spy yet canonically ended up not only an ally to Korra, but more trustworthy than Mako , their mutual love interest. Like Zuko, she ultimately decides that her father is beyond redemption and needs to be stopped. Asami also discovered that Tokuga had stolen some of Hiroshi's blueprints for a gas dispersion mechanism in order for a terrorist attack against the city and wanted her to work on the design. Despite being glad to have the Avatar back in her life, Asami expressed bitterness toward Korra for being gone for so long when snapping at her after she suggested Hiroshi was trying to manipulate her, showcasing her sentimentality. Having assisted her father in operating their company before assuming engineering and management responsibilities, she has developed a keen eye for discerning high quality design and construction from subpar work, and utilizes this knowledge to further Team Avatar's goals in episodes such as season three's "Long Live the Queen".

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