Audrey hale body cam

Nashville Police have released the full bodycam video of its officers confronting transgender shooter Audrey Hale, audrey hale body cam. Rex Engelbert, a four-year veteran, and Michael Collazo, a nine-year veteran, were part of a team of officers who responded to the Covenant Church School campus and immediately entered the building. Both of those officers fired on the shooter, who was killed.

Thanks for contacting us. We've received your submission. Warning: Graphic Content. As they rounded the corner and laid eyes on Hale, the bodycam shows officers rapidly firing as the shooter blasted bullets in their direction. At a press conference on Tuesday, Metropolitan Nashville Police Chief John Drake said the year-old had legally purchased seven guns from various local stores — including the three used in the massacre.

Audrey hale body cam

AP — Nashville police released video Tuesday from a body-worn camera that shows a team of officers entering and searching an elementary school, then confronting and opening fire on an assailant who had murdered three children and three adults in the latest school shooting to roil the nation. The woman then directs officers to Fellowship Hall and says people inside had just heard gunshots. Three officers, including Engelbert, search rooms one by one, holding rifles. Officers climb stairs to the second floor and enter a lobby area. Then a barrage of gunfire is heard. Then the shooter is shown motionless on the floor. Police earlier identified the shooter, who was killed by police, as year-old Audrey Elizabeth Hale. They say Hale was a former student and shot through the doors of the private, Christian elementary school. Hale had drawn a detailed map of the school, including potential entry points, and conducted surveillance of the building before carrying out the massacre, authorities said. For hours Monday, police identified the shooter as a woman. At a late afternoon press conference, the police chief said Hale was transgender. After the news conference, police spokesperson Don Aaron declined to elaborate on how Hale identified. Hale did use male pronouns on a social media profile. The website of The Covenant School, a Presbyterian school founded in , lists a Katherine Koonce as the head of the school.

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News Correspondent. Nashville police on Tuesday released harrowing bodycam footage from cops who responded to the shooting at a private Christian school that left three children and three adults dead. Monday for reports of an active shooter. Just 14 minutes later, the suspected shooter—identified by authorities as year-old Audrey Elizabeth Hale —was shot dead by officers on the second floor. This is their body camera footage. It shows him arriving at the school and taking a rifle from the back of his police vehicle. Engelbert then enters the building.

Thanks for contacting us. We've received your submission. Warning: Graphic Content. As they rounded the corner and laid eyes on Hale, the bodycam shows officers rapidly firing as the shooter blasted bullets in their direction. At a press conference on Tuesday, Metropolitan Nashville Police Chief John Drake said the year-old had legally purchased seven guns from various local stores — including the three used in the massacre.

Audrey hale body cam

Both are being hailed as heroes for entering the building with a team of first responders and killing the suspect in a lobby on the second floor of the school. They fired on the active shooter, who was killed. Their body cam footage is in this article. This video shows the suspect driving on the campus of The Covenant School and shooting through the door to gain access to the building. She was armed with 2 assault-type guns and a 9 millimeter pistol.

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A video released by Metro Nashville Police Department shows the Covenant School shooting suspect arriving at the school, entering and walking the halls. An attack on a United States Postal worker was caught on camera. Arizona News. Facebook Twitter Email. Hale had drawn a detailed map of the school, including potential entry points, and conducted surveillance of the building before carrying out the massacre, authorities said. FOX 17 Investigates. Engelbert shot three times at Hale, who was standing in a lobby in front of a wide window overlooking the parking lot. Hale was killed in a shootout with police officers after she killed six people in the school. Published: Mar. True Crime Arizona. Check Your Flight Status. The temperature for the playoff game was minus 4 degrees Fahrenheit, and wind gusts made for a windchill of minus 27 degrees F. Dan Ladden-Hall News Correspondent. Just 14 minutes later, the suspected shooter—identified by authorities as year-old Audrey Elizabeth Hale —was shot dead by officers on the second floor. Get email updates with the day's biggest stories Sign up.

Metro Police released body camera footage showing the moments officers entered Covenant School in Nashville and killed mass shooter Audrey Hale. In the video, you can hear officers announce that they are with Metro Police. Sirens and gunshots are also heard in the video.

Latest Articles. Authorities say the year-old was attempting to pass another car in a construction zone when the crash happened. Nashville police said Hale was firing through the second floor window at officers as they arrived downstairs. Man who stabbed housemate to death after spying on her jailed for 25 years. Email This Link. Speak of the Devils Podcast. In the video, you can hear officers announce that they are with Metro Police. Metropolitan Nashville Police Department. Programming Schedule. Engelbert shot three times at Hale, who was standing in a lobby in front of a wide window overlooking the parking lot. Follow the latest updates on the Covenant School shooting as they happen in our live blog here. Fox 17 Drone Videos.

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