Babes meat and counter photos

Melanie Schoendorfer — the self-proclaimed "sausage queen of Miami" — and her husband, Jason, know their meats. The couple first came on the South Florida food scene inoffering house-made smoked sausages, specialty bacon, and handcrafted artisan sandwiches via pop-ups at the Pinecrest Farmers Market and local breweries. Today, a butcher counter doubles as a breakfast and lunch spot, offering charcuterie, sausages, and babes meat and counter photos built around premium cuts. But the most popular menu item is the burger.

MIA Review. Sandwiches Deli. Palmetto Bay. You can stop by for some supplies to make a nice dinner—but it's really a shame to come here without eating something of their small but excellent menu. Their sandwiches are among Miami's best.

Babes meat and counter photos


Miami has a love affair with croquetas, for good reason: The little fried cylinders are pure joy.


What can you say about one of miami's best butcher's and sandwich shops. The owners and staff are fantastic and the food speaks fit itself. From burgers, to exceptional hotdog and Montreal smoked meat sandwich and Cookies and don't sleep on the pork rinds. January Babe's provides great customer service! They happily answer all of your questions.

Babes meat and counter photos

Great for breakfast, lunch, dinner or just as a snack. Oh my, what a menu! The following Saturday I asked my wife what she wanted from Babe's meats for brunch. She smiled and said their BLT. Went to order vice calling it in so I could look around while the prepared the food. Nice clean open store with a separate meat counter. The young lady who took my order was helpful and I placed my order. Oh my, that sandwich was awesome!

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Photo courtesy of Balloo Wallah. The staff behind the counter is attentive and efficient at keeping the line moving. Earn 3x points with your sapphire card. Sandwiches Deli. Luis Meza Lifestyle Group. But the most popular menu item is the burger. Clear Search. The cherry on top pun intended might be the eatery's rooftop terrace, Sky Yard, which is open Thursday through Sunday nights. And if you're really ambitious, you share it with the masses. At Los Perros, you can scarf down a Colombian-style dog at almost any hour of the night. Flagler St. Bonus: No matter what variation you opt for, Los Perros' artisanal rolls are thick and fluffy — the better to accommodate any quantity of toppings.

MIA Review. Sandwiches Deli. Palmetto Bay.

The cherry on top pun intended might be the eatery's rooftop terrace, Sky Yard, which is open Thursday through Sunday nights. The Lincoln Eatery. This virtual restaurant offers Indian street food like chicken tikka masala and samosas, but the wings are a revelation. Things To Do. Babe's kimchi dog can often be found as a special, and if you see it—order it. So whether you're craving a vegan burger from Plant Theory, sushi pizza from Tyo Sushi, a ceviche platter from Cilantro 27, or towering cake- and candy-topped milkshakes from the Market Milkshake Bar, this is the only place you'll find it. Clear Search. For the ultimate experience, though, try the , filled with picadillo, sweet plantains, and queso. While the dish may be familiar to mainlanders as raw fish over rice with an endless array of toppings, in Hawaii it's far simpler. Included In. Photo courtesy of Balloo Wallah. All rights reserved. Dos Croquetas sends precooked, frozen croquetas anywhere in the U. It's not as well-known as other fritangas in Little Havana, but La Leonesa's food and service are utterly on point.

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