Backrooms hotel

Forum: Backrooms hotel Yourself. The original author of this entry is Fandom user Discord Rewritten by Stretchsterz. Ideas, Code and Entity 18 paragraph by ratscrapz.

New here? Be sure to read the FAQ for useful and commonly asked wiki information. Level 5 is presumably an infinite, ever-expanding hotel complex complete with all the sections a luxury hotel should have, such as lounges, ballrooms, guest rooms, restaurants, hallways, gyms, swimming pools, and maintenance halls. The level does not follow Euclidean geometry, which makes many wanderers lose track of where they are, never to be found again. Some places on this level are also randomly segmented, with some doors leading to nowhere or cut-off rooms or stairs. Due to how large this level encompasses, it is also rare for wanderers to gather together. Despite this, a few obscure outposts are clinging to survival.

Backrooms hotel

Forum: Introduce Yourself. I assume you may be a bit confused as to where you find yourself. However, you have nothing to fear. The place you see before you is what you will know soon enough as your new home, with me and my dear staff members as your new family. We are not many here, mind you. Our small group of dedicated workers maintain the hotel in the way which you see it before you at the present moment, and despite this place being infinite, we still try our best to make the experience of our customers one that is… pleasant. Yes, pleasant. On the topic of our customers… Between you and me, you better have something going for you. We take our duties and obligations most seriously here at this hotel. This includes making sure our visitors' final resting place lies right here where they stand. But… let's not get too ahead of ourselves here,. The Terror Hotel. Most commonly known by many as 'Level 5' by all those who know of it, the hotel is one of the several different realities present in the harsh environment of The Backrooms.

Ideas, Code and Entity 18 paragraph by ratscrapz. Something does not work as expected?


I assume you may be a bit confused as to where you find yourself. However, you have nothing to fear. The place you see before you is what you will know soon enough as your new home, with me and my dear staff members as your new family. We are not many here, mind you. Our small group of dedicated workers maintain the hotel in the way which you see it before you at the present moment, and despite this place being infinite, we still try our best to make the experience of our customers one that is… pleasant. Yes, pleasant. On the topic of our customers… Between you and me, you better have something going for you.

Backrooms hotel

New here? Be sure to read the FAQ for useful and commonly asked wiki information. Level is a concrete structure resemblant in layout to a modern hotel. The level's entirety is characterized by its dilapidated condition, with all surfaces coated in a thin layer of dust, all furniture made of rusted metal or rotted wood, and what few light fixtures can be found all being shattered or short-circuited. There is no natural light anywhere within the level, with some wanderers claiming the hotel is so thoroughly dark that even their brightest flashlights somewhat struggle to illuminate their surroundings.

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Levels Enigmatic Levels. The hotel is their domain, the place inside of which their control is rooted most deeply, and where the extremities of their prowess are brought out onto that which they wish it to affect. For New Users. The Backrooms You've been here before. I tried my best to collect myself, gathered all my notes, and stood up quickly. In fact, many of us may have already entered this room. Find out what you can do. Many famous historical figures who disappeared have ended up in the backrooms and are now part of this group. One will find corpses more commonly than one can find others. This hub was put together by ratscrapz with the huge help of Sariastuff! This Level seems to be an infinite hotel. Append content without editing the whole page source.

The original author of this entry is Fandom user Discord Rewritten by Stretchsterz. Ideas, Code and Entity 18 paragraph by ratscrapz.

Both bases are located near each other for convenience. Wanderers flock to the belly of the beast in search of their own goals and accomplishments, only to be disappointed when they find that when they poke the sleeping dog, it awakes to bite them. Entity - "The Bellhopper" Written by ratscrapz made with love. This area contains many barred-off areas with large pieces of machinery. The place you see before you is what you will know soon enough as your new home, with me and my dear staff members as your new family. Rewritten by Stretchsterz. Shields Tales M. Written by VivamusLudio. When adding your article to the canon hub, be sure to follow this template while adding it to the right category:. This hub was put together by ratscrapz with the huge help of Sariastuff!

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