baldurs gate 3 nexus

Baldurs gate 3 nexus

Danielle Rose. Published: Feb 26, Or an archaeologist?

There are a few mods already available for Baldur's Gate 3, as of press time, and while some are the obligatory nudist mods and or ones that make your package bigger, there are some that help out in the gameplay department, and this mod is one of those. One of these mods was created by Avalonica and it's available over on Nexus. It tweaks the game's maximum carry weight allowing you to carry around as much or as little as you like. If you are tired of becoming encumbered and being forced to decide what to keep in your bags and what to ditch, you can easily fix that with this mod. There are multiple options, adding multipliers ranging from 50 to , Avalonica recommends using the version, but you can choose a few more notches. Perfect for hoarders.

Baldurs gate 3 nexus

Do you wish Astarion was femme? Do you want more character customization options? There are lots of mods for that. Although Larian is being very generous with post-release patches based on player feedback — introducing new epilogues and kissing animations, for example — these updates will create havoc for modded games. This mechanics mod alters the UI to enhance modified games for a smoother, better experience overall. In addition to enhancing character creation options, ImprovedUI ReleaseReady also removes in-game warnings and provides optional files based on player feedback to replace other UI elements. At the time of writing, the creator has released a Patch 5-compliant update, so it will work with the current version of the game. At the time of writing, this mod has been updated for compatibility with Patch 5. At the time of writing, this mod has been updated for Patch 5. To avoid losing rich character and story moments, you can enable Camp Event Notifications , a mod that adds visual notifications for when you should opt for long rest nights at camp. The original mod by Kvalyr is in English, and there is a Korean-language version by bk0n9. This allows you to make more informed decisions in the dialogue wheel, which may prevent the need to save scum for every cutscene. There is a plethora of additional mods you can add to this one for an even more catered look. Watch the discussion topics for bugs as Larian releases patch updates: This mod is great, but sometimes requires extra patience. The Strong Female Heads mod by Dufresne helps curb this frustration, which can be immense depending on how you want your Tav to look.

These are presets for your custom characters. This means that all the main cast can be with you at all times, as well as many of the generic party members you can recruit from Withers.

Modding is not currently supported, but will be at a later date. If you are having an issue trying to launch the game, or in game, you should remove any existing mod files, especially after a major game update. Check the 'Mods' and 'Public' folders in the ' If applicable, you can also delete the modsettings. For compatibility, if the game is started and is there is no local AppData folder for the game, but there is in Documents, the existing profiles and configuration files are copied over, which can copy old mods there, as well. In the launcher, if you click on the button with the gear icon in the bottom left of the window and scroll down, there are buttons to open the profile folder or open the installation folder.

Do you wish Astarion was femme? Do you want more character customization options? There are lots of mods for that. Although Larian is being very generous with post-release patches based on player feedback — introducing new epilogues and kissing animations, for example — these updates will create havoc for modded games. This mechanics mod alters the UI to enhance modified games for a smoother, better experience overall.

Baldurs gate 3 nexus

You can do it. Change the inventory system? Change combat mechanics?

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Are you playing a roguish female character and want to spice up her look? In addition to enhancing character creation options, ImprovedUI ReleaseReady also removes in-game warnings and provides optional files based on player feedback to replace other UI elements. At the time of writing, the creator has released a Patch 5-compliant update, so it will work with the current version of the game. This Character Creation Presets mod does what it says on the tin. Or an archaeologist? If applicable, you can also delete the modsettings. Share this story Reddit Facebook. This is quite a subtle mod created to fix a problem that has infuriated some players. This mod works great regardless of your favorite input method, unlocking the camera for both controller and keyboard and mouse players. The original mod by Kvalyr is in English, and there is a Korean-language version by bk0n9.

Mods have been one of the most lauded creations of the Baldur's Gate 3 community, but installing them can be confusing and intimidating for players new to modding.

Something went wrong. The Fantastical Multiverse is a perfect addition for those who are planning on multiple playthroughs of the RPG. Or an archaeologist? This Character Creation Presets mod does what it says on the tin. Kuala Lumpur. The Strong Female Heads mod by Dufresne helps curb this frustration, which can be immense depending on how you want your Tav to look. Now, as your companion lies in a crumpled heap, you go to load your save, only to find the most recent save is from several hours ago. Another mod that deepens the already-gargantuan character creator in BG3. It grants your character a spell that causes party members to be controlled by AI during combat. Baldur's Gate 3 Mod Information. By submitting your email, you agree to our Terms and Privacy Notice. You can go as fancy or as simple as you desire, with color options for further customization. Please enter a valid email and try again. Read our editorial policy. Placing a Bag of Holding into a Handy Haversack does not cause them to destroy each other, which is by design.

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