baldurs gate canon party

Baldurs gate canon party

Skift sprog. Installer Steam. Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition Butiksside. I'm running a full canon party in my first playthrough.

They're only the "canon" party because of a shitty novel and because the intro to BG2 was lazy and poorly implemented. People think Dynaheir sucks because they can't play the game without summoning monsters to fight their battles for them. Plus the abundance of invoker in a stick wands of fireball, lightning bolt, magic missile mean there is no need to worry about losing those spells. There is no real mention that Dynaheir is killed just before BG2 as far as I know. Sow thats the first slot And I think the ToB book is not really bad. The prologe is pretty good if you ask me.

Baldurs gate canon party

Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived Page 1 of 2 Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Boards Baldur's Gate Playing with canon party? Is this a stupid idea? I gave Khalid a bow, since he's the only one with the proficiency and it would be blasphemy to give Minsc one. Bad idea? Side note

Khalid - No. Let's cross carefully shall we.

In some contexts canon can also refer to Forgotten Realms canon. While the player is allowed to speak with various members of the party as if they do not remember them, this is employed as a method to give players a brief summary of the events of the first game, and does not seem intended as a way for the player to dispute their past connections with these characters. However, it is not made clear whether Gorion's Ward traveled with these companions exclusively throughout their adventures in Baldur's Gate , only that they traveled together for some amount of time. Jaheira's introductory dialogue to a player who claims not to remember her states that "we have traveled together for some time, and the places we have gone number too many to name," [1] so it's not unreasonable to assume that a lot of time was spent with Jaheira and Khalid at least, but still no definite conclusions can be drawn. No returning party members in Baldur's Gate II except Imoen make any reference to being present for the slaying of Sarevok at the conclusion of Baldur's Gate. Therefore it cannot be stated definitively that Baldur's Gate II establishes a canon party for the first game, but it is not out of the question to accept the returning characters as such.

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Global Achievements. Was looking for suggestions or advice on a good class to fill-out a canon party playthrough. A 2nd thief is probably not required. And with 3 characters than can melee, I don't think any classes of the warrior archetype would be needed.

Baldurs gate canon party

They're only the "canon" party because of a shitty novel and because the intro to BG2 was lazy and poorly implemented. People think Dynaheir sucks because they can't play the game without summoning monsters to fight their battles for them. Plus the abundance of invoker in a stick wands of fireball, lightning bolt, magic missile mean there is no need to worry about losing those spells. There is no real mention that Dynaheir is killed just before BG2 as far as I know. Sow thats the first slot And I think the ToB book is not really bad. The prologe is pretty good if you ask me. I've always found the canon party a blast to play.


We weren't talking at all. Yes, there are better NPCs out there. Latronis 14 years ago 6. That book really was awful. One other note on the subject of canon for Baldur's Gate is that many possible companions from the first game do return in Baldur's Gate II as non-playable characters. It was going just fine thief-less for a quite a while. Safana, for example, is reachable early, and her personal quest can be solved in multiple ways. I played through with the canon party once - maybe twice. Sarevok is just icing on the cake. Lemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4, I'm trying to decide on my core group to, but there are so many fun little side quests.. Can't remember the quest exactly but I remember meeting a Necromancer wanting a necklace or something in Baldur's Gate and you got really chummy with him, meet him as any other character type and you are horrified! And by pure chance the party I got was exactly this "canon" party!

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Khalid is a weak fighter and Jaheira, in addition to being weak, has a class that doesn't contribute much to that party. B-but quietly! I always play with the canon party too, and I just don't bother duel classing Imoen. I must admit, I just keep her a thief. Boards Baldur's Gate Playing with canon party? So, what are we waiting for, Minsc? Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon. Well Wirt did all the numbing crunching, i just quoted him since he had covered every point i planned on adding too. I finished it as well. Dynaheir: A dagger, but she's in the back since they were morons and made her an invoker with no defensive spells You won't find a magical spear until the Cloakwood mines. Show Ignored Content. I'd say Aerie because IMO the placement, Minsc's "new witch" thing, and sheer volume of happenings in the ToB romance overpower Viconia's relatively wimpy conversion.

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