Banksy pulp fiction art

Banksy's Pulp Fiction reimagines a scene from Quentin Tarantino's cult classic by the same name. Banksy depicts John Travolta and Samuel L.

Pulp Fiction is a type of work by stencil graffiti artist Banksy. Instances of it depict the characters played by Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta in the film Pulp Fiction , with their guns replaced by bananas. In a silkscreen print version of the motif was released by publishers Pictures on Walls consisting of a signed edition of and an unsigned edition of Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history.

Banksy pulp fiction art


Rude Copper 5 works. Subversive genius Banksy is actually rubbish".


Banksy art gets misinterpreted all the time, either by official authorities or overly conservative people. For them, the fact that street art is also art is somehow self-contradictory. Though Banksy has become an internationally accepted street artist , the question of whether he promotes vandalism or not is still open to debate. That is actually why sometimes his wall murals end up being painted over. Banksy Pulp Fiction is but a good example. Jackson — stand side-by-side and hold their guns as if ready to shoot. Banksy, though, replaced guns with bananas, which produced a truly humorous effect.

Banksy pulp fiction art

Pulp Fiction is a type of work by stencil graffiti artist Banksy. Instances of it depict the characters played by Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta in the film Pulp Fiction , with their guns replaced by bananas. In a silkscreen print version of the motif was released by publishers Pictures on Walls consisting of a signed edition of and an unsigned edition of Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history. Tools Tools.

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Frankenthaler, Helen. Archived from the original on 10 October Mike Wood I strongly recommend choosing this company as your brokers. Archived from the original on 25 January The bananas used as guns are also reminiscent of Andy Warhol 's iconic album cover for American band The Velvet Underground, which depicts a banana on a monochrome background. Hughes, Shara 4 works. Privacy policy Cookie policy Website terms of use. The image first appeared in as an in situ stencil work, painted close to London's Old Street tube station. Rebecca Marsham helped me in every step till I got the artwork at my home. Banksy works. Wesselmann, Tom works. Harrington, Conor 15 works.


The image first appeared in as an in situ stencil work, painted close to London's Old Street tube station The original mural was visible until , when Transport for London painted over it. Beyond this however, here Banksy uses humour to undermine war and violence, transforming the aggressive scene into something harmless or even laughable. Mr Brainwash 27 works. Bacon, Francis. Basquiat, Jean-Michel. Pulp Fiction is a type of work by stencil graffiti artist Banksy. Emin, Tracey. Choose Your Weapon. Banksy depicts John Travolta and Samuel L. Kusama, Yayoi works. Toggle limited content width. Nicholson, Ben 25 works. Girl With Balloon 9 works. Work by stencil graffiti artist Banksy.

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