Barbara ann minerva

Barbara Minervaalso known as the Cheetahis a British archaeologist who was empowered by porcelain corsets plant god Urzkartagagiving her the ability to turn into a ravenous, cannibalistic barbara ann minerva woman. She is a frequent villain of Wonder Woman. Born as the heiress of a vast fortune in Nottinghamshire, Barbara Minerva's life would change dramatically following an expedition she led into a dense African jungle.

Things you buy through our links may earn Vox Media a commission. Only six issues in, the second volume of the Wonder Woman comic already had a wealth of supporting female characters, but Barbara was different. She was all sharp edges and classic villainous hallmarks; a long nose and a cutting jaw, angry eyes and clutching fingers. In short, she is the kind of character readers love to hate. In fact, there have been a total of four Cheetah incarnations dating back to , each one representing a different kind of archenemy. Today, we understand the shared universes in which superheroes operate; Superman and Batman are old friends, Daredevil and She-Hulk have faced each other in the courtroom as their lawyer alter-egos. But there was no trace of this shared world when Wonder Woman first graced the pages of All-Star Comics 8 and heroes interacted in episodic, often contradictory adventures.

Barbara ann minerva

The Cheetah is a fictional character appearing in DC Comics publications and related media, commonly as a major recurring adversary of the superhero Wonder Woman. Peter , debuting in the autumn of in Wonder Woman volume 1 6. With her distinctive sleek, spotted appearance, she is recognized as "one of Wonder Woman's most iconic enemies" [1] and has been a persistent foe throughout every era of the hero's comic book adventures. Barbara Ann Minerva Post- Crisis and current , and Sebastian Ballesteros a male usurper who briefly assumed the role in The Cheetah character has been adapted in various forms of media outside of comics, including animated series, films, and video games. Kristen Wiig portrayed the Dr. Before the issue DC Comics series Crisis on Infinite Earths in which is regarded as the starting point for DC's continuity before the New 52 reboot , there were two women who donned spotted cat costumes to fight Wonder Woman as the Cheetah: socialite Priscilla Rich and her niece Deborah Domaine. While modern incarnations of the Cheetah possess superhuman powers, Rich and Domaine do not. While the Pre- Crisis Cheetahs are simply women in costumes, the Post- Crisis Cheetahs have taken on a more mystical note, being champions of a god much as Wonder Woman is to her patrons, actually morphing into powerfully ferocious human-cheetah hybrids with great strength, agility, and deadly claws and fangs which make them challenging opponents to Wonder Woman and other powerful superheroes in battle. There she sees an image of a woman dressed like a cheetah. She is presumed dead, but survives thanks to her fireproof costume. Wonder Woman manages to thwart the plot and rescue Gail, with the Cheetah warning Wonder Woman to stay out of her affairs. She soon returns when an American military official organizes an athletic competition between female athletes from America and a group of women trained on Paradise Island.

Immortality Seeker : Her reason for wanting the Cheetah powers is that they would grant her immortality. Diana is a Chaste Heroine more interested in romance than sex, while Minerva is The Vamp who has had a lot of casual barbara ann minerva. However, once there, she makes contact with someone telling him she is where he requested, implying her capture was staged as a part of a bigger plan.

Art by Aaron Lopresti. There have been four people who have taken up the mantle of Cheetah. The first version, Priscilla Rich, a wealthy but troubled socialite with a Split Personality who donned a cheetah costume and fought the Golden Age Wonder Woman who was Hippolyta in some continuities , was created by Wonder Woman's creator William Moulton Marston , and first appeared in Wonder Woman 6 Volume 1 in Since then, Cheetah, in all her various identities, has been a long time nemesis for Wonder Woman, with the Barbara Ann Minerva version of the character being the most well known to the mainstream, and has appeared across various media relating to Wonder Woman, including the DC Animated Universe and the direct-to-DVD original movies Wonder Woman , in which she has a brief cameo at the end , and Justice League: Doom , in which the Barbara Ann Minerva incarnation has a major role. Due to the fact that Cheetah is a Legacy Character , and there have been at least four versions of the character, each version will have their tropes in a separate folder.

But just who are they, and how can one tell them apart? First Appearance: Wonder Woman 6 The original Cheetah is still the longest to hold the title—or at least she will be for another few years. Priscilla was a wealthy gadabout, thrill-seeking socialite, beloved by all for her beauty and charm. She also suffered from two major problems: a red-hot jealousy streak and a serious case of disassociative identity disorder. How to Spot: The face is the giveaway. Priscilla wears a full body suit, but keeps her face uncovered. First Appearance: Wonder Woman Until, that is, the international terrorist cult of Kobra kidnapped and brainwashed the heiress into becoming a Cheetah of their own. How to Spot: Like her aunt Priss, Debbi likes to keep her face uncovered, but sports the embellishment of a plunging neckline.

Barbara ann minerva

Barbara Ann Minerva , also known as Cheetah [1] , is a former geologist, gemologist, and cryptozoologist who briefly obtained superhuman and cheetah-like attributes through Max Lord 's ability to take from those whose wishes he granted, eventually getting her desire to become "an apex predator" - a cheetah-like creature. Using these powers, Barbara fought against Wonder Woman who used to be her friend, under the manipulation of Lord. Barbara Minerva lived her life as a social outcast, cursed with social awkwardness and an inability to be noticed by others. When she was in high school she suffered a hip injury, resulting in her becoming a terrible dancer. Due to Barbara's lack of friends, she managed to put all of her time into her work and eventually being accepted into college to study geology, gemology, lithology and cryptozoology, eventually earning a doctorate. On her first day, while Minerva was being shown around her workplace by Dr. Carol Thomas , the Museum was attacked by a group of men trying to steal the Noble Diamond. In the ensuing chaos, she and Dr.

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And you will fill the world with terror! Start a Wiki. Dark Action Girl : Cheetah is very adept at hand-to-hand combat, obviously able to go one on one with Wonder Woman repeatedly. Today, we understand the shared universes in which superheroes operate; Superman and Batman are old friends, Daredevil and She-Hulk have faced each other in the courtroom as their lawyer alter-egos. Legacy Character : Was the second person to bear the title of Cheetah in Post-Crisis continuity, and the third character to use the identity overall. Diana was worried for Barbara's safety and gave her a GPS beacon to contact her if she was in trouble, but Doctor Cyber deactivated it on Veronica Cale's orders. Barbie Doll Anatomy : In her Tisiphone Fury form, she's naked just like the Cheetah, but without fur so instead her skin is merely drawn without nipples or genitalia. McLeod, she became interested in Greek mythology, especially the Amazons. Her cheetah impulses usually bring out her worst and most violent urges. Statuesque Stunner : Cheetah tends to be three to four inches shorter than Wonder Woman. She's not brought in the story again and gets an Unexplained Recovery in her next appearance, suggesting the effects were temporary. Alternate Identity Amnesia : This is how she expressed her multiple identities in the Silver Age, with the Cheetah and Priscilla being unaware of each others' actions unless they saw physical or documentary evidence of it, and consequently try to foil their other persona's plots.

Did You Know? Barbara Ann Minerva is the third character to become Cheetah. The two before her were Priscilla Rich and Deborah Domaine.

Through planning, she manages to give Wonder Woman some trouble once , but only once. Usually, the host of the Cheetah would become The Ageless with no caveats, but due to her patron god Urzkartaga's jealous anger at her for not being a virgin , he cursed her human form to experience severe pain and frailty, which deteriorates her body, making her human form look older than she actually is if she doesn't keep transforming into the Cheetah. Minerva would only resurface in , with a storyline dedicated to her killing Sebastian Ballesteros and taking back her mantle and power as the Cheetah. She knows how to fight smart and how to take full advantage of her Cheetah's powers. Dragon with an Agenda : The first time Cheetah works for Circe she unwittingly became Circe's slave and thus did everything she could to undermine Circe, subtly or overtly, whenever she got the chance. Art by Nicola Scott. She chased him around the Mediterranean , until she came to Tunisia. Before the ritual could be completed, an outside tribe attacked the village, slaughtering everyone but Chuma, who was saved by Minerva. Following the Invasion! She expresses interest in becoming an archaeologist, a nod to her main DC counterpart.

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