Bbc radio 5 live sports

If a major news story breaks during the live sport broadcasts on 5 Live, the sports coverage may sometimes be redirected and continued on 5 Sports Extra, while 5 Live switches to live news. The station is only available on digital radiotelevision bbc radio 5 live sports and BBC Sounds.

The programme is on air from Monday to Wednesday 7pm to pm, as well as Thursday and Friday 7pm to 10pm. It is also broadcast at weekends from 12pm until the early evening, depending on the events being covered. The programme was also broadcast on most bank holiday afternoons. Afternoon-long sporting coverage on Sundays, using different names during the Radio 2 era, was introduced in although this was confined to the summer months and it took on a format mixing sport and music. The 5 Live Sport name has been used since

Bbc radio 5 live sports


BBC Radio 5 Live.


Eleanor Oldroyd presents the day's sports news. The latest boxing news, discussion and interviews ahead of the big fight nights. Mark Chapman builds up to today's Premier League fixtures. Mark Chapman presents reaction to the day's sport. Maz Farookhi presents the latest football news ahead of the international break. Steve Bunce presents the latest boxing news plus a look ahead to the next big fight. Delyth Lloyd builds up to Wales v Finland in the Euro playoff semi-final. Live football commentary of Wales v Finland in the Euro playoff semi-final. Aaron Paul builds up to commentary of Netherlands v Scotland in an international friendly.

Bbc radio 5 live sports


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During the summer, Sports Report was not broadcast, meaning that Sport on 2 ran from pm and 6 pm, extended to 7 pm during the Wimbledon fortnight. Louis Cardinals. Tools Tools. Tools Tools. For an Israeli group of television channels, see Sport 5. This might happen with the third part of the Formula 1 qualifying or occasionally other major sports, such as cricket. In the summer, major sporting events such as the Olympics , the Commonwealth Games , Wimbledon and the Open are all given extensive coverage. Test Match Special. History of Freeview UK. Download as PDF Printable version.


BBC Radio 5 Live. The station began broadcasts at pm on 2 February Contents move to sidebar hide. Tools Tools. The Sports Extra internet stream, which used to go off air when live content was not running, now also broadcasts the promo loop. For an Israeli group of television channels, see Sport 5. BBC Radio. Movies Great! Tools Tools. A label for Sports Extra is continuously radiated on the DAB multiplex to allow those tuning their radio to store the station to their device even if it is not on air. Mark Chapman is the main presenter. Organ Grinder Blog. Download as PDF Printable version. The broadcasts themselves are live and uninterrupted except when updates are given by commentators to listeners on Radio 5 Live.

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