Ben 10 villains pictures

A character subpage for villains debuting in the series. Arc Villains Vilgax See this page.

A character subpage for Ben 10 Villains that debut in the original series. Major Villains Vilgax See his page. And good guys never have the guts to finish guys like me! An year-old boy Ben befriends in New York City, Kevin seems like your average street kid delinquent, but actually has superpowers that allow him to absorb energy. After revealing himself to be a disturbed sociopath, Kevin absorbs the power of Ben's Omnitrix, which backfires on him when it eventually mutates him into a hideous amalgamation of all 10 of Ben's aliens. Now dubbing himself "Kevin 11", he is obsessed with getting Revenge on Ben.

Ben 10 villains pictures

Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. I always did like this original intro. Can you believe Ben 10 has been a major Cartoon Network property for fifteen years? It's not one I ever personally "got into," and I can't say for certain why that is. I was over drinking age when it debuted, but that's never stopped me before, so maybe there was just something about its particular writing and characters that never fully grabbed me? Regardless, it's a series I'd have been a maniac for if it had coincided with my childhood, and I'm still pretty thoroughly familiar with its alien designs. If it always flew under your radar as well, the intro should tell you all you need to know - except for the backstory that Ben's alien gizmo, the Omnitrix, is basically an archive of DNA from legendary heroes throughout the galaxy, and the ten forms he has access to would cycle regularly as the series progressed With hundreds of known aliens in this canon, I obviously have a lot of personal favorites, and because my tastes are what they are, a Spooky-Season list of his creepiest, crawliest and slimiest happens to include every favorite I could ever want to cover Then we'd really be here for too long. For now, we'll just be looking at those aliens included in some incarnation of the Omnitrix itself!

Evil Versus Evil : Vilgax is pitted against him, as he is a big enough threat even Patricia callero doesn't want him around. Redemption Rejection : Like in the original show, he does this frequently, as his stubborn pride and hatred of Ben is just too strong. Badass Boast : ben 10 villains pictures galaxies bow before me, and you will be no exception.


A character subpage for Ben 10 Villains debuting in Alien Force. The Highbreed is the only kind. Highbreed believe themselves to be the first, and therefore genetically purest, species in the Universe, and that all other living beings are inferiors that need to be exterminated like vermin. While powerful on their own, they are unwilling to have direct contact with other species, and instead use genetically engineered Mooks , the DNAliens , to do their dirty work. Absolute Xenophobe : All that matters is them; everyone else is vermin. Always Chaotic Evil : Subverted; the only reason they are evil is because of their xenophobic, racist ideology. Reinrassic III gradually becomes nicer following his Enemy Mine with Ben, and, after he convinced his comrades to give up the whole Omnicidal Maniac way, they are no longer portrayed as evil. They just see the DNAliens as slightly more useful, thanks to being subserivent to them and useful as cannon fodder and soldiers.

Ben 10 villains pictures

While he appears like a nice guy at first glance, Michael Morningstar, aka Darkstar, is quick to reveal his true colors as a selfish and manipulative villain. Basically an energy vampire, Darkstar is constantly on the hunt to drain people of their life force just so that he can retain his youthful appearance. Whether he is literally draining people of their happiness or threatening loved ones, this cruel clown will use whatever methods necessary to accomplish his goals. If there is one lesson Ben learned from his encounter with Zombozo, it's that the only way to beat a monster is with an even scarier one. Ironically named Hope, Charmcaster quickly became corrupted under the influence of her sorcerer uncle Hex.

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Taken for Granite : He ends up turned into a stone miniature by Charmcaster, just like Addwaitya and Darkstar. A trio of clown-based super-powered criminals who were working as Zombozo's henchmen in his Circus of Fear in his first appearance. When first introduced, Clancy kidnapped a councilwoman who was attempting to destroy the house where he was living, intending to feed her to his bug friends. Evil Sorcerer : Like he was in the original series. Not-So-Harmless Villain : Though it wouldn't seem like it given many of her past performances, she manages to rack up a body count only the Highbreed, the Incurseans, and Vilgax have managed to exceed, and they have entire armies. Hypnotic Eyes : He is revealed to have them in his second appearance. Ax-Crazy : In his first appearance alone, without gaining any of Ben's power, he plans to crash trains into each other to take valuables from the people that will be killed. Regardless, it's a series I'd have been a maniac for if it had coincided with my childhood, and I'm still pretty thoroughly familiar with its alien designs. Galactic Conqueror : As his Badass Boast implies. We Can Rule Together : Oddly enough, he gives a speech very much like this to Charmcaster, only the prospect is for her to renounce her evil, power-seeking ways and settle down with him for a peaceful life. In Omniverse , he turns his skull right-side up. Nothing about him was Played for Laughs , the episodes he appeared in were some of the original series' darkest, and Ben is so scared of him that he never transformed into Ghostfreak again until years later. Amazing Technicolor Population : He is blue. Easily Forgiven : Gwen instantaneously forgives and feels sorry for Charmcaster after being revived following Charmcaster's murder of her. After one insult too many, the creature deliberately lets go and drops them both in.

A character subpage for Ben 10 Villains that debut in the original series. Major Villains Vilgax See his page.

For a time, Ben 10 actually had a whole set of aliens with a "horror monster" theme, which included a vampire, a Frankenstoid and a werewolf. Villain of the Week : Only appeared in "Mayhem in Mascot". He even makes a Heroic Sacrifice while still insisting he's "the baddest around". Hearing Voices : Insanity version. Voiced by: John DiMaggio. It really emphasizes his savage nature. Aesop Amnesia : In his third appearance, it seems Xingo finally understood that the only place for him is his cartoon world, and he will never change the grimy real world to fit his nonsensical taste. Magic Pants : Zig-zagged. Loophole Abuse : The reason he can absorb Ben's alien forms in his debut episode? During the theft they were literally talking to each other how they wanted to spend their share. Evil Counterpart : To Gwen. Red and Black and Evil All Over : He has black markings on his face, uses black and red mana and wears a black and red cape. Once Forever Knight put his plan into motion, he stopped caring for the other Squires and insisted on Ben being there to aid him. Contrasting Sequel Antagonist : Unlike Vilgax and High Override, he's an independent Earth-based villain rather than an alien invader with an army behind him. Evil Brit : Speaks with a British accent.

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