best clash of clans village layout

Best clash of clans village layout

One of the most important aspects of Clashing, and Clashing well, best clash of clans village layout, is protecting your trophies and loot. A poorly constructed base can give your enemies easy access to your loot, your trophies, or your war stars, while a well-designed base can protect vital resources and keep your enemies and their goblins out. As a general rule, your defences and storages should all be in a protected position inside the walls while other structures, such as army camps, should never be inside your walls.

Clash of Maps - Base, Layouts A. K Studio. Everyone info. Clash of Maps app helps you get the best base for your village. Get the best clash of clans base layouts as per your need.

Best clash of clans village layout

Hello, this is J-Rex I am just a contributor to the wiki and dedicated to try to make a strategy guide about village layouts. I would like to point out that this is just my strategy when making my village. You may have different strategies or opinions. I would absolutely love to hear your opinions, but in a constructive criticism sense. Also if there are any mistakes in spelling, grammar, or information about the game and let me assure you, there will be then feel absolutely free to correct it. I would prefer it if you told me you were doing so first. If you did not feel that my strategy guide helped you, please tell me why. If you do not leave a message for me, I will assume that you didn't give the effort to read all of it or this. Therefore, I will ignore it. I am open to criticism and suggestions like I said.

You can mask such a gap in the walls using tall buildings such as the Clock Towerif you intend to have a gap in the corner. However, experienced attackers will often mitigate this threat with a Balloon.

Everyone info. Town hall 4 to 16, New Builder base 4 to 10 and Funny base layouts. COC base layouts copy paste provides players with top notch strategies and base layouts designs to optimise their base layouts for effective farming bases to protect your resources coins, elixir and powerful defensive layouts for victorious clan wars. How can this app help me? Just one click copy base and it automatically opens and copies the coc base design directly in your game. No need to build the base design yourself or use any other base builder tool or clash base planner.

Regardless of a player's objectives, a good base layout is crucial to success in their objective, whether it be trophy pushing, farming, or warring. A poorly designed base will easily fall to attacks, regardless of how much Gold is invested into the defenses. On the other hand, a well-designed base will be able to defend better even if the defenses are weaker. This page is dedicated to sound strategy that will help you build your base. You should never copy any base you see on the web since any published base can have all weaknesses known. However, knowing how to build a base and having examples will allow you to create your own nuances in a base. Building a defense means understanding how the troops that attack it work, what they target and ways to target them. Knowing the types of armies your attacker may be using goes a long way toward this goal. No base is a perfect defense against every type of attack, however building against common attacks can help ensure success.

Best clash of clans village layout

One of the most important aspects of Clashing, and Clashing well, is protecting your trophies and loot. A poorly constructed base can give your enemies easy access to your loot, your trophies, or your war stars, while a well-designed base can protect vital resources and keep your enemies and their goblins out. As a general rule, your defences and storages should all be in a protected position inside the walls while other structures, such as army camps, should never be inside your walls. Think of your base as a dart board with the bullseye being the most protected portion of your base. For trophy hunting, your town hall should be inside your walls in the centre of your base and well protected by defences. In farming mode solely focusing on resources to build your village , your TH should be placed outside your walls in the corner. This gives any invading enemy the chance for easy trophies while leaving your precious resource storages intact. Other storages should be placed within your walls with defences preferably splash nearby for protection.

237 w 4th st

One thing I like to keep in mind is that you should build your village from the center out. You general place buildings are group-up by types All Cannons next to each other, all Gold Mnes next to each, etc. These defences include those that do splash damage or high levels of damage. Because these are just waste space you could have used for something important, and could actually create a back door for enemies to place troops behind your defenses if the area they are in is at least 3x3 see paragraph below. This concept usually arises in war bases, usually to get attacks moving around it rather than through it. But but in your layout with you have provided in the app we have still those old layouts in which there are a number of barracks which now is not necessary because clash of clans have been updated accordingly which I have mention above. Heroes — Placing your heroes inside your walls adds an extra layer of defence. Now, on to the strategies! Suggested placement for these units is just within your walls to act as the first layer of defence. Clash of Clans Wiki Explore.

Find Clans: Easily find clans that perfectly align with your preferences and playstyle. Welcome to COCBases. Say goodbye to the tedious task of building bases from scratch and say hello to the convenience of COCBases!

This can be both a good thing and a bad thing. I would absolutely love to hear your opinions, but in a constructive criticism sense. So Mortars and Air Defenses are better towards the middle because of their range, and Cannons and Archer Towers are better on the outside because of their fire rates and hitpoints. For example, you can set a Push Trap inside your walls to force troops outside the walls, or set a Push Trap to displace troops on top of a Crusher. A good place to place your storages is in the middle, or around the middle. Several of these "islands" may appear in the same layout, and variants may exist where more than one layer of walls is used. Home Village Builder Base. Buildings: What needs protection? You may also be thinking that if you are farming, why do you need to care about the buildings? Note: Wall Breakers have splash damage that can break up to triple wall layers as if they were a single layer, so it is not recommended to use this wall type, at least not as part of the outer layer or two where Wall Breakers can typically target them. Knowing the types of armies your attacker may be using goes a long way toward this goal. War base are designed in a way that it can protect you from troops like, Pekka, anti dragon, e drag and armies like Pekka smash, lava loon, mass hogs etc. Similarly, non-defensive buildings should often be left outside walls, but high hitpoint buildings like the Gold Storages can nonetheless be placed tactically at locations where troops are often grouped up in order to stall them. It can take care of low-health troops easily, and also do sizable damage to support units like Cannon Carts and Night Witches. They might be killed quickly, but most of the time they will take out a ton of troops with them.

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