Best tag team finishers

Thanks to the set-up for a lot of tandem moves, the pop the audience can give to a tag team finishing move can rival a big-time main event singles victory, best tag team finishers. Ever since The Road Warriors made their debut, the term Road Warrior Pop has been the kind of ovation that any wrestler, let alone tag team could ever try to reach.

It's no secret to anyone that tag team wrestling doesn't feel as important as singles wrestling. However, when executed properly, with a good story and a good match, tag team action can be extremely exciting. This is something that AEW has placed a special focus on over the years. In tag team matches we can see unique sequences, innovative spots, and amazing finishers, depending on the chemistry and talent of each team. Currently, there are several tag team finishers that look credible, lethal, and spectacular, and some are original as well.

Best tag team finishers

In professional wrestling double-team maneuvers are executed by multiple wrestlers instead of one and typically are used by tag teams in tag team matches. Many of these maneuvers are combination of two throws , or submission holds. Most moves are known by the names that professional wrestlers give their "finishing move" signature moves that usually result in a win names. Occasionally, these names become popular and are used regardless of the wrestler performing the technique. Moves are listed under general categories whenever possible. These moves involve one wrestler actually performing the move to an opponent. An ally of the attacker will do something to make the move more effective. For example, a wrestler could perform a DDT on an opponent. However, an ally could lift the opponent' feet off the ground first, making it an Aided DDT, a much more effective variation of the move. An aided brainbuster sees one wrestler help another wrestler perform a brainbuster , usually by putting their own weight behind the move to increase its impact. This move sees an opponent with their upper body on the ropes and their feet on one of the attacking wrestler's shoulders, while the other wrestler charges at their partner, leapfrogging over them and straddling the opponent's lower back. Another version of an aided neckbreaker, known as an elevated neckbreaker, sees one member of the attacking tag team get the opponent up into an elevated position to allow a wrestler to perform a neckbreaker from a greater height. This is a normal whiplash , but instead of having the opponent held in the air with the aid of the ring rope, they are kept in the elevated position by another wrestler.

The first attacking wrestler then holds the opponent at the apex of the powerbomb, best tag team finishers, while the second dives off the top rope and impacts the opponent with a diving elbow dropdriving the opponent backwards and finishing the powerbomb with extra force. If steel chairs were a legal weapon, this would have been more classic than it already is and made it on the best tag team finishers. The first attacking wrestler then holds the opponent at the apex of the powerbomb while the second dives off the top rope and impacts the opponent with a missile dropkickdriving the opponent backwards and finishing the powerbomb with extra force.

Every great tag team has to have a certain cohesion. Usually that comes from tag team moves. Guys will work together to pull off spectacular and impressive feats that they could not accomplish on their own. But whether they have just a few moves or a whole set of tag team moves, the greatest tag teams develop finishers. Some of them are just cool to watch. Tag team finishers are some of the best moves in the business.

Every great tag team has to have a certain cohesion. Usually that comes from tag team moves. Guys will work together to pull off spectacular and impressive feats that they could not accomplish on their own. But whether they have just a few moves or a whole set of tag team moves, the greatest tag teams develop finishers. Some of them are just cool to watch.

Best tag team finishers

As of late, the state of tag team wrestling has seemed to be on the upturn after years of sub-par matches and teams. With teams like the Usos, the American Wolves, Goldust and Stardust and others bringing excitement back to tag team wrestling, it brings back memories of when there were numerous teams in various promotions vying for tag team gold. They had synchronized attire, complimentary movesets, and to top it off, a finisher that would lay waste to their opponents. These were the moves that when fans saw the setup coming, got out of their seats in anticipation of what was going to happen next. They knew as soon as a team hit their finishing move, the match was all over.

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This move sees one wrestler wrap a forward-facing opponent's legs around their waist and apply a gutwrench hold to lift the opponent off the ground. Often this move sees two wrestlers knock down a charging opponent leaving the opponent in a position in which both wrestlers can stand either side of the fallen opponent and before elbow drops. Beth Phoenix and Natalya did that move as a tribute to Jim Neidhart. The Usos would adopt their move in as the 1D. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Professional wrestling double-team maneuvers. This maneuver sees an opponent get pushed upwards in a flapjack throw by one partner; then, as the opponent falls to the mat, the other partner applies a cutter, forcing the opponent's head down to the mat. This move begins with the two opponents rushing towards the attacker who then flings the opponent vertically up into the air. Ever since The Road Warriors made their debut, the term Road Warrior Pop has been the kind of ovation that any wrestler, let alone tag team could ever try to reach. This move sees two wrestlers performing two facebusters at the same time on a single opponent. At this point the wrestler will lock a hold onto the head of the opponent and drop them into the jawbreaker. This version is not to be confused with the submission hold of the same name. Erik and Ivar show coordination, precision, technique, and strength in this movement, and that's why it's one of the best tag team finishers out there. Perhaps one of the reasons why was their willingness to not just defeat an opponent but to completely crush their neck and spinal cord in one fell swoop. The first move is a grapple moves performed by the first attacker to the opponent.

It's no secret to anyone that tag team wrestling doesn't feel as important as singles wrestling. However, when executed properly, with a good story and a good match, tag team action can be extremely exciting.

The Rock 'n' Roll Express used this dropkick maneuver as their finishing move. This variation sees one of the wrestlers perform a suplex, but the partner behind them catches the opponent's waist. This move starts with both partners on either the right or left side of an opponent who is lying face-up on the mat, with one partner in front of the other and both of them facing away from the opponent. Among the things you lose is a well-oiled tag team finisher. This is simply a combination of two of the most iconic finishing moves in the company's history:. Ring the Damn Bell. This version is not to be confused with the submission hold of the same name. The attacker in front of the opponent grabs the opponent around the waist and lifts them up, while the partner who is behind the opponent reaches over their shoulder and takes hold of the opponent by their head or neck. These two had amazing chemistry together. The wrestler facing the back then executes a Shoot kick to the back of the opponent's knee then The wrestler facing the front then executes a Shining Wizard. Archived from the original on The wrestlers stand either side, slightly behind, and facing the front of a standing opponent, the wrestlers then reach under the near arms of the opponent, across the chest and under the opponent far arm, while placing their other hands on the back of the opponent to hold them in place. Like Liked by 2 people. Sign me up.

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