

Teen info, bestcoastpairings. The companion app to the Best Coast Pairings website, delivering on our mission making gaming events bestcoastpairings informative and easier for everyone.

This message was edited 1 time. This message was edited 2 times. Forum Index. Tournament and Local Gaming Discussion. Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. Join us by filling out a tiny 3 field form and you will get your own, free, dakka user account which gives a good range of benefits to you: No adverts like this in the forums anymore.


The companion app to the Best Coast Pairings website, delivering on our mission making gaming events more informative and easier for everyone. Free access to everything from registration through final scores while participating in an event. Subscribers gain access to every pairing and list available globally for all game systems. Every round, every Pairing, Placing, along with Lists or Decks users have submitted. First version of the new companion to the Best Coast Pairings website. More to come. Getting pairing digitally is way better than having to print them out and fight through the crowd to see them. But the app seldom works. I recently attend an X-wing grand championship in Las Vegas. The tournament runner tried to use BCP but it stopped working after round 2.

I'm not willing to throw out the system over a single major event breakdown when it's worked well bestcoastpairings great for every other event I attend in a year, bestcoastpairings.


Using the Player App you can search for, browse through and register for events. Also, see table assignments and pairings and view placings for any ongoing events. Players who are participating in the event can securely check in and remotely score as well as see any submitted lists at the event. Subscribe Subscribe and see any submitted list, deck or crew for any event world wide and get exclusive discounts and rewards. Currently, the TO App offers support for over 15 of your favorite game systems such as Warhammer 40k, Xwing and Magic. This free software provides a TO with everything they need to run their event easily including: online registration, pairings, placings and rankings.


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Kingsley wrote: In any case, Dakka isn't a 40k -only forum, and the Tournament Discussions forum is specifically for many different games. You knowing the devs on a first name bases is irrelevant. Perhaps the most prominent example was at LVO EDIT: , actually, my mistake , where I'm told that the app crashed and forced manual pairings, which delayed round time for one of the rounds by something like two hours. Gamgee on Tau Players wrote: we all kill cats and sell our own families to the devil and eat live puppies. You ought to try it! Having done results entry for multiple large events in the past, I'd also advocate for some form of paper results slip as a back-up to submitting results electronically, but that's just me thinking about worst-case scenarios for the software. It's perfect. Kingsley If you don't like the app, stop paying for it. The TO at the event had to switch over to a more reliable platform to finish the event, which added a lot of time and made the event run longer than it should. Dysartes Fixture of Dakka. Full tracking of what you have read so you can skip to your first unread post, easily see what has changed since you last logged in, and easily see what is new at a glance. If he likes 'tabletop. If nothing else, being at the mercy of a single WiFi network and spotty cell service is a potential issue. Unfortunately I think BCP have had, and missed, their opportunity to show they're capable of handling a large tournament smoothly.

The companion app to the Best Coast Pairings website, delivering on our mission making gaming events more informative and easier for everyone. Free access to everything from registration through final scores while participating in an event.

Capitalism gettin' philosophical here works on the system that mother nature worked out: Survival of the most adaptive. The TO at the event had to switch over to a more reliable platform to finish the event, which added a lot of time and made the event run longer than it should. The interface is intuitive and sleek. For those chiming in on 'not being involved' or not attending those events, maybe not post at all? As for BCPs reliability i find it hit or miss most of the time. It is a perfectly valid thread discussing whether a piece of TO software should be used, the fact that the piece of software keeps having issues makes this thread even more relevant especially as it is monetized. Personally i have no intention of ever subbing to the app, but, i can understand why people do. This year was It certainly doesn't need a thread with non-participatory dakkaites posting negatively, not knowing squat. Free access to everything from registration through final scores while participating in an event. This is a bad thread.

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