bhm weight gain stories

Bhm weight gain stories

Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. Lovelanguage: Baking by LucyMintLeft Julie and Nathan are both nervous for their first day of college.

Profile Navigation. Home Gallery Favourites About. Female WG Art. I was a relatively thin person throughout high school. Never fat, but never really skinny either, averaging pounds until the end of Grade Being the second son out of 4 boys in the family, I had a pretty active life. However, most of the time I preferred staying in and playing online video games with friends.

Bhm weight gain stories

Brick grabbed a hold of his towel before it fell from around his waist. I feel great today! Extra help. Brad, sir. Brad had been hustling for almost a year now, and the older guys he met at parties just couldn't seem to resist his blond good looks and tight swimmer's build Delivery Fatboy. It was a crisp early Fall evening. Now, I did say that my life has changed and well I told you about my partner but I have not told you yet why I am not travelling around the world anymore! My travels stopped just over a year ago. My job spec has changed a little bit.

Not once did Sunny complain about too much food, or to stop filling him so much when they ate. He was going to reduce his exercise to half an hour and up bhm weight gain stories calories to extra. He pants, murmuring, begging you to finish him, but you shake your finger.

Classic-WG-Stories gallery. Latest Gallery Contributors. Malomarsh 1 Deviation Featured: The Reservation. If you want to submit a multipart story, please only submit the first chapter of your story with links to your other chapters in the description of your story. I don't want the this folder getting clogged. He hated when strangers touched his laundry. His luck had almost, almost held.

Over the years, quite a great deal of fiction has been written within gaining and related circles online. Whilst some sites have come and gone, BellyBuilders has sought to maintain a constant presence, and in doing so has become an archive for a significant number of works by many authors. Below is a list of stories available on the site. If you're not logged in, you'll only see works by authors who have opted in to a public listing. Some authors prefer not to have their works indexed by Google.

Bhm weight gain stories

Male weight gain stories are viral on the internet today. We hear little or very much rare gossip about gaining weight. Most people try hard to lose weight.

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He was still in his hoodie and jeans, but now a laptop bag was slung over his shoulder instead of a gym bag. Yes, one could chuck it up to it just being a general outfit that many people wore, but something about the hair and the way they handle themselves screamed that it was him. You come up for air, only to look up and see him double-fisting both your ice cream, and the remains of his own. He quit. As he projected a huge belch, he explored the expanse of his stuffed gut with his hands Monday mornings were always a drag and thus far this Monday was no different. He was finally going to get out of the house and how people his new self. The massive stomach was too large for him to lift and clean with just one hand underneath it. Going up the long winding stairs from ground level to the firm's second floor offices was beginning to be a problem. He was looking a little better with his face flushed from ale and his previously sunken-in stomach now pushing against his shirt, filled with all the food the patrons were sending him. The other one being his moobs, yes, Sunny had finally crossed the threshold where he finally got a pair of man breasts of his own. He was still standing in front of the mirror and he let out a gasp as the nanobots went to work, making his entire body shiver with the unfamiliar coldness, the feeling much more overwhelming with tasking them to simulate lb instead of a measly 40 he attempted at first.

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Trying not to stare down this intimidating sight. Mar 8, agouderia. Nico learned so much about him during that interview and their little tour. Azal gestured Azure on, following the big signs that pointed to the food court. He breaks the kiss, if only to take another lick of his cone, and growl in your ear. It was like, whenever they needed another computer, they'd see what the local electronics shops had on sale, and they'd buy that. I never thought that I'd gain that much. Basil knew that it was an unhealthy diet, with sugar cookies, and jelly filled doughnuts as his preferred choice. Battling for space with his double chin and neck fat that were getting closer to joining the rest of his body, leaving the tubby without any neck to be found. He looked from the freshly buffed-out man to the promoter. The bulk he accumulated was substantial enough that he could feel a little influence on his mobility, but nothing crazy. Jimmy said that was up to me, but we could probably go for another couple of weeks before we quit. Though not by someone bugging me to get back to work. The final picture didn't impress me too much.

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