biblical clip art

Biblical clip art

It shows the images with a short description of what is happening biblical clip art each scene, biblical clip art. You can print this and add your own notes. We are a team of Christians creating a visual journey through the Bible as a resource for teaching all ages — available for free download by anyone, anywhere at any time. FreeBibleimages is a UK registered charity

The free Christian resources on this website may be downloaded, copied or distributed without permission as long as no cost is charged and source is recognized. Free Christian 'Clip Art' Illustrations. What they often lack is Christian artworks they can freely use to aid them getting the Message across. Hopefully, the clip art illustrations below will help 'equip the saints' with their presentations of the Gospel and the Word. These Christian clip-art images and illustrations are completely free. They are created for your use as teachers' resources for: religious education, presentations, colour-ins, time-lines, stickers, fridge magnets, puppet designs, bookmarks, cards — the list goes on.

Biblical clip art

Book flat icons set. Open books, dictionary, bible, audio novel, dictionary, literature education black minimal vector illustrations. Simple glyph silhouette signs for web library app. Book line icons set. Open books, dictionary, bible, audio novel, literature education minimal vector illustrations. Simple flat outline sign for web library app. Editable Strokes. A vector illustration of an open bible. Bible, eps10 vector illustration contains transparency and blending effects. Opened Holy Bible with cross above it. Vector illustration. Holy Bible and Jesus Christ, son of God, vector.

Book flat icons set.

Sign up Sign in. Recent: border crown flowers birthday cartoon. Hi, User id:. Account Settings. Edit Profile.

ChurchArt Online has a large selection of Christian clip-art images and graphics that will serve to enhance the message of Christian faith and life through visual arts in your church publications. Our Christian clip-art images are professionally designed to provide you with well-made, beautiful graphics that are sure to add to the meaning and message of your communications. Why not allow ChurchArt Online to enhance your publications with our full array of Christian clip-art, illustrations and photos? Our vast selection of Christian clip-art covers the topics and lifestyle of the Christian faith. You'll find all the art you're looking for in one location. No matter the project you're creating, our Christian clip-art visuals serve to enhance your presentation and communications, and ChurchArt Online is the place to get the best art and graphics available. You can use our Christian clip-art and other church-specific graphics for bulletins, programs, worship art, sermon aids, newsletters or even on your church website. Our Christian clip-art graphics cover a variety of topics and subjects depending on the type of art you need, whether it be traditional or contemporary, seasonal or non-seasonal. With our vast and growing library of clip-art, available in color and black and white, you'll find illustrations that represent the message of the Christian walk and faith. We make it easy to find just what you are looking for.

Biblical clip art

Cartoon Jesus standing and hugging happy kids. Colorful christian cross with music notes isolated vector illustration. Religion themed background. Design for gospel church music, concert, festival, choir singing, Christianity, prayer. Nativity scene clipart set with cartoon baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph and the three wise men in Bethlehem. Dove Logo icon vector illustration.

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We use cookies to collect general visitor statistics but not personal information. Flat design gray color symbol. New Testament Clipart. Old or retro books with bookmark in pile or stack. Fantasy book with magic Search by image or video. Holy Bible icon, open old testament book with shining crucifix, Download story: Bible clip art: Easter. A cartoon drawing of a bible with a cross in the background. Bible Church logo design vector. Ezekiel's vision of chariot in sky.

Dove Logo icon vector illustration.

Art depicting Jesus blessing children. Three People in Front of Bible by Candlelight. Choose A Language. Four German Protestant Reformers of 16th century. Vector Logo Rendering depicting one of the Seven Plagues of Egypt. None People Israelite Red Sea. Open bible icon. Mystery open book with shining pages. Bible, eps10 vector illustration contains transparency and blending effects. None Child People 19th Century Style.

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