boxer rescue ontario

Boxer rescue ontario

Posted in Almost five years ago, Laura Fyffe attended a fundraising event for Boxer Rescue Ontario and ended boxer rescue ontario turning her love of the breed into a profession. How did Boxer Rescue Ontario begin, and who was involved in that process?

Boxer Rescue Ontario is a nonprofit Charity organization of volunteers dedicated to placing abandoned, injured or lost boxers in loving homes. We work with other rescue groups, shelters, veterinarians, breeders and the public to promote responsible pet ownership in and around Ontario. The dogs we rescue are usually homeless through no fault of their own. Generally they are surrendered directly by their previous owners or come to us through shelters that are happy for any help they can get. These dogs are given up or dumped for various reasons, though with Boxers those reasons are rarely related to temperament.

Boxer rescue ontario

Many communities are embracing Trap, Neuter, Release programs TNR to improve animal welfare, reduce death rates, and meet obligations to public welfare. HTML Tag are not allowed. An adoption or transfer to a rescue group frees up scarce cage and kennel space, reduces expenses for feeding, cleaning, killing, and improves a community's rate of lifesaving. In an environment of millions of dogs and cats killed in shelters annually, rare is the circumstance in which a rescue group should be denied an animal. Volunteer foster care is crucial to No Kill. Without it, saving lives is compromised. It is a low cost, and often no cost, way of increasing a shelter's capacity, improving public relations, increasing a shelter's public image, rehabilitating sick and injured or behaviorally challenged animals, and saving lives. Adoptions are vital to an agency's lifesaving mission. The quantity and quality of shelter adoptions is in shelter management's hands, making lifesaving a direct function of shelter policies and practice. If shelters better promoted their animals and had adoption programs responsive to the needs of the community, including public access hours for working people, offsite adoptions, adoption incentives, and effective marketing, they could increase the number of homes available and replace killing with adoptions.

If shelters better promoted their animals and had adoption boxer rescue ontario responsive to the needs of the community, including public access hours for working people, offsite adoptions, adoption incentives, and effective marketing, they could increase the number of homes available and replace killing with adoptions.


Adoption saves lives. Check out our dogs that are available for adoption or will be available soon. Thank you for considering welcoming one of our dogs into your home. Mark your calendar! HBR always has exciting events coming up! Want to help a dog in need? Apply today to become a volunteer! They provide automatic tax receipts to all of our supporters with every donation which saves us a lot of time at year end. If you would like to make a monthly donation or increase your current monthly donation then March is the time to do so!

Boxer rescue ontario

Skip to content. Foster To Adopt. Spouse or Significant other's Name. Their Occupation [. Please Indicate: Fulltime.

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To do all these things well, the shelter must be in the public eye. Boxer Rescue Ontario is a nonprofit organization of volunteers dedicated to placing abandoned, injured or lost boxers in loving homes. They should know about medical issues, and [the fact that dogs] need a lot of exercise. Initially we were part of Boxer Rescue Canada. Post Your Comment. We have a stray cat that possibly needs its teeth pulled because of infection it has but we cant afford this. I am the owner of two rescues. We work with other rescue groups, shelters, veterinarians, breeders and the public to promote responsible pet ownership in and around Ontario. This is not jades rescue phone number if you are trying to contact jades please call I am the owner Diane posted by sixpac , on Do you need to find a loving home for your pet? Are you interested in adopting a pet in need? What should potential dog owners know before they bring a dog home? Medical and Behavior Programs In order to meet its commitment to a lifesaving guarantee for all savable animals, shelters need to keep animals happy and healthy and keep animals moving through the system.

Adding one of these sprightly characters to your family will bring you laughter and the best kind of companionship marked by loyalty, devotion and play.

To do all these things well, the shelter must be in the public eye. Brinlii pic1. Post Your Comment. We have a stray cat that possibly needs its teeth pulled because of infection it has but we cant afford this. Post your comment on Boxer Rescue Ontario Burlington. Adoption tales. Can someone please please help him. If you make the wonderful decision to adopt, you will be asked to pay a nominal fee. These dogs are given up or dumped for various reasons, though with Boxers those reasons are rarely related to temperament. In addition to assessing the dogs, we spend a lot of time and effort scoping potential homes. Once in our program, the Boxers are placed in foster homes where they are assessed and provided with any needed medical attention. Generally they are surrendered directly by their previous owners or come to us through shelters that are happy for any help they can get. Boxer pic5. The dogs we rescue are usually homeless through no fault of their own.

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