brahmin massacre 1948

Brahmin massacre 1948

In media, TV channels discussions in a blame game one after the other, subsequently in backlash the Brahmin massacre 1948 stick to the wall when they are denounced as genociders of Sikhs as a result of the aftermath of then Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gandhi inwhen estimated about Sikhs were killed in Delhi and national wide, whilst independent sources Indicate the figures to This massacre was initiated and executed by Congress goons. The Indian National Congress consider itself a true follower of Mahatma Gandhi and the apostle of peace but when it comes to reality, much of the genocide and atrocities occurred so far in past do fall into different regimes of Congress itself. The historical facts indicate that all the communities Hindu, brahmin massacre 1948, Muslim, Sikhs, Downtrodden, Tribals, Adhivasis etc at different times and in different places have been the victims of brahmin massacre 1948 targeted violence.

The month of January is, unfortunately, laced with tales of horrifying mass murder and ethnic cleansing of hindus, cutting across regional and cast barriers. From the massacre of Marathas by the Army of the Afghan, Ahmed Shah Abdali in the third battle of Panipat, aided by some jealous, traitor hindu kings, to the mass exodus and of Kashmiri Pandits from their homes in Kashmir at the behest of radical Islamists there, to the mass killings of Chitpavan Brahmins of Maharashtra following the murder of M. But do these bloodthirsty individuals qualify as humans at all? His aide was Narayan Apte, another Brahmin. Soon after the assassination of M. Estimates suggest that around brahmins were killed but there are no records of how many were forced to flee leaving their home and hearth behind. Besides mindlessly butchering the Brahmins, the marauders looted and burnt down their homes, ransacked their shops and businesses, raped their women, rendering them homeless.

Brahmin massacre 1948

The echoes of violence that erupted after the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi by Nathuram Godse in have reverberated through history. However, one dark chapter remains largely veiled — the widespread massacre of Brahmins in Maharashtra that followed the tragic event. The deliberate cover-up have perpetuated an overlooked atrocity, marking one of the most significant cover-ups in modern history. On the death anniversary, it is imperative that we shed light on the crimes against the Brahmin community in Maharashtra. This event triggered a violent backlash against Brahmins, driven by existing resentment cultivated during their historical dominance under the Peshwa family. The flames of violence ignited in Pune, swiftly spreading across Maharashtra, leaving in its wake destruction and loss. PC X HinduPost. The violence escalated in southern and western Maharashtra, with Nagpur emerging as a hotbed of unrest. Advocate P. Inamdar noted that Brahmins faced persecution simply because Nathuram Godse belonged to their community. The manhunt spared no one, targeting Maharashtrian Brahmins indiscriminately. Dwarka Prasad Mishra, a senior Congress leader, admitted that Congressmen, including office bearers, played a role in the violence in Nagpur and Berar. Media blackout and state pressure contributed to the scarcity of information about the events.

A total of 40 persons were cited as accused in the case. Hindustan Times. Retrieved 4 June

The Indian history syllabus conceived decades ago purposely left out vital contributions made by leaders like Subhash Chandra Bose, V. Chidambaram, et al, some violent events taken place during the freedom struggle a nd later post independence in From historical perspectives there is no reasonable coverage of countless dynasties of past ancient Indian rulers. The History book was written by experts according to the whims of some of then most prominent leaders of the Congress party at the helm of power. Many real historical facts were either deliberately ignored or overlooked.

Account of the Genocide of Brahmins in Maharashtra in Following the assassination of M. Brahmins were killed and their women were raped. Shops and houses were set on fire, livelihoods destroyed, and many Brahmins were forced to flee, to save their lives and future generations. Maureen Patterson concluded that destruction was more cataclysmic in Satara, Kohalpur. The properties of Veer Savarkar were also swindled and torched by the perpetrators. Narayana Rao Savarkar was stoned to death.

Brahmin massacre 1948

India is a complex nation. Sir Vidia Naipaul realised this after his multiple visits. When he first came to the land of his forefathers in the early s, he was appalled at the overwhelming sight of filth, poverty and lack of basic hygiene all across.

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There were documented instances of targeting, riots and disturbances. Patterson estimated the total damage caused by violent activities to be around Rs. His grandfather wss one of the richest cloth merchants of Pune at that time, being the owner of 3 clothes stores but were compelled to sell off all property to reduce trading credits. Human Rights Watch. An initially peaceful protest was fired on by the police, killing ten people, including a bystander who had not been involved in the protests. Several people remarked that the protests were fueled by the Khairlanji massacre. The killing of 52 upper caste members particularly from Rajput community was organised by a Maoist Communist Centre , a far-left militia led by Yadavs and composed mostly of members of lower scheduled castes. Thanjavur "Big Temple", Why are politicians afraid to enter the heritage temple through the main entrance? The deliberate cover-up have perpetuated an overlooked atrocity, marking one of the most significant cover-ups in modern history. This is one of the genocides for which little information exists, once again, by design. On appeal, the High Court by its judgment dated April 19, , confirmed the trial court's order. Phoolan Devi later surrendered and served eleven years in prison, after which she became a politician. The girl has confessed the same on a video shot inside the Hospital. My grandfather was among the richest merchants in Pune and was having three cloth stores then which were gutted in selective killing and property burning incidence.

Initially working as messengers and spies in the late seventeenth century, the community came into prominence during the 18th century when the heirs of Peshwa from the Bhat family of Balaji Vishwanath became the de facto rulers of the Maratha empire.

Tools Tools. The police failed to stop the unabated killing, raping and looting of Brahmin homes in places like Satara, Kolhapur, etc which became centers of violence. In the Indian province of Rajasthan, between the years and , crimes against Dalits average at about a year, with 46 killings and cases of rape. The MCC's armed group brought the 35 men of Bara village to the bank of a nearby canal, tied their hands and slit their throats. Next Next post: 4. Dalit violence in Dangawas. During her election campaign, she was criticized by the women widowed in the Behmai massacre. One India. Soon many parts of Maharashtra saw violent rampage and rioting let loose by the frenzied mobs. Get help.

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