brenans funeral home

Brenans funeral home

A son of Saint John, a proud New Brunswicker, a loving husband and an exceptional father and grandfather, Bill left us on December 12,peacefully and surrounded by love. Born on Pitt Street Brenans funeral home is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Dorothy Ann Alexander born July 27th, brenans funeral home, After a courageous battle with cancer, Dorothy has joined the Angels on December the 11th at

Click To Contact Us Now. Services At All Locations. Since , when Nathaniel Brenan established his business, it has been our privilege to serve the families of the Saint John area on some of their most difficult days. We are always mindful of the responsibility we have been given and never take for granted the trust you place in us. We are proud to be a local business, family owned and operated, throughout our history, and dedicated to being a supportive and contributing member of the community that has long supported us. Whether you're seeking the comfort of familiar tradition or an entirely unique celebration we are prepared to help.

Brenans funeral home

Click To Contact Us Now. Services At All Locations. Now in our 20th year of service to the Kennebecasis Valley and proud to be welcoming friends and neighbours to our newly expanded and updated facility. We are grateful to the families from Quispamsis, Rothesay, Hammond River, the Kingston Peninsula communities, and beyond, who entrust us with the care of their loved ones and we are committed to ensuring they have every option we can provide to create a suitable tribute to the life that has been lived. Whether you're seeking the comfort of familiar tradition or an entirely unique celebration we are prepared to help. Learn More. Planning ahead usually always makes sense; even for a funeral. Learn why it may make sense for you and your family. Loss and grief are difficult to endure and can be even harder to understand. It can help to know more. Current Services Past Services.

Grief Resources. Stephen, NB, on

Click To Contact Us Now. Services At All Locations. Since when Funeral Director Byron Ross renovated the former Ready home on Lancaster Avenue to expand his undertaking business, this building has been synonymous with funeral service for those with ties to Saint John's old Westside. Generations of families have come to mourn and celebrate lives but also to gather in support of one another. Today's funeral home offers modern comforts and amenities but has surrendered little of the elegance and style it has always been known for. Looking for Brenan's Bay View? Learn more

Visit This Location. View Our Services. Serving our customers with dignity and compassion. Educating our neighbours to help them create memorials with meaning. A proud local business.

Brenans funeral home

Known for delivering compassionate services in an environment of comfort, this institution offers a full spectrum of funeral, cremation, and memorial services. Its facilities boast a spacious chapel, visitation rooms, and a family reception centre, tailored to accommodate the needs of those who seek their services. Brenan's Bay View Chapel also provides comprehensive online resources to guide individuals through their grieving process, including grief support and direct links for flower delivery. Indicates national average for this service. Please contact the funeral home for actual pricing. Request exact pricing. Have the price list for this funeral home?

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He passed peacefully with his family by his side. Current Services Past Services. Goodness, joy and love to you. It is with great sadness that the family of Margaret Ann Harrington, beloved wife of 59 years to Raymond J. Joseph Charles Gabriel Obituary. Last name. The funeral service is an important point of closure for those who have suffered a recent loss, often marking just the beginning of collective mourning. Carol Chappel Obituary. Margaret Irene Smith Obituary. She was born in the seaside town of Leven, Scotland on October 27, Elizabeth Katherine Allen Obituary. She will be sadly

Click To Contact Us Now. Services At All Locations. Since , when Nathaniel Brenan established his business, it has been our privilege to serve the families of the Saint John area on some of their most difficult days.

Harold John Nason Monday, March 4, This expertise contributes to a meaningful funeral service that gives mourners a chance to say their last farewells. Kenneth was born on June 14th, , in Diane Hamilton Obituary. She will be sadly Glover, beloved wife of the late Walter R. It can help to know more. Clyde will be Stephen Nursing Home. Constance Keyes Obituary. Current Services Past Services. Ronald Wallace Thursday, February 29,

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