british council teens

British council teens

Teen Beginners are students who arrive in our country from other cultural backgrounds with very limited skills in English. A1 Listening exercises. Basic English Listening Lessons. Chuck Dillon.

Find a range of lesson plans to use with teenage learners at pre-intermediate level. All of our lessons are designed around themes that are engaging and relevant to secondary learners and can be used to complement your school curriculum, giving students an opportunity to develop their English language and skills in motivating and enjoyable ways. Written by young learner experts from around the world, our lesson plans are easy to use and aim to give your students the skills and confidence they need to enjoy learning English. This lesson plan for English language learners at pre-intermediate level looks at the Troubles in Northern Ireland by exploring the murals of that time to develop basic visual literacy skills. Access the face-to-face and online teaching versions of this lesson plan exploring the theme of chocolate.

British council teens

Everything you find here has been specially created by the British Council, the world's English teaching experts. Practise your listening, reading, writing and speaking and learn useful language to use at work or to communicate effectively with friends. Learn new words and improve your language level to be able to communicate in English effectively. What's your favourite season? What does the view look like out of your window right now? In this topic, we're talking about the different seasons and why we look forward to them. March 20 is World Rewilding Day. But what is rewilding? And how is wilder nature better for animals, people and the planet? Read the article to find out more. There's more behind the International Day of Happiness than you might think.

Enjoy using your English!

Students often ask me if I know any good websites and apps for learning English. There are a fair few websites I recommend, and this list is always growing note: the latest edition is TubeQuizard. Apps though? Honestly, some are great. Disclaimer: all views are my own.

Here you can find practice materials and activities to improve your English speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Improving your skills will help you do well at school, get good marks in your English tests and exams, and get more out of your free-time activities. The learning materials in these sections are written and organised by level. There are different types of texts, recordings and videos, with interactive exercises and worksheets that practise the skills you need. Choose the skill you want to practise today and improve your English at any time and at your own speed.

British council teens

Welcome to LearnEnglish Teens — a site for teenagers who are learning English as a second or foreign language. On LearnEnglish Teens you can watch videos, read texts, listen to audio and do online exercises to help you improve your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Our site is free of charge. If you have any questions about LearnEnglish Teens please Contact us. Our Secondary Plus English course, developed by our team of English experts, will teach you the skills to build your confidence and help you reach your full potential. Find out more. We will process your data to send you our newsletter and updates based on your consent. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of every email.


Timmy the Sheep guides learners through three different games to help them learn basic vocabulary transport, objects, animals, etc and numbers. Personal tutoring. Please send me monthly newsletters and updates with free learning tips and resources. Link Updated: March 10, It would be really good if there was a British Council app which followed the content taught in MyClass. Do you enjoy listening to podcasts? What happens during Ramadan and what does it mean to millions of Muslims worldwide? Home Teaching resources Teaching secondary Lesson plans. Apps though? Do you use any of these apps? Responding to news. Elementary Podcasts. Please send me monthly newsletters and updates with free learning tips and resources. Email Required Name Required Website.

As online video-sharing sites have developed, a wealth of short clips on a variety of topics have become available for classroom use.

Secondary lesson plans - Pre-intermediate A2. Looking ahead, they may need some air-travel Learn more. Comment Reblog Subscribe Subscribed. This lesson plan presents both vocabulary and phrases that are commonly used in Nowruz is the Persian New Year celebration and it takes place around 20 March! Link Updated: March 10, No posts found. Ten things you should know about a word. One-to-one sessions focused on a personal plan. Like Like. Browse fascinating case studies, research papers, publications and books by researchers and ELT experts from around the world.

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