british spanked

British spanked

In total there are 3 users online :: 1 registered, british spanked, 0 hidden and 2 guests based on users active over the past 5 minutes Most users ever online was 10 on Mon Mar 06, am. Privacy Terms. Home British spanked Login Donate.

Apparently, British men have a longstanding reputation for enjoying being spanked. This stereotype was the subject of an article in The Spectator magazine , which claimed that this inclination is alive and well among powerful men, in particular, as evidenced by several recent cases. According to The Spectator, the association between upper-class British men and spanking developed from corporal punishment that used to be common in posh private schools in the UK. But, now that this practice is long banned, what could explain the continuation of this predilection? Perhaps, The Spectator suggested, spanking is a comforting reminder of nanny for upper class Brits. But, before we get onto theories, how can we really know that spanking truly is a distinctly English vice? Other than that, evidence is scant.

British spanked

Spanking is a form of corporal punishment involving the act of striking, with either the palm of the hand or an implement, the buttocks of a person to cause physical pain. The term spanking broadly encompasses the use of either the hand or implement, the use of implements can also refer to the administration of more specific types of corporal punishment such as caning , paddling and slippering. Some parents spank children in response to undesired behavior. In American English , dictionaries define spanking as being administered with either the open hand or an implement such as a paddle. In North America , the word "spanking" has often been used as a synonym for an official paddling in school, [6] and sometimes even as a euphemism for the formal corporal punishment of adults in an institution. In British English , most dictionaries define "spanking" as being given only with the open hand. Whereas a spanking is invariably administered to the bottom, a "smacking" is less specific and may refer to slapping the child's hands, arms or legs as well as its bottom. Parents commonly spank their children as a form of corporal punishment in the United States ; however, support for this practice appears to be declining amongst U. However, research has shown that spanking or any other form of corporal punishment is associated with the opposite effect. Although parents and other advocates of spanking often claim that spanking is necessary to promote child discipline , studies have shown that parents tend to apply physical punishment inconsistently and tend to spank more often when they are angry or under stress. Parents may spank less — or not at all — if they have learned effective discipline techniques, since many parents view spanking as a method of last resort to discipline their children. Corporal punishment, usually delivered with an implement such as a paddle or cane rather than with the open hand, used to be a common form of school discipline in many countries, but it is now banned in most of the Western World. Corporal punishment, such as caning, remains a common form of discipline in schools in several Asian and African countries, even in countries in which this practice has been deemed illegal such as India and South Africa. It is still common in some schools in the South, and more than , students were paddled in the — school year in American public schools. A number of medical, pediatric or psychological societies have issued statements opposing all forms of corporal punishment in schools, citing such outcomes as poorer academic achievements, increases in antisocial behaviors, injuries to students, and an unwelcoming learning environment.

It is currently Mon Feb 26, pm Discussion.


Under my care you will learn how to behave, and while I may be firm, it is ultimately for your own good. I am here to keep you in check, with a stern command, a searching gaze and stinging smacks. A spanking is not over until I say it is over; I will tell you when enough is enough. In the end, you will thank me for it. I still believe in old-fashioned discipline; the old ways are always the best. Discipline is love. And discipline begins at home. Apart from my voice, and the impact of whichever implement I am using, once you are inside this room the only sounds you will be aware of are the ticking of the bronze-faced clock, the creak of the old floorboards and the gentle hum of passing traffic, which can be strangely soothing as you wait, bent over, for the next strike.

British spanked

A note on Roy. He is a well known spanking photographer, and more importantly a friend of mine. He is sharing his lovely photos with the world via my site, I am honoured and grateful to have him. I have made a section for you to view his work, it is growing nicely.

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American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Personal Services If you wish to exchange or sell your equipment, or are a professional sumissive or Dom me , please advertise here. Doan says that when she told a professor at the University of Paris about how the English characterize the French, she was met with laughter. Constantly talking about how awkward Brits are about sex is essentially a way of discussing sex. Meanwhile, Italians are known as philanderers, Americans perpetually try—and fail—to keep up puritanical standards, and Japan perceives itself as quite sexually repressed, despite a healthy kink industry. During that time, Greek and Latin were far more likely to be taught in private, upper-class schools than state schools, notes Doan, and so it came to believed that upper-class men knew more about sex because of reading matter. Richard May Although parents and other advocates of spanking often claim that spanking is necessary to promote child discipline , studies have shown that parents tend to apply physical punishment inconsistently and tend to spank more often when they are angry or under stress. Canada Ingraham v. Quick links. Privacy Terms.

Fancy a pint? The sign is a beautiful blushing bottom, freshly spanked, it swings on squeaky chains on a creaking oak bracket. The serving wenches serve with their bare bottoms on show, and get smacks all day long, lovely smiling, pleasantly voiced girls, who love a good smack on the rump.

Personal Services If you wish to exchange or sell your equipment, or are a professional sumissive or Dom me , please advertise here. Wright S v Williams Tyrer v. Main article: School corporal punishment. About the Site Announcements, requests, complaints and compliments go here. In Slovenia , there is a jocular tradition that anyone who succeeds in climbing to the top of Mount Triglav receives a spanking or birching. About You. In North America , the word "spanking" has often been used as a synonym for an official paddling in school, [6] and sometimes even as a euphemism for the formal corporal punishment of adults in an institution. American Medical Association. Besides, British sexual reticence is its own false stereotype. In Poland there is a tradition named Pasowanie , which is celebrated on the 18th birthday. In British English , most dictionaries define "spanking" as being given only with the open hand. Read Edit View history. Please consider supporting the ste before you post here. Independent Online. New York: Routledge.

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