british swim school

British swim school

Everyone info. Our philosophy has always been to bring a fun, gentle approach to help our students love the water. Our swim instructors have thorough training in our very special program.

We're hiring! To learn how you can become a member of the British Swim School team, click here. We teach more than swimming lessons. We teach water survival. We are the premier learn-to-swim provider for people of all ages, offering programs for children ages 3-months through adults.

British swim school

Home First Name. Home Last Name. Home Email Name. Home Phone Name. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus. What is the British Swim School Franchise? British Swim School is a franchise dedicated to providing an opportunity for children to learn how to swim, no matter what age. Our lessons have been proven to prevent child drownings by utilizing one-of-a-kind techniques taught by experienced instructors. As a franchise owner, you never have to get wet or teach a lesson unless you want to. We rent pools and find you water, so there are no costs for buildout, maintenance, or upkeep. Why British Swim School? Hear from Our Franchise Owners Our mantra, "Survival of the Littlest" not only applies to our program aimed at enabling the very young to survive a water accident. It reflects the growing number of British Swim School Franchise Owners many of whom began their journey as entrepreneurs with only limited investment capital, and who are now multi-unit successful business owners. Find out more about how saving lives of little ones, can create better lives for business owners and how fast it's possible to make a big difference! Your browser does not support HTML5 video.

Why British Swim School? Buzz Franchise Brands currently operates a pool cleaning and maintenance company, Pool Scouts, and a residential cleaning company, Home Clean Heroes.

For over 40 years , British Swim School has been dedicated to teaching water survival skills to children as young as three months old. British Swim School was founded in with unique and highly effective teaching methods that are a recognized trademark of the brand. In April , multi-brand franchising organization, Buzz Franchise Brands , became the majority owner of British Swim School but our mission has never changed. British Swim School is headquartered in Virginia Beach, VA and is a franchise organization currently operating over schools across the U. There are tremendous franchise opportunities available located nationwide!

Conveniently located in the heart of downtown Towson. Within walking distance of dining, shopping and entertainment. Parking garage is attached to building and free validated parking is offered. Check out our open positions by clicking here. Take our swim assessment to match you or your child with the best option based on age and skill level.

British swim school

Swimming lessons teach important skills that benefit safety and health. Plus, swimming is a low-impact physical activity that can promote well-being and fun. Children can benefit from reduced stress levels, increased confidence, and improved focus and concentration. This comprehensive resource provides guidance for parents and tips to make the most of your swimming lesson. By learning to swim, your child can enjoy lifelong benefits and even gain life-saving skills! We use the tried-and-true British Swim School methods to help adults feel at ease and safe while learning to swim. Starting swimming lessons at a young age, even as early as 3 months old, has many advantages. It can foster a love for the water and teach essential safety skills that could save their life.

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We teach water survival. Our app provides up-to-date information on practice swims and fun events, and allows you to register directly from your phone or tablet. Why Choose British Swim School? No data shared with third parties Learn more about how developers declare sharing. Their three main focuses are to educate, connect and inspire. In April , multi-brand franchising organization, Buzz Franchise Brands , became the majority owner of British Swim School but our mission has never changed. You can request that data be deleted. Together, we aim to significantly reduce the number of drowning incidents, not only in North America but around the world. We're hiring! Our lessons have been proven to prevent child drownings by utilizing one-of-a-kind techniques taught by experienced instructors. We offer swimming lessons for babies, children, and adults. It reflects the growing number of British Swim School Franchise Owners many of whom began their journey as entrepreneurs with only limited investment capital, and who are now multi-unit successful business owners. Home About. All classes listed on the app are up to the minute and accurate. To learn how you can become a member of the British Swim School team, click here.

Our parent and baby swim lessons will involve a lot of singing and water play, allowing your child to freely and independently explore the water environment. Swimboree lessons will build from the Tadpole level, allowing your little ones to begin learning water survival skills.

This app may collect these data types Personal info, Financial info and 2 others. Join Our Team. Our lessons have been proven to prevent child drownings by utilizing one-of-a-kind techniques taught by experienced instructors. Their three main focuses are to educate, connect and inspire. Jun Find a Pool. Hear from Our Franchise Owners Our mantra, "Survival of the Littlest" not only applies to our program aimed at enabling the very young to survive a water accident. Love the school but app is horrible. Swim Angelfish: Swim Angelfish is the global leader in adaptive swim instruction. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Together, we aim to significantly reduce the number of drowning incidents, not only in North America but around the world. Data is encrypted in transit.

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