buenos días jueves divertido

Buenos días jueves divertido

Imagen inicial: Shutterstock. Aunque debo reconocer que algunas no las entiendo, otras me hacen gracia y con otras me parto!!!

Bienvenido a la magia matutina. Estas frases cortas aportan una dosis de positividad sin robarte demasiado tiempo. Difunde positividad y buenas vibraciones con estos mensajes edificantes. Haz referencia a algo que le guste a la persona: Menciona su color favorito, su comida preferida o una actividad que disfrute. Expresa tu afecto: Dile lo mucho que la quieres o lo importante que es para ti.

Buenos días jueves divertido

Moderator: Stasia. Post by dakanga » Sun Apr 16, pm. I think this is ready for my aproval, but it may take me a week to be able to Good Morning Priti is so tired that she accidentally puts salt instead of sugar in her coffee. A Date Bea hits it off with a guy during a blind date. Then, they realize that they're both supposed to meet other people that night. When Bea's date's actual date arrives, he lies to her to continue spending time with Bea. One Thing Lucy is going to the supermarket, so Lin asks if she can get one thing for her. But soon, Lin starts asking for many more things. Lucy tells her to go to the supermarket herself. The Red Jacket Zari found the jacket of her dreams, but it's super expensive. She tells Lily that she knows the perfect birthday present for her. Lily cuts her off and says, "Yes, a cheap jacket. The Passport Vikram is at the airport when he notices he doesn't have his passport. He checks everywhere before he realizes that it's in his hand.

I Need a New Video Game Junior says he "needs" a video game at the mall, and Eddy refuses to buy it, telling him he only wants it and he doesn't need it. Can You Take My Picture? Me quedo con eso sobre todo.


Antes de empezar a utilizar frases chistosas y graciosas, es importante entender a tu audiencia. Considera las experiencias compartidas, intereses y chistes internos al seleccionar o crear tus frases. Puedes publicarlas en tu muro, enviarlas en un mensaje directo, o incluso usarlas en tu historia de Instagram. Asegurate de usar hashtags relevantes para aumentar su visibilidad. Aunque estas frases pueden ser divertidas, es importante no abusar de ellas. Es hora de despertar y brillar como el sol. A menos que seas una patata, en ese caso, me disculpo por haberte despertado. No te lo voy a decir, es un secreto muy bien guardado. Pero puedo darte una pista: comienza con una sonrisa y termina con una carcajada.

Buenos días jueves divertido

Si de amor se trata, no hay excusa para decirle a esa persona lo importante que es para ti y lo mucho que te importa. Extendamos el apoyo que tanto caracteriza estas relaciones con hermosos mensajes que la fortalezcan. No siempre puedes ser inspirador o motivacional, a veces se necesita hacer uso del buen humor para extender nuestros saludos a familiares o conocidos. Feliz jueves mi amor Si de amor se trata, no hay excusa para decirle a esa persona lo importante que es para ti y lo mucho que te importa. Te amo. Feliz jueves. Buenas noches.

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The Basketball Player Vikram and Priti see a famous basketball player at the supermarket. At a restaurant, Junior says he wants a coffee with lots of milk, sugar, and some ice cream. Pero si solo hace dos horas del accidente. The Garden While Vikram is visiting his sick grandmother in the hospital, she tells him that she misses being outside in her garden. She's totally prepared, but she just needs one thing… money for a plane ticket. He checks everywhere before he realizes that it's in his hand. His dad agrees, as long as Junior does a bunch of housework to show that he's responsible and can handle the work involved with having a dog. Toque la piedra… El suavizando te Mercadona es muy bueno. After weighing the pros and cons, the lunch lady tells Junior that he can just have both side dishes. And it's dollars. No toque. He declines to go home and rest because he has a date later.


He has to choose the side dish to go with his lunch and is overwhelmed by this decision. The Basketball Player Vikram and Priti see a famous basketball player at the supermarket. Then, a janitor comes and takes a bite of the sandwich because it's not actually art, it's his lunch. He says it's because she's very old and the report is about dinosaurs. Difunde positividad y buenas vibraciones con estos mensajes edificantes. The Perfect Girlfriend Lin sees her friend in the train station with a woman. Imagen inicial: Shutterstock. Muy gracioso. When Eddy shows up at the airport, Junior reveals that he's trying to leave the country to avoid a math test. Los abogados estamos para servir. She must know some dinosaurs, right?

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